南京大学3舍,汉口路22号,南京鼓楼区,江苏,210093 姓 名
负责南京地区基金代销渠道的开拓、维护和服务工作 长期联系中行、农行等银行200余名理财经理,协助公司持续营销工作
学习移动互联网发展趋势和营销手段,接受基于热点事件的病毒式营销培训 将《哈七》等电影植入个信广告视频,进行病毒式营销,视频点击量超过50万 组织策划“个信萌女郎”等微博营销事件,通过策划热点话题等校园推广方式,在南大掀起使用个信的热潮
协助经理开展相关渠道支持、面试安排、行程安排等工作 整理和分析销售数据,提出合适有效的激励方案,安排协调各部门的培训
首次为部门引进“模拟面试”、“商业案例讨论”等内部培训项目 带领20人团队协助“汇丰”“联合利华”等20余家企业完成校园招聘工作 与理财周报合作筹办“2011年中国未来金融之星培养计划”主题讲座,吸引南京地区超过1000人参加,作为系列公益讲座的一站被腾讯财经频道强势报道
2011.9-2011.12欧莱雅大学生发展基金南大“寻美之旅 ”队长
组建11人团队策划“欧莱雅大学生发展基金”项目,策划四个月的系列活动 领导“暴走南京”“爱心捐书”“口袋计划”等项目,累计超过2000人参加 参加由蓝桥国际主办的学生领导力论坛,并在400余位申请者中脱颖而出 聆听百利通半导体公司首席执行官许志明先生等人士成功经历分享,与美国21名企业家共享午餐,领导成员讨论嘉宾问题,并作为代表做总结发言 2011.10—2011.11参加南京学生领导力论坛参与者
与爱德基金会负责人沟通志愿者工作事项,统筹10个翻译者3天的工作 负责安排救助发展项目管理员Tom Kamau先生的工作日程,全程陪同翻译
南京大学奖学金一等奖 2010.11 2008.10 商学院“优秀学生”(20%)商学院暑期社会实践团体二等奖 所获奖励2011.5 2009.10
英语能力优秀CET4:608CET6:560上海英语口译中级 江苏省计算机一级合格、全国计算机二级(VB)合格 熟练使用word、excel、PowerPoint等办公软件,熟悉Eviews计量统计软件
Dorm3#, HanKou Road, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, P.R.C , 210093
2011.9-2014.6Nanjing UniversityNanjing, China School of Busine, Candidate for Master’s degree of Applied Economics
2007.9—2011.7 Nanjing UniversityNanjing, China School of Busine, Bachelor’s degree of EconomicsAccumulative GPA:3.75/4
Invesco Great Wall Fund Management Co., LtdManager Aistant2011.11-2012.2
Opened up channel of fund sales, maintained relationships with customer banks
Kept in contact with over 200 financial managers for continued sales
Visited over 50 financial managers, aisted in fulfilling the sales task of fund
2011.7-2011.8Gexin Interactive Internet Technology Co., LtdManager Aistant Studied the trend of mobile Internet, took the virus marketing training based on hot iues Designed an advertising video by integrating hot movies, attracting over 500,000 hits Organized web marketing events, made the use of Gexin apps a fashion in NJU
2011.3-2011.5Metlife Insurance Company LtdAdministrative Aistant Aisted manager with the job of channel supports, interview arrangements and daily jobs Collected and analyzed sales data, proposed effective motivational techniques to stimulate
clients, arranged and coordinated the training of different departments
2011.9—2011.12Student Career Development AociationManager of External
Affairs Department
Introduced “Mock Interview” and “Chinese Busine Review” project
Supported over 20 enterprises including HSBC and Unilever with their campus recruitments in
a term leading 20 team members
Hold the theme “2011 China's Future Financial Star Training Plan” with Moneyweek which
attracted over 1000 participants and was widely reported by the Financial Channel of Tencent2011.9-2011.12“beauty on the road” of L'Oreal Fund ProjectTeam Leader Established a team of 11 members in designing and organizing the project of”
L'Oreal University Development Fund”
Carried out programs like “hiking around Nanjing”, “Love book donation activities” ,“pocket plan” which affected over 2000 students
2011.10—2011.11 Nanjing Student Leadership ForumParticipant Stood out among over 400 applicants in Nanjing and got selected to attend the TBL student
leadership forum initiated by Blue Bridge International
Attended the lecture by Mr.Xu ZhiMing, CEO of Pericom Semiconductor Corporation, lead
team members to exchange opinions with outstanding entrepreneurs through lunch and did the sum-up speech as a representative
2011.9—2011.9Social Resources Training by Amity foundationGroup leader Coordinated with Amity Foundation about volunteer work iues,arranged the agenda of
哈佛商学院简历模板David SmITh38 Western StreetBoston, MA 10084(617) 278-6277Education 1997-1999 1987-1991 HARVARD UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOLOF BUSINESS ADMINIST......