2012-10-16 来源:WSJ
Can US Universities Stay On Top?
在印度最好的工程学府之一印度理工学院(Indian Institute of Technology)的德里分校,我们见到了21岁的施拉姆(Shriram)。他在48.5万名参加了该校入学考试的考生中,排名第十九位。我们管他叫第十九先生。这所学院的入学考试对考生要求极高。
中国和印度还有多长的路要走?在波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting Group,简称BCG),我们开发了一套新的排名系统,对各国的教育竞争力进行比较,我们称之为BCG E4指数。这套排名基于四个E:Expenditure(开支,即政府和家庭用于教育方面的投入水平);enrollment(人数,即在校就读的学生人数);engineers(工程设计人才,即进入就业大军的合格工程设计人才数量);eliteinstitution(精英学府,即在全球高等教育院校中名列前茅的学校数量)。
目前整体而言,美国大学在给学生提供就业准备方面,做得最好。世界经济论坛(WorldEconomic Forum)预计,美国81%的工程专业毕业生可以立刻胜任工作,而只有25%的印度毕业生做得到这一点,中国的这个比例是10%。中国某大学的系主任对我们说,“中国学生能够照猫画虎地解决一个问题,但一旦需要独创的思维和自己的发明创造时,我们就没辙了。我们正在非常努力地弥补这个不足,我们正努力让我们的理工科教育成为解决问题的基础。”
在中国,成立于1898年的北京大学(PekingUniversity)整体实力在国内名列前茅。一位北大的学生以极其严肃的口吻告诉我们,“要能在图书馆占到位子那你运气够好。哪怕是凌晨三点,你在那里都找不到空位。” 目前,北京大学是中国的九校联盟之一,九校联盟是中国借鉴美国常青藤盟校模式、于2009年建立的学校联盟。其目的在于通过九大资金雄厚之院校的合作,吸引到最好的学生和教师。最近,这些院校每家从政府那里得到了2.7亿美元的资金,他们还在吸引“海归”(即那些在海外拿到博士学位的中国学子)回来领导这场中国的文艺复兴,给海归的回迁红包高达15万美元。
印度大学资金不足的一个原因在于,印度中央政府拿出来的教育经费相对较少,只占教育总开支的15%。印度28个邦的教育开支则因富庶程度和基础设施情况而异,悬殊很大。不过,同中国不一样,印度的私立教育系统很发达,私立学校有近20万家,还有1.7万所私立大学。世界银行(World Bank)和私人投资者正源源不断地将数十亿美元投入印度的教育领域,而印度政府也计划进一步发展壮大印度最知名的综合性大学以及社区院校。当前这个五年计划中建议将教育领域的投资提高到180多亿美元。
At the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi--one of thebest engineering academies in the country--we metShriram, a 21-year-old man who ranked 19 out of485,000 on the school's very demanding entranceexam.We call him Mr.Number 19.Shriram can tell you the date and time when he found outhis test results.The exam--and the preparation for it--dominated his teenage years.He was singled out as a'big talent' at an early age, with an aptitude formathematics and science.To get ready for the IITentrance exam, he enrolled at a private coachinginstitute that prepares students with aggreive drilling inthe major testing areas--physics, chemistry and math.Over those two years, Shriram estimates that he studied90 hours every week.When Shriram arrived at the IIT, he found a cla filledwith academic superstars.The faculty has highexpectations.On the first math exam, his freshman clareceived an average grade of 30%.Shriram did poorlytoo but soon bounced back, sacrificing sleep so that hecould study.'All my life I wanted to be here,' he says.'Iknew that if I could go to IIT, major in engineering, workand study hard, my life would be perfect.I would marry abeautiful girl, start a company, help my country advanceand deliver on my family's hopes and dreams.'
