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Unit01 1 Lin Fei: Good morning, Mr Wang.I plan to apply for a student visa to the U.K.Could you tell me how I should prepare for this? Wang: Yes.First get 2 Application Forms and have one filled in English and the other in Chinese.Lin Fei: But where can I get the Form? Wang: It can be downloaded from the Embay's website and it's also available from most branches of the CITIC Industrial Bank, free of charge.Lin Fei: What else do I need to prepare? Wang: Quite a lot!Two paport photos, your paport, the Notice of Admiion, your diploma;transcripts of your courses and grades, and the results of your IELTS test, etc.Lin Fei: Thank you very much for all this info...Wang: Any time!2 Secretary: The U.K.Embay-Beijing's Nonimmigrant Visa Unit.Can I help you? Lin Fei: Yes, Madam.I'd like to make an interview appointment with the visa officer, please.Secretary: Have you filled the Application Forms and got the documents ready as required? Lin Fei: Yes.Secretary: Your name, please? Lin Fei: My name is Lin Fei.Secretary: Thank you.Your appointment date is July 6, 15:00 and your number is 44.Lin Fei: July 6, 15:00, No.44.Thank you...3 Lin Fei: By the way, how much is the application fee, please? Secretary: It's RMB830.Lin Fei: Is it refundable? Secretary: No.Lin Fei: Is there anything I am not supposed to bring to my appointment? Secretary: For security reasons, you should not bring any cellular phone, beeper, briefcase or handbag.Lin Fei: Many thanks.Secretary: My pleasure.4 Officer: Mr.Lin, why do you want to go to the United Kingdom? Lin Fei: I want to learn English and learn about the culture there.Here is my Notice of Admiion from the London Language Institute.Officer: Do you plan to work during your spare time? Lin Fei: No, sir.But I may try to find a job during vacations, if I'm permitted.Officer: Do you worry about your tuition and living expenses in Britain? Lin Fei: Not at all, sir.This is my pabook.Officer: What will you do after you have completed your study? Lin Fei: I must return to China.With a good command of English, I can easily find a very good job either as an English teacher or as an interpreter.Officer: All right.Glad to have talked with you.Goodbye.Lin Fei: Goodbye.Unit02 1 Lin Fei: What flights do you have from Beijing to London next Tuesday? Aistant: Just a second and I'll find out what's available.Lin Fei: I need an economy ticket.Aistant: British Airlines has a flight leaving at 13:30.Lin Fei: I gue that's OK.Aistant: May I have your name, please? Lin Fei: Yes.I'm Lin Fei.Aistant: Please come to collect the ticket and pay for it before next Monday.Lin Fei:

By the way, what time should I check in? Aistant: Please arrive at the airport half an hour before departure time.2 Stewarde: Paport, please.Lin Fei: Here you are.Stewarde: Please have all your luggage examined here....Now, would you please put your luggage on the scale and show me your ticket, please? Lin Fei: Here you are....Is my luggage overweight? Stewarde: It's all right.Now please put these labels on the luggage....All right, here are your paport and ticket.This is your boarding pa for the flight.You'll board from Gate 10A.Lin Fei: Thank you very much.Goodbye.Stewarde: Thank you.Have a nice flight.3 Stewarde: Good afternoon, sir.Welcome aboard!Lin Fei: Good afternoon.My seat is in the non-smoking section.Where is it exactly? Stewarde: This way, please.That's your seat by the window.Lin Fei: Thank you.Stewarde: My pleasure.Please be seated.The plane is about to take off.4 Stewarde: What can I do for you? Lin Fei: A gla of orange juice, please.Stewarde: Just a moment, please....Here you are.Lin Fei: Thank you.By the way, I'd like to watch the movie on screen, but I can't get the sound to work.Stewarde: You need to use this button here.Lin Fei: Oh, I see.Thank you.Stewarde: What do you want, sir? Beef or chicken? Lin Fei: Beef please.Stewarde: Anything to drink? Lin Fei: Yes.Beer, please.Stewarde: Enjoy yourself, sir.Lin Fei: Thank you!

