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Lu Feng is interviewing for a translating a position at NESTLE FOODS.G.Romero is the interviewer.卢凤要在雀巢公司应聘翻译职位,G·罗米洛是面试官。

G= G.RomeroL= Lu Feng

G: I am G.Romero, and I will be your interviewer.Nice to meet you.我是G·罗米洛,我是你的面试者.见到你很高兴.L: I am here about the opening for a translator.我来是为了应聘一个翻译职位的.G: Good, I am your resume.You are still a student, right?


L: That is correct, I will graduate I June of this year.没错,我今年六月份毕业。

G: During college did you have any part time jobs.在上大学的时候你做过什么兼职工作吗?

L: Yes, of course.I was an English tutor for two years.是的,当然。我做英语家教做了两年。

G: Nice.What benefits did you get at this experience?


L: Being a tutor made responsible.Whiling planning out a long term cla plan, I learned how to

become very organized.In addition teaching English helped me improve my own English skills.做家教使我富有责任心。在对长长的一个学期作出一个循序渐进的计划时,我学会了怎样变得很有条理。而且,教英语有助于我提高自己的英语技巧。

G: I see.On your resume it says you had a cultural exchange with Americans.What does than mean?


L: My spoken English Teacher introduced his Chinese students to Americans studying in Beijing.I met with Dan, my counter-part, three times a week, I often showed him many interesting places of interest in Beijing.In return he taught me modern American English and culture.我的口语老师为他的中国学生介绍了在北京学习的美国人。我和托尼·本德拉斯先生每周见三次。我经常带托尼游览北京的名胜。作为回报,他教我现代美国英语与文化。G: How long did you have this exchange?


L: We helped each other for almost two years.我们互相帮助有将近两年的时间了。

G: What benefits did you get out of this experience?


L: I got a lot of wonderful translating experience.I helped him order plane tickets, get a visa and

talk with local busine.More importantly, I got feel for American culture.It was Dan that told me about NESTLE.He helped me research your company.He helped me understand that NESTLE would have best working atmosphere for me.我得到了很多很棒的翻译经验。我帮他订飞机票、办理签证并和本地人交流。更重要的是,我对美国文化有了一种感觉。正是托尼告诉我有关雀巢的事情。他帮我研究你们公司;帮我了解到雀巢将为我创造最好的工作环境

G: Well said, good job.What are your personal strengthens?

好工作啊, 你的强项是什么呢?

L: My greatest strength is my ability to learn quickly.As you can see from my resume, I won two outstanding student awards in my fresh year.I learn more quickly than others.I understand that with a large multi-national company such as NESTLE, working together is very important.我的强项是学起来很快.就像你从简历上看倒的, 我在大一的时候就得到了两次优秀奖.我学起来比别人快.我知道像雀巢这样的跨国公司, 团结是非常重要的.G: Now for a more difficult question do you consider to be your greatest weakne?

现在是一个更难的问题, 你最大的缺点是什么?

L: Although I have been a top student, I have no experience working in a company.This is clearly my greatest weakne.尽管我是一个优秀的学生, 但我没有在大型公司工作过,这是我最大的缺点.G: I understand.Why did your choose to be a translator?


L: I have always enjoyed learning about western cultures.I believe the future holds a world

economy.To have a world economy, we must understand each other.Translating is a noble occupation with many rewards of travel and meeting interesting people.我对西方文化非常感兴趣.我相信将来就是世界经济.要了解世界经济, 我们必须要理

解彼此.翻译就是一个非常杰出的职位,它可以发展旅游业并且见到许多有趣的人 G: Good answer.Do you have any questions for me?


L: Yes, I do.In my research of NESTLE, I found out about various wonderful products you have

brought to china.I want to know if you have American managers at Chinese factories.有。我调查过雀巢,我知道你们公司给中国带来了许多好的产品。我想知道在中国工厂


G: That is right.For quality control we keep a foreign manager on staff.So you see a good

translator is neceary at every factory and office.有的。为了保证质量,我们在员工当中有有美国的管理者。所以翻译在每个工厂和办公


L: Next I would like to ask if most of the translating is written work or spoken translation.接下来我想问,大多数的翻译是要写还是要说。

G: Because of the large number of foreign visitors, most of the work is spoken translation.由于有太多的国外游客,所以大多数是口头翻译。

L: May I ask if you pay your employees in RMB or American dollars?


G: We always pay in RMB.我们通常给人民币。

L: Lastly, seeing my education and motivation, what starting salary can I expect?


G: A starting translator at NESTLE earns two-thousand RMB a month.Do you have any further questions?


L: Not at this time, thank you(stand up, shakes hands in a profeional way)


G: Thank you, mi.Feng.My secretary will call you in a few days with an answer.谢谢你,冯女士。我的秘书会在几天之后告诉你结果.L: Great.I hope we can work together in the future.太好了,希望我们能以后一起合作。


A: May I help you?


B: Good morning!I have come for an interviewer.早上好!我是来面试的。

A: Oh, good morning!Come on in.哦,早上好,请进。

B: Thank you.It is a pleasure to meet you.谢谢。很高兴见到您。

A: Nice to meet you too.Was it difficult getting here?


B: Not at all.I am familiar with this area.不困难。我对这里很熟悉。

A: That is great.很好。

A: well, so let's begin.Can you tell me a bit about your time at NEC?