Both India and China have intense national testingprograms to find the brightest students for their eliteuniversities.The competition, the preparation and thenational anxiety about the outcomes make the SATtesting programs in the U.S.seem like the minor leagues.The stakes are higher in China and India.The 'chosenones'--those who rank in the top 1%
--get their choiceof university, putting them on a path to fast-track careers,higher incomes and all the benefits of an upper-middle-cla life.The system doesn't work so well for the other 99%.There are nearly 40 million university students in Chinaand India.Most attend institutions that churn out studentsat low cost.Students complain that their education is'factory style' and 'uninspired.' Employers complain thatmany graduates need remedial training before they arefully employable.For now, the system is still far ahead.Butover the next decade, there will be a global competitionto educate the next generation, and China and India havethe potential to change the balance of power.With largepools of qualified students coming of age, the twocountries have made reforming their universities a toppriority.How far do they have to go? At the Boston ConsultingGroup, we have developed a new ranking to determinethe educational competitivene of countries: the BCGE4 Index.It is based on four Es: Expenditure(the level ofinvestment in education by government and privatehouseholds);enrollment(the number of students in theeducational system);engineers(the number of qualifiedengineers entering the workforce), and elite institutions(the number of top global higher-education institutions).The U.S.and the U.K.are ranked first and second,driven by raw spending, their dominance in globallyranked universities and engineering graduation rates.China ranks third and India fifth, largely on enrollment(Germany is fourth).The reasons for U.S.supremacy areclear: For one, it spends the most money on education,disbursing $980 billion annually, or twice as much asChina and five times as much as India.It is also the mostengineer-intensive country, with 981 engineering degreesper million citizens, compared with 553 for China and 197for India.American universities currently do a better job overall atpreparing students for the workforce.The WorldEconomic Forum estimates that 81% of U.S.engineeringgraduates are immediately 'employable,' while only 25%of Indian graduates and 10% of Chinese graduates areequally well prepared.'Chinese students can swarm aproblem,' a dean at a major Chinese university told us.'But when it comes to original thought and invention, westumble.We are trying hard to make that up.We aretrying to make technical education the grounding fromwhich we solve problems.'
In China, Peking University, founded in 1898, is generallyranked as the country's top school.One student theretold us in a very serious tone:
'Good luck finding a placein the library.You can't find a seat even at three in themorning.' Peking University is now part of an effort launched in2009 to create a Chinese counterpart to the Ivies--calledthe C9 League.The objective is to attract the bestgraduates and faculty with an array of super-fundedinstitutions.The schools recently received $270 millioneach in government funding, and they are also drawingback 'sea turtles'
--Chinese Ph.D.s from abroad--to leadthe renaiance, with relocation bonuses as high as$150,000.Though the C9 schools have the greatest potential tobreak into the global elite, Chinese officials also identified100 key universities at the next level, where they haveinvested a total of $2.8 billion.The difference in student quality between these tiers isoften insignificant.The Gaokao is China's nationaleducational test, given to 10 million secondary studentsto determine their rank and placement at university.Thetop scorers become national celebrities.But critics saythat the test's emphasis on memorization, fact recall andproceing speed can determine college admiions tooarbitrarily.'I did not feel well the day of the test,' onerecent graduate told us.'As a result I placed in the top10%, not good enough to get into the C9.I felt like mylife was over.'
Compared with China, India has farther to go.A seniordean at IIT Delhi said that he deals daily with shortagesof equipment, poor pay for teachers and quotas thatsometimes put students who can't read or speak Englishin the claroom.(The quotas are meant as a remedy forthe caste system.)
'We are underfunded, we have toofew Ph.D.s on faculty, and we have a fifth of ourenrollment taken by quota with no remedial programs,'he lamented in his hot, open office.One of the reasons for the underfunding is the relativeweakne of India's central government, which accountsfor only 15% of total expenditure on education.The 28states that account for the balance vary greatly by wealthand infrastructure.But unlike China, India has significantprivate education, with nearly 200,000 private schoolsand 17,000 private colleges.The World Bank and privateinvestors are pouring billions of dollars into educationthere, and the government plans to expand its best-known universities, as well as community colleges.Thecurrent five-year plan proposes higher-educationinvestments of more than $18 billion.Even with the current push, the combinedhigher-education resources of India and China will justbegin to match the $32 billion endowment of Harvardalone.But succe in these countries is based as much onattitude as on funds.The IIT's Mr.Number 19 representsa generation of driven, talented students who are intenton improving their lives.In one student's room at PekingUniversity, the commitment to advancement is summedup with a phrase on a poster board: 'If you work hardenough, you can grind an iron rod into a needle.
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