Unit03 1 Lin Fei: Excuse me, but could you tell me where I can claim my baggage, please? Officer: You just go to the baggage claim area and it's in the center of the hall over there.Lin Fei: Thank you.By the way, where should I go through the Customs? Officer: After you've collected your baggage, you can go to that hall.The Customs is right there.Lin Fei: Thank you very much.Officer: You're welcome.2 Officer: Show me your paport, please.Lin Fei: Here you are.Officer: Fill in this Customs Baggage Declaration Form, please.Lin Fei: Yes.Officer: Any arms, munitions, living plants or animals? Lin Fei: No.Officer: Any cigarettes or liquor? Lin Fei: Yes.I've brought some cigarettes and liquor as gifts for my friends in Britain.Officer: How much foreign currency are you carrying? Lin Fei: 2000 pounds, sir.Officer: Please make a record of it here.Anything else to declare? Lin Fei: No, sir.3 Officer: What's in the suitcase? Lin Fei: My personal effects.Officer: Would you mind opening it? Lin Fei: Not at all.Do I have to pay duty on them? Officer: No.What's in the bag? Lin Fei: The gifts, as I have said.Officer: Please put them on the counter.Lin Fei: Sure.Officer: I'm afraid we'll have to charge you some duty on the liquor.Please proceed to the next hall and pay the duty there.4 Officer: Can I help you? Lin Fei: I need to pay the duty on the liquor I'm carrying.Officer: Could you show me the Declaration Form, please? Lin Fei: Here you are.Officer: Yes.You're carrying 6 bottles of liquor and we'll tax you 15% each.That'll be 30 pounds please.Lin Fei: Here you are.Officer: Here is your receipt.You're through with the customs formalities.Lin Fei: Thank you.Unit04 1 Lin Fei: David, I'm looking for an apartment.Do you know where I could go for information? David: Let me see.There are several ways to find an apartment.You may look over the ads in the college and local newspapers.But the best way is to consult the Housing Office on campus.Lin Fei: Thank you.I think I'll go to the Housing Office right away.David: Yes.You'd better go before it's too late.Lin Fei: I really appreciate your advice.David: You're very welcome.Good luck and don't forget to call me up as soon as you get settled down.Lin Fei: I will.Goodbye and have a nice day.2 Aistant: Hi.What can I do for you? Lin Fei: Hi.I applied for accommodation before coming and my name is Lin Fei from China.Aistant: Wait a minute, please.Yes, your name is on the list.Lin Fei: That's very good.Aistant: Would you plan to live on-campus or off-campus? Lin Fei: Well, I don't know.I want to pay a visit to the accommodation before I make my decision.Aistant: Why not? But please let us know as soon as you make up your mind.Lin Fei: I will.Thank you very much.3 Lin Fei: Hello, Mr Wilson.I saw your advertisement “Apartment to Let” in today's newspaper.Is it still available? Landlord: Yes.Come right in and have a look around.Lin Fei: Oh, it's quite roomy and airy.How much is it? Landlord: The monthly rent is 240 pounds if you think it's O.K.Lin Fei: Well, I'd like to take it if you can drop the rent to 200 pounds.Landlord: Deal!When do you want to move in? Lin Fei: How about next week? Landlord: Fine.Here is the lease.Please sign and return it to me as soon as poible.Lin Fei: OK.4 Wilson: Welcome to your new home, Mr...? Lin Fei: Lin.Pleased to meet you!Wilson: Pleased to meet you too!My name is Alexander Wilson.Call me Alex.Lin Fei: Yes, Alex.Wilson: I won't charge you anything for electricity and gas.And you can use the kitchen as much as you like.Lin Fei: It's very kind of you, Alex.Wilson: Do make yourself feel at home.Lin Fei: I'm already home.Wilson: Ha-ha-ha!

