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全身反应法(TPR,TotalPhysicalResponse)是美国心理学家詹姆士·阿歇尔(J.T.Asher)于20世纪60年代提出的。这种方法倡导把言语和行为联系在一起,通过身体动作教授外语。教师先把教学内容设计成一系列指令式语言项目,然后让学生对这些项目用身体作出反应。Total Physical Response was proposed by the American psychologist J.T.Asher in 1960s.The method advocates to connect speech with behavior and to teach foreign language by body language.The teacher firstly design the content of courses into a series of instructions type language items, then make students react to those projects.1.教学原则:Teaching principles:

(1)听力理解领先。首先培养学生的听力理解能力,然后再要求学生用口语表达。(1)Listening comprehension comes first.Firstly, we need to develop students’ abilities of listening comprehension.Then we can require them to expre vocally.(2)全身动作是发展理解性能力的关键。

(2)The whole body action is the key to the development of understanding ability

(3)学生应通过身体对语言的反应动作来提高理解力。这种身体反应应由教师用有计划的指令来控制。学生根据教师的指令做出相应的动作,从而感知并理解掌握语言。研究表明,教师通过娴熟地运用指令,可以使学生学到大部分目标语言的语法结构和成百的词汇。(3)Students can improve their comprehension abilities by responding to the language through their body language.This response should directed by the planned order.They respond according to the teacher’s order so that they can percept, understand and master the language.Some researches show that students can learn most part of the grammatical structure of the targeting language and hundreds of vocabulary under the teacher’s skilled use of the order.(4)允许学生在预先做好准备的情况下发言。教师不应强迫学生发言。学生通过对听到的语言材料的理解,内化了目标语言的认知结构,到一定时候自然会开口说话。

(4)Let the student speak when they are well prepared.Teachers should not enforce the student to speak.The student will naturally lip up his voice when they comprehend the language materials and internalize the cognitive structure of the targeting language.2.教学程序

2.Teaching procedures(1)演示,教师一边发指令,一边做示范动作,学生只做动作,不说话。(1)to demonstrate.The teacher performs the demonstration action while sending instructions.The student does what the teacher tells them to do without any talking.(2)教师只说不做,要求学生按指令做相应的动作。(2)The teacher tells students to do the homologous action instead of doing the action.(3)教师将新旧指令混在一起发布,同时做示范动作,让学生边听边做。

(3)The teacher mixes the old orders with new ones and performs the demonstration action to make students do the action while listening.(4)教师将新旧指令混在一起发布,不做示范,让学生按指令做动作。

(4)The teacher mixes old orders with new ones, but does not perform the order but let the student make action according to his order.(5)某个学生发指令,教师和其他学生按指令做出反应。

(5)Let a student make order, the teacher can react to the order with students.3.主要优点

3.The main advantages:


(1)It can gasp the student’s attention at once, and absorb them in joining activities.It helps them to learn English through practical experience.②它能够提供一个与实际生活紧密相连的学习环境,使学生在多种多样的活动中、在循环反复的练习中学会英语。

(2)It can provide a learning circumstance which well linked to the practical life.It helps students to learn English from diversified activities and recycling exercises.③协调学生的左、右脑,有助于学生的左脑发展以及语言学习的成效。

(3)To coordinate the students’ left and right brain which help to improve the development of their left brain and the efficiency of their language study.④主张以句了为教学单位,整句学、整句用,重视语言内容和意义,有利于培养学生实际运川语言进行交际的能力。

(4)Advocate beginning with sentences, such as to learn the whole sentence and to use it, to focus on the content and the meaning of the language.It can develop students’ ability of communicating with practical language.4.TPR教学法也存在着一些不足: 4.TPR also has some disadvantages:

1、TPR动作及言语大都是简单的活动,不可能单靠它学习较深的内容。1.The action and the speech of TPR are quite simple, we cannot acquire deeper content by it.2、TPR教学中包含了大量的游戏活动、角色表演、小组竞赛等,很难配合好课堂的教学管理。

2, TPR includes a large number of game activities, role playing, Group Competition and so on.Which are difficult to well cooperate with the teaching management.3、典型的教师中心论。教师拼命的说,就意味着把有限的,宝贵的外语教学课堂时间都让老师‘说’掉了,学生就没有时间‘练’了。3, It’s a typical teacher-centered theory.The teacher keeps on talking which would result in a waste of the limited and precious teaching cla time of the foreign language study, and the student have on time to practice.教师在编写一个以全身反应教学法为基础的教案时,首先应该有一个完整的构思,设计好全部的步骤,然后把每个步骤按先后顺序—一写下来。下面提供几个指导性的问题,供教师编写教案时参考: ①是否把活动的全部步骤都考虑到了、都包括进来了? ②在一个活动中,包含的步骤是否过多?(一般来说,一个活动中有六到八个步骤就够了。再多的话,可以一分为二)③每个步骤的指令是否简短明了? ④如何示范、怎样演示活动过程? ⑤是否需要使用教具或预先做一些特别的准备工作? 在编写指令时,关键是要把握先后顺序,本着听力先行的原则。













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