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出入境检验检疫 Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine

中国检验检疫 CIQ China Inspection & Quarantine

国家质量监督检验检疫总局 AQSIQ(General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection & Quarantine)

签证当局 Certifying(Iuing)Authority

原产地证书 Certificate of Origin

中华人民共和国原产地证明书 Certificate of Origin of the People's Republic of China

普惠制原产地证书格式A Generalized System of Preferential Tariff Certificate of Origin Form A 中国-东盟自贸区优惠关税原产地证明书 ASEAN-CHINA Free Trade Area Prefential Tariff Certificate of Origin Form A

享受中国-东盟自贸区优惠关税待遇 Preferential Treatment Given Under ASEAN-CHINA Free Trade Area Preferential Tariff

中巴自贸区原产地证书 Certificate of Origin China-Pakistan

输欧盟农产品原产地证书 Certificate of Origin for Import of Agricultural Products into the European Economic Community

转口证书 Certificate of Re-export

签发 iue

签发日期 iuing date

一式两份 duplicate

一式三份 triplicate

一式四份 quadruplicate

有效的 valid

有效期 valid time

无效的 invalid

申请 application

申请人 applicant

申请人姓名 signature of applicant

原产地书申请书 Application Form for Certificate of Origin

(注册)登记证书 Certificate of Registry

原产国 Country of Origin

加工证书 Certificate of Proceing

未加工证明 Certificate of Non-Manipulation

真实性证书 Certificate of Authenticity

出口商名称、地址、国家 Goods Consigned From(Exporter's Busine Name,Adre,Country)收货人的名称、地址、国家 Goods Consigned to(Consigne's Busine Name,Adre,Country)运输方式及路线 Means of Transport and Route

从杭州空运到香港,再转运(海运)到汉堡 From Hangzhou to Hong Kong by air thence tranhipped to Hamburg by sea

从杭州经香港转运到汉堡(海运),再转运至瑞士From Hangzhou to Hamburg by veel via Hong Kong, in transit to Switzerland

仅供官方使用 For Official Use Only

商品顺序号 Item Number

唛头及包装号 Marks and Numbers of Package

包装数量及种类,商品的名称 Number and Kind of Package;Discription of Goods

原产地标准 Origin Criterion

毛重或其他数量 Gro Weight or Other Quantity

发票号码及日期 Number and Date of Invoice

(签证当局的)证明 Certification

出口商的申明 Declaretion by the Exporter

离港日期 Departure Date

船舶名称/飞机等 Veel's Name/Aircraft etc.卸货港口 Port of Discharge

离境日期 Departure Date

船/飞机/火车/车辆号 Veel/Flight/Train/Vehicle No

装运港 Port of Loading

卸货港 Port of Discharge

目的国 Country/Region of Destination

HS编码 H.S Code

数量 Quantity


证书的真实性及准确性 authenticity and acuracy of the certificate

调查与核实 investigation and verification

事后核查 subsequent verification

直接运输 direct consignment

直运规则 a rule of direct consignment

联运提单 a through bill of lading

商业发票 commercial invoice

发货通知单 dispatch note

书面证明 documentary evidence

复本 duplicate

发票声明 invoice declaration

替代证书replacement certificate

后发 retrospective iuance

世界贸易组织 WTO(the World Trade Organization)

联合国贸易与发展会议(贸发会议)United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD)

欧洲联盟(欧盟)European Union

东南亚国家联盟 Aociation of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN)

曼谷协定 Bankok Agreement

亚太贸易协定 the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement

金伯利进程 KimberyProce

自由贸易区 Free Trade Arragement(FTA)

优惠贸易安排 Preferential Trade Arrangement(PTA)

双边协定 bilateral agreement(bilateral protocol)

双边贸易 bilateral trade

多边贸易 multilateral trade

多边贸易谈判 multilatral trade negotiation

正常贸易关系 Normal Trade Relation(ntr)

优惠关税待遇 preferential tariff treatment

非优惠产品 non-prederentially granted products

关税 customs duties

关税优惠 tariff preference

非关税壁垒 non-tariffbarriers

免税待遇 duty-free treatment

减税 duty-reduction

免税,零关税 zero of duty(duty free)

优惠额度 preferential amount

优惠减让 preferetial conceion

优惠幅度 preferential margin

一般税率(普通税率)general tariff(GT)

普惠制税率 GSP tariff rate

最惠国税率MFN tariff rate

最惠国待遇 Most Favored-Nation(MFN)Status

给惠国 preference-giving countries

给惠产品范围 product coverage

受惠国 preference-receiving countries(beneficiary countries)

原产地规则 rule of origin

非优惠性原产地规则 non-preferential rules of origin

优惠性原产地规则 preferential rules of origin

完全原产品 wholly-obtained(home-made)products

获得原产产品资格 acquire the character of originating products

获得原产资格 acquisition of originating status

非原产的 non-originating

非原产品 non-originating products

品目号改变规则 heading change rule

出厂价格 ex-factory price

工厂成本价 factory or works cost

最终加工工序 final proce of manufacture

百分比标准 percentage criterion

增值标准 value-added criterion

区域性累计 regional cumulation

给惠国成分 preference-giving country(donor)content

产品特定的原产地规则 product specific rules of origin

含有进口成分的产品 products with imported contents

加工标准 proceing criterion

实质性改变 substantial transformation

充分的制作或加工 sufficient working or proceing

微小加工/处理 minimal operation/proce

中性成分 neutral elements

成品 finished products

产品组 group of products

手工艺品/手工制品 hand-made articles/crafts

农产品 agricultural products

工业品 industrial products

工业原材料 industrial raw material

国内生产总值 Gro Domestic Product(GDP)

国民生产总值 Gro National Product(GNP)

协调制度 harmonized system

HS品目号 HS heading No.税则号 tariff heading

商品名称与编码协调制度 the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System(HS)法定注释 legal notes

次类 section

章 chapter

分章 sub-chapter

爱词霸-每日一句:Good or bad we must all live.


C/O 编辑简介C/O为CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN的简称,意思为“原产地证书”,以下为具体内容。目录1作用 2类型 3申请 4主要内容 5填写 6更改重发1作用编辑原产地证明书(CERTIFICATE......


1.certificate of origin of China showing 中国产地证明书 stating 证明 evidencing 列明 specifying 说明 indicating 表明 declaration of 声明2.certificate of Chinese o......


附表2原产地证书格式* A Certificate of Origin under China-Chile Free Trade Agreement shall be valid for one year from the date of iue in the exporting country.4O......