Unit05 1 Lin Fei: Hello!May I speak to Mr David Wang, please? David: Speaking.Lin Fei: Hi!David!This is Lin Fei.I'm calling to tell you I've rented a nice apartment and moved in yesterday.David: Congratulations!Lin Fei: My addre is 86 Elm Street.The landlord is called Mr Alexander Wilson.My phone number here is 564-7783.Please drop in whenever you feel like it.David: Thanks.I will.Lin Fei: Bye-bye!David: Bye!2 Lin Fei: Hello!May I speak to Mr.Harris, please? Mrs.Harris: Hello!He is not in at this moment.May I ask who is calling? Lin Fei: My name is Lin Fei.I arrived in London from China last week.Mrs.Harris: Oh!Mr.Lin.How nice!This is Mrs.Harris.I heard Bob mention your name but we didn't know you'd arrive so soon.Can I take a meage? Lin Fei: Would you please tell him Lin Fei called and ask him to call back? Mrs.Harris: May I have your phone number please? Lin Fei: 564-7783.Mrs.Harris: OK.I'll give him the meage.Lin Fei: Thank you.Mrs.Harris: You're welcome.3 Profeor: This is London Language Institute.Lin Fei: This is Lin.May I speak to Profeor Smith? Profeor: Speaking.Lin Fei: Profeor Smith, I'm supposed to preside over tomorrow morning's discuion.I'm sorry, but I can't come.Profeor: What's the problem? Lin Fei: I've got a temperature and have felt bad for several days.Profeor: I'm sorry to hear that.It sounds like you need a good rest, then.Lin Fei: Will you manage to find someone else to chair the discuion? Profeor: I'm sure I can.Please don't worry.I hope you recover soon!Lin Fei: Thank you very much, Profeor Smith.Profeor: Goodbye.4 Operator: This is the Overseas Operator.What can I do for you? Lin Fei: Yes, operator.I want to make a collect call to the following number: country code 86, area code 10, 68747543.Operator: Your name please? Lin Fei: Lin Fei.Operator: What number are you calling from? Lin Fei: Area code 71, 5647783.Operator: Thank you.Father: Hello!Operator: Will you accept a collect call from Lin Fei? Father: Lin Fei? Oh yes, of course.Operator: Go ahead, sir.Lin Fei: Hi, dad!How are you?...Unit06 1 Clerk: Can I help you? Lin Fei: Yes.I want to send a registered air-mail letter to China.Clerk: OK.That'll be 60p for postage and 20p for registration.That comes to 80p, please.Lin Fei: Here is 1 pound.Clerk: Here is your change.Please wait for your receipt....Here is your receipt.Lin Fei: Thank you!2 Clerk: Anything else? Lin Fei: Yes, 20 postcards, 5 air-mail stamps and one roll of 50 10-pence stamps, please.Clerk: That'll be 11.20 pounds please.Lin Fei: Here is 12 pounds.Clerk: Here is your change.Anything else? Lin Fei: No.Oh yes, could you tell me where I can mail this letter? Clerk: Just drop it in the mail box at the corner.Lin Fei: Thank you very much.Clerk: You're welcome.3 Clerk: Can I help you? Lin Fei: I want to pick up my package.This is the notice I received.Clerk: Let me see...Hmm...Just a minute....Here it is.We need your signature or I.D.on this note.Lin Fei: All right.Can I mail this parcel to China? Clerk: What's in it? Lin Fei: Two books.Please insure them for 20 pounds.Clerk: No problem, sir.4 Lin Fei: Can I have this money order cashed, please? Clerk: Yes sir.But you'll have to endorse it first.Lin Fei: Oh, yes.Clerk: Can I see your I.D.card? Lin Fei: Sure.Clerk: Yes, that's fine.Here you are.1000 pounds.Lin Fei: Thanks.Clerk: You're welcome.Unit07 1 Clerk: Good morning.Can I help you? Lin Fei: Yes, Mi.I'd like to open an account here.Clerk: We have both checking and savings accounts.Which do you want? Lin Fei: What's the difference between them? Clerk: With a checking account, you can write checks to pay your bills.The minimum amount for opening a checking account is 500 