B: I've worked at NEC for five years.I started as an entry-level engineer and worked my way up to senior engineer.To be specific, I did system analysis, provided software support, dealt with customer complaints and so on.The skills I have acquired and the qualities I have developed have changed me a lot.我在NEC工作了五年。一开始我担任初级工程师,后来一路升任至高级工程师。具体来说,我做系统分析、提供软件支持服务、处理客户控诉等。我所掌握的技能和培养的素质让我改变了很多。

A: well, I wonder what influenced you to choose this career.嗯,我很好奇什么影响你选择了这一事业。

B: My past experience has shown me that I really enjoy the job.When I was still a student, my major was computer science.Computer is also my hobby.It is taking up almost of my time.One of my strong points is that I like developing new things and ideas.Without a doubt, I chose IT field after graduation.To be honest, I want to be profeional in my field.我过去的经历表明,我真的享受我的工作。当我还是个学生的时候,我的专业是计算机科学。计算机也是我的爱好。它花了我大部分的时间。我有一个优点就是喜欢创新,能想出新点子。毫无疑问的,毕业后我选择了IT行业。老实说,我希望自己能成为这个领域的专家。

A: So what kind of things do you want most from the work?


B: To me, having a career means I will have a chance to progre and to develop.A career is

something that puts real meaning into your life.And I hope this job will give me a chance to take more challenging projects and more responsibility.In my opinion, people can only be come mature by taking responsibility;I hope I can develop fully in this job.对我来说,有了职业便意味着我会有进取的机会和发展的平台。职业会给你的生活带来实际意义的事情我希望这份工作可以给予我参与更多挑战性项目的机会,可以给予我承担更多责任的机会。在我看来,人是通过承担一定的责任才能成熟。我希望在这份工作中可以得到全面的发展。

A: How would your previous bo describe you?


B: My prior bo would describe me as a hard-working and dedicated employee.Although I was not the smartest person in the department, I was often praised by my bo.He gave me the most important duties because I was very reliable.He was an easy-going man.We are still friends now.我以前的老板会说我是个工作努力而且尽心尽力的员工。虽然我不是部门里最聪明的,不过总是被老板表扬。因为我很可靠,所以它赋予我最重要的职责。他是个很好相处的人,到现在我们还是朋友。

A: When people disagreed with your ideas, what did you do?


B: Regarding my previous experience, firstly, I would like to know the reason why they disagreed with me.After I knew it, I would see whether it is reasonable.And we would have a discuion to see whose proposal is better.If I believe my mine is better one after the careful consideration, I will use my communication skills to persuade others to accept my ideas.Of course, if their proposals were proved to be better after the discuion, I would be willing to accept it.从我以前的经历来看,首先我想知道他们为什么不同意我的观点。在了解之后,我会考虑他们所说的是否有道理。此外,我们还会进行讨论,来看谁的提议更好一些。如果仔细考虑之后,我坚信自己的提议更好一些,我会运用我的沟通技巧去说服他们接受我的观点。当然,如果经过讨论之后,他们的提议被证明更好一些,我也会虚心接受的。

A: Sounds reasonable.Another question is, how do you handle change?


B: Dealing with different change is a requirement in the work.And I can deal with change well because I am flexible with my work and abilities.I am not afraid of learning new and difficult things.Whatever change it is, as a member of the company, I would be expected to do my share by analyzing the new information thoroughly member.在工作中应对不同的变化时必须的,我能够很好的应对变化,因为我在工作中很灵活,也能灵活运用我的能力。我并不害怕学习新的和难的事物。无论是什么变化,作为公司的一份子,我都期望着能够彻底分析新的信息,分享我的观点,成为有价值得一份子,做好我分内的工作。

A: There appears to be an eight months gap in your employment, what did you do during that time?


B: For the first month, I built a long-term plan for my future career.In order to fulfill it, I know I have to get myself more qualified.I took some continuing education claes, such as a busine English course, which gave me many useful skills.Then I have volunteered for a non-government organization.I have learned a great deal from that experience.Now I am

looking forward to new challenges in the workplace.第一个月,我为自己的未来事业做了长期规划。为了实现它,我知道我必须让自己更有资格竞争。我参与了一些继续教育课程,比如商务英语课,教会我很多实用的技能。接着我志愿为一个非政府组织服务,那段经历教会我很多。现在我期望着在工作岗位上迎接新的挑战。

A: Good for you.Why do you want to work for us?


B: I have always been dreaming of working for your company ever since I was in college.Your company has a good reputation in IT industry.I think working here is a great chance for me to learn.My major just fits your job.I feel I can make some positive contribution to your company in the future.I am looking forward to that day.从大学时我就一直梦想为贵公司工作了。贵公司在IT领域享有盛誉。我认为在这里工作是我学习的好机会。我的专业正好适合你们的工作。我感觉我可以为贵公司做些积极的贡献。我盼望着那一天。

A: But don't you think you are overqualified for this job?


B: No, I don't think so.I am flattered that you think I am over qualified.My rich experience and qualifications just mean that I can do the job effectively.And those experiences can also enable me to become a very useful member of the company in a shorter time than others with le experience.Besides, I am at the moment without a job and very keen to work.This post is something I love to do and have been good at.I am sure that I will enjoy this work and I can get better development here, which is the most important factor for me.不,我不这样认为。您认为我会大材小用真是过奖了。我丰富的工作经验盒子里仅仅意味着我的工作会更有成效。而且那些经验将会使我比起他经验较少的人,在更短的时间内成为公司的一名得力干将。另外,目前我没有工作,而且非常渴望工作。我所应聘的这个职位又是我很喜欢从事并且十分擅长的。我相信我会非常热爱这份工作并且能够得到更好的发展,这对于我来说是最重要的因素。

A: OK, Good luck to you.That's all.好的。祝你好运。就到这里了。

B: Thank you.I hope to see you again.谢谢。希望能再次见到您。


Lu Feng is interviewing for a translating a position at NESTLE FOODS.G.Romero is the interviewer.卢凤要在雀巢公司应聘翻译职位,G·罗米洛是面试官。G= G.RomeroL= Lu......










