Part Three The winner of the Second World War——Churchill
In this part, I don’t want to talk about his public speaking skills, his talent as a lobbyist, his political tactics and his wise policies.Today, I just want to talk about his personalities, which are excellent and unique.In my personal opinion, it was Churchill’s great personalities that led Britain tothe ultimate victory.The reason why Churchill is great liesin the fact that he firmly stands out as a spiritual symbol of the Britain and even the whole Europe in the war.He made millions of people believe that they would certainly embrace the victory.1、Perceptive insights
England post the first World War was filled with the atmosphere of pacificism.From political leaders to civilians, everyone believed that there would be no more cruel wars.However, Churchill, the lone military genius, said to the whole Parliament:”You are naïve!”
He opposed those who advocated giving Germany the right to havemilitary parity with France, speakingfrequentlyof the dangers of Germany's rearmament.And when Germany finally invaded Poland and declared war on the Europe, Churchill’s warning wasat lastprovenright.2、Wisdom to give up Life is always full of gains and loes.Sometimes, choosing to give up is togetbetter results.We could learn a lot from what Churchill did during the Second World War.On November 12th, 1940, Hitler commanded the German Air Force to bomb Coventry on 14th and 15th.Britain’s Intelligence agencies intercepted this piece of information.In order to make Hitler believe that Britain was incapable of deciphering his code system, Churchill decided to give up Coventry after cautious consideration.Undoubtedly, Hitler fell into the trap and went on using his previous code system.In the later wars, British Army defeatedGerman Army by deciphering their secret telegramsin advance.3、Strongfaith to win
On May 13th, 1940, Churchill delivered a(short and不是一个意思么)pithy speech in the House of Commons of Great Britain.I believe most of youhave heard of and can even reciteeven recite the most famous sentence of it:” I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.”In this speech, he set the goal for all the Britain’s people: Victory at all costs-victory in spite of all terrors-victory, however long and hard the road may be.This speech had anunimaginable profound effect on the course in history.From then on, British people were no longer fearful in face of the war.Instead they held total confidence, optimism and courage even in the darkest time.The Blitz(伦敦大轰炸)
From September 7th to November 3rd in 1940, the German Army sent 200 bombers per night on averageand intensively bombedLondon for 57 days.Within the first two days, there were 800 deaths.During the time, Churchill visited the bombed scene to encourage the victims almost every week.His typical gesture“V” for victory brought Londoners together, which was considered asthe hope for victory.It’s said that Churchill was mournful to tears in front of the destroyed houses for more than one time.However, he led his people to struggle, to survive, to fight and eventually , to win.In the last, I’d like to share with you a poem as the end of our presentation.Ulyes ——Tennyson
We are not now that strength虽然我们的力量已不如当初
which in old days Moved earth and heaven已远非昔日移天动地的雄姿
That which we are, we are但我们仍然是我们 One equal-temper of heroic hearts 一颗英雄的心
Made weak by time and fate尽管被时间所消磨,被命运削弱 but strong in will 我们的意志坚强如故
To strive, to seek, to find去奋斗,去探索,去寻求 and not to yield绝不屈服
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