pounds.Lin Fei: How about a savings account? Clerk: The most common savings account is called a pa book savings account and there is no minimum for the first deposit.Lin Fei: I think I'll open a savings account.Clerk: By all means.2 Clerk: Can I help you, sir? Lin Fei: I want to withdraw 200 pounds from my account.Clerk: How would you like it? Lin Fei: Five-pound notes, please.Clerk: Anything else? Lin Fei: Yes, could you tell me my balance? Clerk: Yes, sir.Your balance is 1,678 pounds.Lin Fei: Thank you.Clerk: You're welcome.3 Clerk: Can I help you? Lin Fei: Yes.May I exchange these pounds into US dollars? Clerk: Sure, sir.How do you want it? Lin Fei: It's all the same to me.By the way, could you tell me the exchange rate today? Clerk: It's 100 to 138, sir.Here is your money, sir.Lin Fei: Many thanks.Clerk: My pleasure.4 Lin Fei: Hello, Mi.I've got a problem.Clerk: What is it? Lin Fei: I lost my pabook this morning.What shall I do? Clerk: I'm sorry to hear that.Please write down your name and your pabook number so that I can check it for you.Lin Fei: Yes, certainly.Clerk: Please wait here for a few minutes....It's all right.Your account is OK.Lin Fei: Oh, thank God!Clerk: Now complete this form and we'll give you a new account with a fresh number.Lin Fei: Thank you so much.Clerk: Not at all.Take care of it this time.Lin Fei: Yes, I certainly will.Unit08 1 Bob: Come on in and make yourself at home.Lin Fei: Thank you.Bob: Let me introduce my wife, Betty.Lin Fei: Nice to meet you, Mrs Harris? Betty: Nice to meet you, too.Please call me Betty.Lin Fei: Okay.Betty.Bob: And this is my daughter, Karen.Lin Fei: Hello, Karen.Karen: Hi.Bob: Let me take your coat.Lin Fei: Thank you.By the way, this is for you.Bob: Wine!How nice!Thank you very much.Lin Fei: Don't mention it.2 Bob: Would you care for anything to drink? Lin Fei: Yes, please.What do you have? Bob: Well, we have tea, beer, wine, orange juice.Lin Fei: I'll have some orange juice, please...You have a lovely house here.Bob: Thank you.We really like it, too.Lin Fei: How long have you lived here? Bob: Let me see, about two years.Would you like me to show you around? Lin Fei: Ah, great!Bob: This way, please.3 Lin Fei: You are an excellent cook, Betty.Betty: Thank you.Would you like some more food? Lin Fei: Well, I'll have some steak, please.Betty: Here you are.Lin Fei: Thank you.Mmmm, this is really very good.Betty: I'm glad you like it.Lin Fei: That was a wonderful meal.Betty: Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it.Now, how about some deert? Lin Fei: That would be great.4 Lin Fei: Well, Betty, dinner was delicious.Thank you very much.Betty: Thank you, Lin Fei.Lin Fei: It's getting very late, I think I should be going.Bob: So soon? Lin Fei: Yes, I'm afraid so.Thanks for inviting me.Bob: It's my pleasure.Hope to see you again soon.Lin Fei: Well, goodbye.Bob and Betty: Goodbye.Unit09 1 Waitre: This is Britannia Fish Restaurant.What Can I do for you, sir? Lin Fei: I'd like to reserve a table for three on Saturday evening this week, And I'd like to have a table near the window facing the Thames.Would that be OK? Waitre: Certainly, sir.May I have your name, please? Lin Fei: Yes.My name is Lin Fei.Waitre: Okay, Mr.Lin...a table for three...Saturday evening.At what time, sir? Lin Fei: 7:30.OK? Waitre: Yes.Thank you for calling, sir.See you then.2 Lin Fei: Good evening.I reserved a table the other day and my name is Lin Fei.Waitre: This way, please.Here is the menu, sir.Lin Fei: Thank you.Waitre: Would you care for a drink? Lin Fei: Yes.Betty? Betty: Orange Juice, please.Lin Fei: How about you, Mr.Harris? Bob: Tea, please.Lin Fei: Same here.Waitre: All right.Just