中国海洋大学涉海英语词汇题英语选择 1_大学英语1选择题

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中国海洋大学涉海英语词汇题英语选择 1由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“大学英语1选择题”。

Unit 1 1.hypothesis假设

Because they would have started with the hypothesis, not that there existed a month, but that June was particularly likely.因为他们是有了假设然后再开始做实验的,而不是说有一个这样特殊的月份,而是六月是一个特殊的月份。

The hypothesis is slightly different from many previous ideas about how we evolved large brains.2.contingent分遣队;偶然事件;分得部分;代表团 因情况而异的;不一定的;偶然发生的; The United States now has about 60,000 troops in Afghanistan the largest contingent in the 42-nation international force.Romney has a healthy contingent of precinct-level caucus leaders, an edge over many of his rivals.3.Initiative n.主动权;首创精神

adj.主动的;自发的;起始的The International Society of Toxinology supported the Initiative at the recent World Congre of Plant, Animal and Microbial Toxins in Recife,Brazil.Unfortunately, this morning we have seen the response from the Palestinian side to the Jordanian-Egyptian initiative.4.Overturn vt.推翻;倾覆;破坏 vi.推翻;倾覆

n.倾覆;周转;破灭 We saw the canoe overturn, throwing its paengers into the water.我们看到独木舟倾覆了,把上面的乘客掀入水中。

Justice Brent Benjamin now chief justice voted to overturn a fifty million dollar judgment against the Maey Coal Company.Uefa's disciplinary committee made the decision to overturn the ruling after new evidence came to light.5.reflection n.n.反射;沉思;映象

I think the causes of this require mature reflection.我认为这事的原因需要充分地思考。Visitors experience a link with the monument by seeing their reflection in the stone.But the sheer scope of our commitment to the Iraqi people bears some reflection.6.landlocked

adj.为陆地所包围的What and Where: Landlocked nation between Ruia and China.所在:俄国与中国之间的内陆国家。

Work on aistance to the least developed, landlocked and island developing countries should be strengthened.关于援助最不发达,内陆和岛屿发展中国家应加强。7.circulation


The circulation of goip is vicious.传播流言蜚语是可恶的。

At a time when newspaper circulation is declining rapidly around the world, Financial Times Web site(FT)says its subscriptions are up 22 percent, while revenues have jumped 30 percent.当时报纸发行量是在全世界迅速下降,金融时报的网站(FT)称其捐款了百分之22,而收入暴涨百分之30。

In my previous post, I explained the proce of how money gets printed and into circulation.8.ecosystem n.生态系统

What about the ecosystem of a city? 一个城市的生态系统是怎样的?

Warming temperatures are also threatening the many kinds of plants and animals that live in this mountain ecosystem.The last element, and one that also carried the iPod and iPhone, is the ecosystem.9.shroud n.寿衣;覆盖物;船的横桅索;[电] 护罩vt.覆盖;包以尸衣

The faker of the shroud had to be a heretic.裹尸布的耶稣遗像伪造者必定是个异教徒。The body was wrapped in a golden shroud and decorated with garlands of marigolds.尸体被包裹在一个金色的裹尸布,装饰着花环的金盏花。10.encompa vt.包含;包围,环绕;完成

This can potentially encompa thousands of schemas and tables and millions of columns from differing databases and files.跟读


“I think we still need to do more evaluation.It's obviously a very important skill, but I think it doesn't really encompa what primary care physicians do.” 我认为我们还需要做更多的评价。显然这是一个非常重要的技能,但我认为这并不包括初级保健医生做什么

Unit 2 A 1.respiratory adj.呼吸的The blocking of these receptors causes paralysis, respiratory failure and death.跟读 这些受体的阻塞将会引起麻痹、呼吸衰竭和死亡。

Smoking also causes forty-two percent of cases of chronic respiratory disease, including asthma, bronchitis and emphysema.For example, tetracycline, which is used to treat respiratory infections, is also common in farming.2.deficiency n.缺陷,缺点;缺乏;不足的数额 deficient 不足的;有缺陷的;不充分的 Though fully aware that the source of unhappine is in us, we neverthele turn a personal defect into a metaphysical deficiency.跟读


The researchers estimate that at least five hundred forty million people have the deficiency, about eight percent of the world.The remedy for a specific deficiency does not become an elixir for general superiority.3.nutrient n.营养物;滋养物adj.营养的;滋养的Choose them if you like, but don’t confuse the nutrient composition.跟读 如果你喜欢的话就选择它们,但是不要混淆营养成分。

And then, you can look at the nutrient broken down as a function of the percent daily values.Try to eat a nutrient-dense diet that is low in sugar, saturated fat and proceed foods.4.synthesis n.综合,[化学] 合成;综合体

