Wuthering Heights , It depicts an abnormal picture of social life for people and deeply outline the human nature which has been distorted by the unbalanced society.It also includes the hatred to betrary for love and
a series of terrifying events.The whole story contains four parts :The first section is to describe the happy childhood between Heathcliff and Catherine ,including their peculiar relationship in a condition out of the ordinary.And the second part emphasizes on Catherine who abandons their affections because of her vanity and ignorance.Finally ,she becomes the hoste of Thrush Heights.In the third section ,the author mainly and largely depicts Heathcliff who and how alerts his hatred to concrete stratagems and actions in deep despair.The last part ,it just refers to the death of Heathcliff ,but highlightly reveals the new change in his mind-----------the recovering human nature.It contributes to a delighting light in the love tragedy with the terrifying air.It also reflects the spirit of humanity of the author.On the other hand ,Wuthering Heights which is regarded as “The most peculiar novel ” in the literature history of British depends on that it is different from the other contemporary works filled with the sentimental tone.On the contrary ,it depicts the strong love and violent hatred along with a series of ferocious revenges ,shocking the spirit of man.---Jane is ,,,`s maiden book which was written in her writing career in a period of the greatest prosperity.love story is the main content of this novel which deeply depicts the firmne,courage and
persistence of the young woman whose name is Jane.Jane is a woman who is different from the other women in that times.she met many sufferings which included the death of her parents and uncle ,when she was a child.what`s worse ,she also had to confront the humiliation.she lived an painful childhood,including the abuse from her vicious aunt.But these bitter experiences didn`t intimidate the young woman.On the contrary , they not only strengthen her will ,but also improve her revolted spirit.In the whole novel ,her behaviors fully expre her firm personality which is so strong.Heathcliff and Jane both tenaciously struggled with the unfair fate ,but they confronted it in two kinds of different ways.Heathcliff lived with the powerful hatredso that his purpose is to wipe out the humiliation.It is the time that he lost the back of spirit when he has achieved his aim.At that point ,it is no sense for him of living.But for the love story of this book called Jane , Jane profoundly understood the dignity which is not based on such revenges.she behaved freely and she is a woman with the honest,noble and pure mind.Even though facing the great love and a fine life ,she still insisted her fair dignity.At the same time ,she accepted her loved one who lost his wealth and still chose to marry with him when he went blind.In the end ,she luckily found out her true love.2009级英语师范系11班:袁兴林
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