a moment, please.3 Waitre: Here are your drinks.May I take your order now, Madam? Betty: Thank you.What's today's special? Waitre: Crabmeat Newburg, Lobster Thermidor, and Fried Fish Steak.Betty: Lobster Thermidor, please.Bob: Fish Steak, medium, please.Lin Fei: Fish Steak too, but well-done, please.Waitre: Any drink to go with that? Lin Fei: How about a bottle of red wine, Mr and Mrs.Harris? Bob and Betty: Red wine is good.4 Lin Fei: Waitre, bill please.Waitre: Yes, sir.I hope you enjoyed your dinner.Bob and Betty: Yes, we did.Betty: The food here is really special and always delicious.Lin Fei: This is for you, Mi.Waitre: Thank you very much, sir.Bob: It's been a wonderful evening.Thank you for inviting us.Lin Fei: It's my greatest pleasure to have you.Betty: I'm afraid we must be going, Mr.Lin.Thank you!Lin Fei: Thank you!Goodbye, Bob and Betty.Bob and Betty: Goodbye.Unit10 1 Lin Fei: Excuse me.I was told to transfer to the No.11 around the Park.Could you do me a favor and tell me when to get off? Bus-Driver: Sure.Fifty pence, please.Lin Fei: Do I have to pay the fare with the exact change? Bus-Driver: Not neceary in London.I can break any notes for you.Lin Fei: Here's one pound.Bus-Driver: Here's your change.Step back and take a seat, please....Hyde Park!Hyde Park!Lin Fei: Thank you!Bus-Driver: Cheerio!2 Lin Fei: Which train would get me to York by 16:30? Clerk: If you caught the 11:35, you'd be there at 16:14.Lin Fei: One first-cla single to York, please.Clerk: 12 pounds and 20 pence, please.Lin Fei: Here you are.Clerk: Here is your change and ticket.11:35, Platform 4.Lin Fei: Need I change trains? Clerk: No.It's a through train.3 Lin Fei: Taxi!York Gallery, please.I have to be there before 5 o'clock.Driver: Don't worry.We have plenty of time....Here we are, sir.You've still got a quarter to spare.One pound and forty pence, please.Lin Fei: Thank you very much indeed.Here is 2 pounds.Give me 40p, please.4 Lin Fei: Excuse me, but I'm trying to get to Queensway.Pedestrian: Take the District to Notting Hill and then get the Central.Lin Fei: Where do I go now? Pedestrian: Take the escalator on your right.Lin Fei: Thank you very much.Pedestrian: My pleasure.Unit11 1 David: Lin Fei, this is Susan.Lin Fei: I'm very glad to meet you Susan.Susan: It's a pleasure to meet you.How do you like London so far? Lin Fei: Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here.Susan: Oh, you'll get used to it soon.2 Friend: Well, hello, stranger!Have you moved or something? Lin Fei: No.I went to York for a few weeks.Friend: Oh, really? For what? Lin Fei: I went to the York Gallery to collect some materials for my paper.How are you doing? Friend: Can't complain, you know.Why not come for a drink this weekend? Lin Fei: I'd love to, but I'm hunting for a job these days.Friend: All right.Good luck to you, then.Lin Fei: Thank you.Goodbye!Friend: Bye-bye!3 Lin Fei: Happy Birthday, Susan!Susan: Thank you!Do come in, please!Lin Fei: And this is for you!Susan: How nice it is!Oh, Lin, Thank you ever so much!Lin Fei: Sure!David: Many happy returns of the day.Susan: Oh, David, thank you.David: Look what I've brought!Susan: What a big birthday cake!Oh, David, you're so sweet!4 Lin Fei: Merry Christmas, Profeor Smith.Smith: The same to you!Lin Fei: Are you doing anything special? Smith: Yes.My parents and daughter are all here to join a big celebration.Would you join us? Lin Fei: Sorry.All the overseas students are having a party tonight.And my parents are coming to visit me to celebrate New Year's Day.So I will not be able to join you.Thank you all the same.Smith: Happy new year to you and your parents.Lin Fei: Thank you.The same to you!