As the fish moves, feeds, and excretes waste, it plays a key role in the cycle of carbon synthesis and degradation.跟读 随着这种鱼的运动、进食和排泄废物,它在碳合成和降解循环过程中扮演了一个关键的角色。The ubiquitous foodstuff on the Kenyan coast is a synthesis of local and foreign ingredients.5.deplete vt.耗尽,用尽;使衰竭,使空虚

For example, aume you are proceing a very large order that will deplete the stock of that item.例如,假设您正在处理一个很大的订单,要耗尽该项的库存。Patients with mixed cellularity or lymphocyte deplete subtypes of HL often have HL involving the liver.6.stringent adj.严厉的;迫切的;银根紧的How will that sit with Germany's neighbors as they have to adopt the sound money and stringent economic principles of Germany? 跟读

这对于不得不接受这种健全货币和德国严厉的经济原则的邻国来说,如何适应这样的局面? The START treaty also established stringent and very intrusive verification procedures.Paramount counters these claims by pointing to its stringent sales policy and government export controls.7.deleterious adj.有毒的,有害的However, most mutations are deleterious.然而,大多数突变是有害的。

Louboutin, however, is not sympathetic to complaints about the deleterious effects of high heels on locomotion.8.feasible adj.可行的;可能的;可实行的We all think this proposal feasible.大家认为这个建议是可行的。

First is testing with real patients, so as to demonstrate(证明)that this is a feasible technology they can benefit from.Is the “Earthscraper” a genuinely feasible innovation or a pretty but impractical pipe dream? 9.upcoming adj.即将来临的Whatever upcoming fears that you have, go through them.不管即将来的恐惧是什么,挺过去。Katherine Cole has more.To get into the spirit of the upcoming holiday, we asked several people what they were doing this year to celebrate.It plays NFL films used to study upcoming opponents, says general manager Mark Dominik.10.tract n.束;大片土地,地带;小册子

Foils can only tell us so much about the shape of the vocal tract because much of it is soft tiue.因为发音系统大部分是软组织,无缘变成化石,现存的化石也只能告诉我们一点呼吸道的形状。

So there are certain facts about the digestive tract such that if you think about them you can't do something, ki the person.Salmonella, which is generally contracted from contaminated(污染的)poultry, meat, eggs, or water, affects the intestinal(肠的)tract.B 1.veritable adj.真正的,名副其实的His acquaintance lying chiefly among ship-chandlers and so forth, he had always plenty of the veritable ships' biscuit on his table.跟读

他的熟人主要是船具商之类的人,所以他在餐桌上经常摆放着许多真正在船上吃的饼干。This time, Garmin's taking CTIA hostage and announcing a veritable smorgasbord of application upgrades and partnerships.2.query n.疑问,质问;疑问号 ;[计] 查询vt.询问;对……表示疑问vi.询问;表示怀疑 What is the result type of this query? 此项查询的结果类型究竟是什么呢? To set a bit to 1 the sender iues a query with the RD bit on.3.transparent adj.透明的;显然的;坦率的;易懂的All of this is transparent to the user.所有这些对用户而言都是透明的。It also urges the military regime to ensure the neceary steps toward free,fair,transparent and inclusive elections next year.They also need to know that we will be open and transparent with them.4.pique 产生vt.刺激;伤害…自尊心;激怒n.生气;愠怒;呕气

To attract more of us females to gaming certain companies in the industry have been using some subtle, and some not so subtle advertising techniques to pique our interest.为了吸引更多的女性去玩视频游戏,某些游戏公司一直在使用一些巧妙的抑或并不怎么高明的广告技巧以刺激我们的兴趣。

Ahmadinejad actually boycotted cabinet meetings in a fit of pique only to have to back down.5.quantitative adj.定量的;量的,数量的And, he needed to get quantitative.他需要得到定量的因素。

Some economists say this second round of what is known as quantitative easing, or “QE2,” has not been effective.The European Union is obliged to remove its quantitative restrictions and replace them with a tariff.6.feat n.功绩,壮举;技艺表演adj.合适的;灵巧的Man's first landing on the moon was a feat of great daring.人类首次登月是一个勇敢的壮举。No other act had topped both charts since 1983, when Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton achieved that feat with their duet, “Islands In The Stream.”

That Mr.Boi is still leading the Northern League is itself a remarkable feat.7.organism n.有机体;生物体;微生物

The organism was evolved from …


The scientists say that studies based on the new genome may help explain, in the short-term, why the organism has been so aggreive.In rare cases, the organism can get into the bloodstream and cause more serious complications.8.calibrate vt.校正;调整;测定口径

From the Moon, Earth is an ideal reference point to calibrate the cameras.跟读 从月球的角度,地球是一个理想的校准相机的参照点。

Therefore, what we have done now is, we can take all kinds of springs and we can calibrate the force they will exert under various conditions.跟读


Most knowledgeable plasma buyers will calibrate to 6500K settings but the average consumer doesn't.9.coverage n.覆盖,覆盖范围

