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On the west coast of the Pacific, the City of Qingdao is at the center of the coastline in North China, standing for a node on the Economic Corridor of New Eurasia Continental Bridge and a pivot for “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”.百年青岛百年港。青岛港开埠于1892年,至今已走过了120多年的历程。Development of the City can be traced back to the opening of the port over a century ago.Established in 1892, Port of Qingdao has a history over 120 years.当蓝色的汛风从这里掠过太平洋吹向世界时,历百年而弥新的青岛港正不断迎接时代的挑战和召唤,迈出转型跨越的步伐。

While the wind sweeps from Qingdao acro the Pacific to the rest of the world, Port of Qingdao, answering to the calls of the era, is entering into a period of transformation.四大港区 打造增长极 Power Engine of 4 Port Areas


Port of Qingdao consists of four port areas, namely Dagang Port Area, Huangdao Oil Port Area, Qianwan Port area, and Dongjiakou Port Area.The port boasts the world’s largest dedicated deep-water terminals for 19,000TEU container ship, 450,000DWT VLCC, 400,000DWT VLOC, and 100,000DWT coal veel.青岛港是目前全球最大的综合性港口之一,货物吞吐量和集装箱吞吐量均位居世界第七位,是中国第二大外贸口岸。多年来,青岛港的经营绩效一直保持稳健增长。

Port of Qingdao is one of the world’s largest comprehensive ports, with total throughput and container volume both ranking world’s No.7.It is also China’s second largest port for international trade.Over the past decades, the port has maintained a steady growth.青岛港大港港区面积为3.3平方公里,主要从事件杂货作业。目前正按照青岛市的规划,建设世界级邮轮母港城,加快老港区的转型升级。

According to the plan of Qingdao municipality, the 3.3-square-kilometer Dagang Port Area, mainly handling general cargo, is now under transformation and will be established as a world-cla cruise home port.前湾港区面积为12平方公里,主要从事集装箱业务和矿煤干散货业务。集装箱业务拥有专用泊位21个,泊位最大水深-20米,可满足世界最大船舶全天候靠泊。前湾港区矿煤业务拥有包括20万吨级矿石码头在内的9个深水泊位。

Qianwan Port Area, with an area of 12 square kilometers, is mainly for container and dry bulk.There are 21 berths for containers.With maximum water depth of 20 meters, it can accommodate the world’s largest container ships.For iron ore and coal, there are 9 deep-water berths, including one for 200,000DWT veels.油港区面积为0.5平方公里,主要从事石油、化工品、石油液化气装卸、中转、储存作业;拥有5座码头、10个泊位,原油储备能力900万立方米。

With an area of 0.5 square kilometers, Huangdao Oil Port Area is mainly engaged in the handling, storage and tranhipment of crude oil, liquid chemicals, and LPG.The area has 5 terminals and 10 berths.It has crude oil storage capacity of 9 million cubic meters.董家口港区规划面积150平方公里,规划码头岸线长约35.7公里、泊位数112个。已建成世界上最大的40万吨矿石码头、45万吨原油码头、20万吨矿石转水码头、27万立方LNG专用码头,干散货堆存能力5500万吨。(字幕:港区仓储能力、保税堆存能力均居我国港口首位)

Dongjiakou Port Area covers of 150 square kilometers.The planned quay length is 35.7 kilometers and altogether 112 berths will be constructed.So far, the world’s largest 400,000DWT iron ore terminal, 450,000DWT crude oil terminal, 200,000DWT iron ore tranhipment terminal, and LNG terminal for veels of 270,000 cubic meters have been completed.The storage capacity for dry bulk amounts to 55 million tons.(poeing the largest capacity for storage and bonded storage among Ports in China)


The four areas, with their reasonable layouts and specific functions, are jointly contributing to the comprehensive strength of Port of Qingdao.抢抓机遇 创造新强态 Creating New Momentum 青岛港坚持国际化发展之路,联合招商局、中远、中海、中国光大等发起设立青岛港国际股份有限公司。2014年,青港国际在香港成功上市,完成H股全球公开发行。

