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Part One: Questions 1-20
Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.(在下列各题中选择一个最佳答案填空。)20%
1.Selling appliances and ______ them keep him busy.A.to repair
C.repairing B.repaired D.repair
2.Customers are very angry ______ the delay of the ordered goods.A.with
C.to B.at D.from
3.The television set that I ordered two months ago arrived today badly ______.A.breaking
C.damaging B.broke D.damaged
4.The foreign partner did not fulfill our order, ______.A.so did it intend to
C.nor it intended to B.nor did it intend to D.so it intended to
5.______ it is wise to invest in the new project is being discued.A.Whether
C.Weather B.If D.What
6.We regret ______ you that our research department will no longer provide services.A.informed
C.to inform B.inform D.informing
7.A resolution on employee representation is ______ for a vote tomorrow afternoon.A.presented
C.presenting B.to present D.to be presented
8.In socialist and capitalist economies ______, increasing numbers of highly qualified workers are unable to find jobs that require their skills and training.第 1 页
C.likely D.liking
9.The turnover of the company in the second quarter was ______ that of the corresponding period last year.A.the same as
C.more as B.as much than D.the same with
10.It is not advisable that one ______ beyond one’s means.A.lived
C.lives B.is living D.live
11.______, the more likely you may come to a right solution.A.You more thoroughly consider a problem
B.Most thoroughly a problem you consider
C.The most thoroughly you consider a problem
D.The more thoroughly you consider a problem
12.Doctors recommend that everyone exercise every day, particularly those who spend many hours ______ sedentary work.A.to do
C.do B.doing D.done
13.If Mr.Li ______ Managing Director, the company would have been collapsed.A.would be
C.is B.were D.had been
14.We have till now ______ as many as 30 anti-dumping suits against foreign exporters.A.aroused
C.raised B.rose D.risen
15.______ you mentioned in your letter in connection with the question of agency has had our attention.A.What
C.When B.That D.Which
16.We wish to know the port ______ the transhipment will be made.A.which
C.where B.at that D.when
17.The company is making a market investigation in order to obtain ______ as poible.A.as many information
C.as much information B.as many informations D.as much informations
18.______ generalists, busine also needs specialists.A.Beside B.Besides
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19.The computer will ______ in this department.A.remain permanently
C.remind permanently
20.The engine of your car needs ______.A.to clean
Part Two: Questions 21-30 B.remain permanent D.remind permanent B.clean D.cleaned
There is one mistake in each of the following questions.Detect and correct the mistakes.Write your corrections together with the mistakes on the answer sheet.(下列每句各有一个错误,找出错误并改正。请将错误及改正写在答题纸上。)20%
Example: Who’s taking care the dog while you’re away?
taking care → taking care of
21.Countries that neglect an education will be severely restrained in economic development.22.The shelfs of merchandise are so arranged as to attract housewives.23.No one made more profit in that transaction than him.24.The machine is cost-effective because it has higher productivity, greater versatility and easier to use.25.Office stationery may be very expensive depend on the quality of paper and printing prices.26.The home-made machine is superior than the imported one in many aspects.27.Our trading partner is very tough in the negotiation that it is unlikely to reach an agreement soon.28.Despite there are ten managers, only the Managing Director has the decision-making power.29.It is well know that Chinese table-cloths are exquisitely made and moderately priced.30.Which articles are more marketable in those countries are important to us.Part Three: Questions 31-40
Write logical sentences with the words and phrases given.(用所给的词和短语写出符合逻辑的句子。)10%
31.and to boost / products of / it is important / marketing promotions / high quality / both to maintain
32.by a product / from its manufacturer / any person / is injured / may recover damages / who
33.our correspondence / paper shortage / forced us / has / to limit
34.met / sales territories / to discu / the distribution of / the regional managers
35.for 110% of / to be covered / against All Risks / insurance is / by the seller / the invoice value
36.that we / conceion in price / it has been / any further / cannot make / made clear
37.that most workers / financial rewards / it was / offering / were in favor of / an incentive scheme
38.you understand / to leave the company / my position / although / I am sure / I am reluctant
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39.is omitted / in the communication / if / misunderstanding / an important detail / may occur
40.in a job / for further studies too / wants to / but she / Karen is interested / go abroad
Part Four: Questions 41-50
Each of the following sentences contains one punctuation error.One punctuation in each is either miing or misused.Detect the error and write the miing punctuation or your correction together with the word before the punctuation on the answer sheet.(下面每句都有一个标点符号错误,该用标点处未用标点或标点符号用错。改正错误或补写标点,并将其与前面的一个单词一起填写在答题纸上。)10%
Example: A.What a nice present you gave me.B.You think you are right don’t you?
41.A ten day leave was granted to Mr.Selmer.42.This work order must be completed by Friday;therefore you may have to work late Thursday.43.The ability to communicate is eential, the ability to communicate on the job is critical.44.I don’t know where Mr.Lacey is?
45.Friday, July 1;Friday, July 8;and Friday, July 15, are all poible dates for conducting the balloting.46.Radio Times carries details of all B.B.C.TV and radio programmes.47.Our usual terms of payment are by letter of credit available by sight draft。
48.What do you know about the specifications of the trip sciors.49.These womens’ garments are newly designed and quite in style.50.Stallions yield the highest prices;but mares can also be extremely expensive.Part Five: Memo Writing
Write a memo in about 50 words.(写一份50个单词左右的备忘录。)15%
51.You are Jim White, the president of the company.You’ve just received a letter from AB Company praising a clerk, Sun Green, for his good work.The sales manager of AB Company Mr.William said Sun Green is efficient and friendly and he enjoys doing busine with Sun.Write a memo to Sun Green to congratulate him and thank him for working hard, and invite him to lunch next week.Part Six: Letter Writing
Write a letter in 130-150 words.(写一封字数为130-150的信函。)25%
第 4 页
公文写作与处理试题 1.例文《××市国家税务局关于印发的通知》正文是:"现将《××市国家税务局金税工程考核暂行办法》印发你们,请遵照执行。"由此可以将该通知归类于 () A......
一、填空题 1、写作的作用有_是记载和传播信息的重要手段、_是现代人必备的基本素质、_是人生事业的组成部分、_可以开发人的智能。2、写作的行为特点有_个体性_、_创造性__......
一、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)。 1.狭义的写作通常是指( 作家)的写作。2.写作活动的缘起不外乎缘情而作、因事而作或( 受命而作 )。(授) 3.( 商籁体 ),即十四行诗,是流传于......
关系型话题作文写作__________郯城美澳学校作文写作研讨序列(2) 23.阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。(60分) 一个富人去请教一位哲学家,问为什么自己有钱以后很多人不喜欢他了。......