I expect them to have 100% coverage in all of their application code.跟读 我希望在他们所有的应用程序代码中有100%的覆盖率。

But he was a serious newsman, and in nineteen fifty-two he led CBS' coverage of the national political conventions.Many landline phones in the town rang unanswered Sunday, and the storm had disrupted cellphone coverage.10.stratified adj.分层的;形成阶层的;分为不同等级的v.使成层(stratify的过去分词)The dependent variables were stratified by sex, age, injury severity, type of road user, road type and time of collision.跟读 因变量按性别、年龄、损伤程度、道路使用者类型、道路类型以及碰撞时间进行分层。Is the traditionally expensive, bulky, and stratified Harvard model of education dead? Stratify vt.分层;成层;使形成阶层vi.分层;成层;阶层化

We currently use a large repository of data from our operational systems to help us stratify, or claify, members.目前,我们使用我们业务系统的一个大型数据存储库来帮助我们对会员进行分层或分类。Instead many US net firms would prefer to stratify traffic and charge customers more to ensure that some of it gets through.Voice Unit 3 1.eminent adj.杰出的;有名的;明显的He is an eminent citizen of China.他是一个杰出的中国公民。

We even hear more than any single individual and then in the same text we also hear Aristotle praising the practice of ostracism that is to say exiling banishing those individuals deemed to be pre-eminent in any particular virtue or quality.我们能听到比单一个体更多的思想,而在同一段落中,我也看到亚里士多德,赞美放逐的作法,即流放,放逐那些,可能会在某些美德与特质上,特别卓越的个体。

Hong Kong is also the pre-eminent global center for the import and export of sharkfin.2.catastrophe n.大灾难;大祸;惨败

A catastrophe is brewing.一场灾祸正在酿成。

“And since it is so much more expensive and so much more difficult to cure, that would be a catastrophe.” There has never been a catastrophe in the history of New Orleans like this.3.dearth n.缺乏;饥馑;粮食不足

In developing countries themselves, the dearth of policy and research programmes on chronic diseases stems from two problems.对于发展中国家一方,关于慢性病的政策和研究项目的缺乏来自两个原因。This glut of saving, he points out, must be offset by a dearth elsewhere.4.threshold n.入口;门槛;开始;极限;临界值

She caught her foot on the threshold and stumbled.她的一只脚被门槛绊住而跌倒了。

So, for example, we were talking about a threshold frequency as in a minimum frequency of light that you need in order to eject an electron from a metal surface.举个例子来说,我们谈论的临界频率是,光从金属表面逐出一个电子,所需的最小频率。That we may be standing on the threshold of a new era in connected wellne.5.squander vt.浪费vi.浪费;漂泊n.浪费

This is so that you don’t squander your efforts or concentration.跟读 如此这般你就不会浪费你的努力或专心了。

You also don't know that they'll give them to the equity owners they won't squander in the future.你也不知道,他们是否能够兑现股票持有者,它们不会挥霍未来。

“Restraint will preserve Israel's achievements, but giving up restraint will squander those gains, ” the paper argues.6.pillage vi.掠夺;抢劫vt.掠夺;抢劫n.掠夺;掠夺物

Korea is surrounded by powerful countries, including China, Ruia and Japan, and has endured their pillage and occupation throughout history.韩国被强大的国家(包括中国、俄罗斯、日本)包围,而且在历史上遭受它们的掠夺和占领。She says she was told the rebels wanted to rape women and pillage the capital.7.supine 仰卧的;面朝上的 怠惰的,懒散的,无精打采的 因循守旧的,消极的When supine, he had severely reduced blood flow through his brain returning to his heart.跟读 在仰卧的时候,由大脑流向心脏的血流会出现神经性减少。

Tell me is there anything more supine on this fair earth than a party conference audience rising to deliver a standing ovation? 8.avert vt.避免,防止;转移

But these measures may not be sufficient to avert disaster.但这些措施并不足以避免灾难的发生。

To avert an economic collapse, the administration moved forward with a controversial plan to bail out banks deemed too big to fail.Ironically, the ugly fracas helped avert a showdown that would have prolonged the political crisis.9.irreversible adj.不可逆的;不能取消的;不能翻转的There was nothing the doctors could do to give me back the use of my legs.The paralysis was complete and irreversible.医生对恢复我双腿的功能已无能为力。瘫痪是完全的,不可逆转的。

But during a visit to the Mongolian capital of Ulan Bator, Ruian President Dmitri Medvedev said his country's decision was correct and “irreversible.”

Some scientists think that the planet is already on an irreversible journey to dangerous warming.10.perpetual adj.永久的;不断的;四季开花的;无期限的This is my perpetual loyalty to my faith.这是我对自己信仰永恒的忠诚。

With the tolling, tolling bells' perpetual clang, Here, coffin that slowly paes, I give you my sprig of lilac.That's what happened recently at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Byzantine Catholic Church in Albuquerque, N.











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