Upholding the strategy of internationalization, Qingdao Port Group, together with China Merchants Group, COSCO, China Shipping and China Everbright initiated Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd(QPI).In 2014, the IPO of Qingdao Port International was held in Hong Kong.与马士基、迪拜环球、中石化等20多家知名企业实现资本合作;与世界各地180多个国家及地区的700多个港口保持贸易联系;与世界前20大船公司均实现业务合作;与世界14个港口建立友好港关系,构建起面向全球、互联互通的低成本、高效便捷的国际化物流网络。

Qingdao Port Group has established Joint ventures with more than 20 multinational companies, including A.P.-Moller Maersk, DP World, Sinopec, and others.A network of shipping services connects Port of Qingdao with over 700 ports acro 180 countries and regions worldwide.The world’s top 20 shipping companies all have liner shipping services at Port of Qingdao.It has established sister port relationship 14 ports worldwide.We are developing a reliable, cost-effective and efficient global logistics network.在国家“一带一路”战略中,青岛港是“海上丝绸之路”的“北方门户”和“丝绸之路经济带”的“东方桥头堡”。青岛港依托“日韩、东南亚、中东/西亚、欧地”精品航线组群,为中国与亚欧各国贸易往来搭建了最便利的“海上大通道”;

According to China’s “One Belt and One Road” strategy, Port of Qingdao is the “Northern Gateway” for the “Maritime Silk Road” and the “Eastern Bridgehead” for the “Silk Road Economic Belt”.依托发达的海铁联运网络和内陆组合港群,架起了直通内陆、连接日韩、东南亚和中亚,贯穿亚欧的“过境海铁联运大通道”。

With the sea-rail intermodal transportation network and the network of inland ports, it builds up a “Cro-Border Sea-Rail Intermodal Transportation Corridor” which connects China’s inland area, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asian nations, the five countries in Middle Asia, and the European countries.紧抓“丝路经济带”战略机遇,加快港口功能向内陆延伸,在物流中心城市合作建设内陆港,(字幕:在全国九省区实现通关一体化)全方位注入港口优势资源,实现通道便利化,构筑以“青岛港为东方桥头堡”的内陆港联动网络。

By taking advantage of the strategy of “Silk Road Economic Belt”, we are expanding port services to inland regions of China and developing an inland port network with Port of Qingdao being the “Eastern Bridgehead”.(realizing integrated customs service among 9 provinces)以建设现代综合物流服务提供商为目标,建立“门到门”完整物流链。(字幕:在全国开通16条集装箱海铁联运班列)加速与产业园区、金融物流的融合发展,成为物流、信息流、资金流、商流“四流合一”的供应链综合服务提供商。

We are developing the door-to-door logistics chain with the aim to establish a comprehensive logistics service provider(launching 16 block sea-rail container train services), which integrates port services with industrial parks and financial logistics, and encompaes the flows of logistics, information, capital, and commerce.以建设大数据信息化港为目标,加速实现工业化和信息化的有机融合,打造智慧港口,构建了全国港口领先的口岸物流供应链综合应用系统和区域性物流公共信息平台,实现港口生产经营模式的信息化革命。

To establish a big data-based smart port and realize the integration of industry and information technology, we developed the port logistics supply chain application system and regional logistics public information platform.以建设生态化港口为目标,打造环境优美、生态优良的美丽港口,人与自然和谐共生,港海城交相辉映。

We spare no efforts in building an eco-friendly port to realize the harmony between man and nature, and between port and city.创新发展 再创新业绩

Making new achievement through innovation 同心同德,独当一面。广大海港员工和港口同呼吸、共命运,寻标、对标、夺标、达标、创标,以过硬的素质和技术,在全国沿海港口技能大赛中屡夺桂冠。

We take pride in our high-quality staff.They are the frequent champions of the national port technology and skill contests.创新驱动发展,转型推动升级,集装箱装卸效率8次刷新世界纪录;铁矿石装卸效率21次刷新世界纪录。集装箱码头生产效率在美国物流信息公司的调查中位居全球第一。

The port has renewed world record for 8 times and 21 times respectively for container handling and iron ore handling.The container terminal productivity ranks No.1 in the survey of the American logistics information company.面向未来,青岛港正以打造港口现代综合物流提供商为核心,大力实施金融战略、国际化战略、互联网战略,调速不减势,量增质更优,向着第四代世界物流强港目标阔步前进!

Aiming to develop itself into a port-based comprehensive logistics service provider, Qingdao Port Group is now carrying on the strategies of finance, internationalization, and internet and advancing toward the 4th generation port of logistics.






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