Unit12 1 David: Good morning, Lin Fei.You look pal Are you all right? Lin Fei: Morning, David.I'm afraid not.David: What's wrong with you? Lin Fei: I've had a temperature for two days.David: Why not go and see the doctor? Lin Fei: I've been busy writing the term paper.David: Don't be silly.Nothing is above health!The sooner, the better!Lin Fei: Thank you.I'll follow your advice.David: Take care!Hope you'll be better soon.2 Doctor: Hello, this is Doctor Hall's office.May I help you? Lin Fei: I would like to make an appointment to see the doctor.Doctor: Would 4 o'clock this afternoon be convenient? Lin Fei: I'm afraid I've got a temperature.So I would like an appointment as soon as poible.Doctor: Let me see, 1 p.m., OK? Lin Fei: That's fine.Doctor: Could you give me your full name, addre and phone number? Lin Fei: OK.3 Doctor: Now, what seems to be the trouble? Lin Fei: I have had a sore throat for a few days.And I'm feeling chills and a fever now.Doctor: Let me take your temperature.Would you put the thermometer under your arm? Lin Fei: OK.Doctor: You do have a temperature.Now, let me look at your throat.Mm...Inflammation of the tonsils.Lin Fei: Is it serious? Doctor: Oh, no.I'll give you an injection to bring your temperature down, and prescribe some medicine for you.Lin Fei: What should I do to get better soon? Doctor: Drink plenty of water and rest q.Lin Fei: Thank you.4 Lin Fei: Excuse me.Can I have these prescriptions filled, please? Aistant: Certainly, I'll have them filled for you if you just wait a few minutes.Lin Fei: Thank you.Aistant: Here's your medicine.Lin Fei: Can you tell me how to take the medicine? Aistant: Yes.Take two of these pills three times a day after meals and 2 tablespoons of the syrup every 2 hours.Lin Fei: Thank you for your help.Unit13 1 Aistant: Anything I can do for you? Lin Fei: Yes.I'm looking for a present for my wife, but I haven't made up my mind.Aistant: How about perfumes? The perfumes here are very famous.Lin Fei: What a good idea!May I have a look.Aistant: Please.Lin Fei: Well, the smell is nice.I'll take this brand.2 Aistant: Would you like anything else, sir? Lin Fei: No, thanks.Just the bill.Aistant: Yes.Here you are.Lin Fei: Thank you.Do you accept checks? Aistant: Sorry, sir.We only accept cash.Lin Fei: OK.Will you wrap it up for me? Aistant: Sure.3 Lin Fei: Here is 80 pounds.Aistant: Thank you, sir.Lin Fei: Can I have a tax-refund form, please? Aistant: Of course.Lin Fei: By the way, where can I get back the duty paid? Aistant: You can get it back when you go through the Customs.Lin Fei: Oh, I see.Thanks a lot.4 Lin Fei: Excuse me.Is this the place where I can get back the duty paid? Aistant: Yes, it is.May I see your tax-refund form, please? Lin Fei: Yes, here you are.Aistant: Do you want to get pounds or American dollars? Lin Fei: Pounds, please.Unit14 1 Lin Fei: David, Could you tell me something about the study here? David: Sure.Lin Fei: What are the general requirements for undergraduate study? David: As far as I know, you can receive a Bachelor degree if you succefully complete at least 120 units of the neceary courses.Lin Fei: How about testing and grading? David: To obtain credit for each course, you must attend all required claes, finish all aignments and take all the neceary tests and exams.The maximum grade is 100;the lowest pa rank is 65 percent.Lin Fei: Thank you very much.David: Any time.2 Lin Fei: David, are you on a part-time job? David: I work as an aistant in our college library.Lin Fei: How can I get an on-campus job too? David: You may apply to the Student Employment Service for a vacancy.Lin Fei: How about off-campus jobs? David: Off-campus work requires permiion from the Immigration Office.Lin Fei: Oh, I see.Thank you very much.David: You're welcome.3 Lin Fei: Do you have any job for a part-timer? Employer: What sort of job do you have in mind? Lin Fei: Frankly speaking, I have nothing particular in mind, sir.Employer: What qualifications or experience do you have? Lin Fei: I'm almost straight from school.Employer: Do you think a cleaning job could appeal to you? Lin Fei: A cleaning job is OK with me.How much can I earn? Employer: 50 pounds a week, 3 hours a day from Monday to Friday.Lin Fei: That sounds good.I'll take it.4 Lin Fei: Hi, David.I've found a job doing cleaning in a company.David: Good news!How much did they offer you? Lin Fei: 50 pounds a week, 3 hours a day.David: A nice job, I should say.Lin Fei: I think so.How are you doing? David: I'm between two jobs now.Lin Fei: Oh, bad luck.David: Don't worry about me.I gue I can find a new job soon.Lin Fei: I hope so.Good luck.David: Thanks.Bye-bye!

Unit15 1 Lin Fei: I've come to say goodbye, Bob.Bob: When are you off? Lin Fei: I'm flying home on Friday afternoon.Bob: Well, goodbye.See you soon.Lin Fei: Please don't forget to say goodbye to Betty and Karen for me.Bob: I will.Have a good journey.Lin Fei: Thank you.Goodbye, Bob.2 Lin Fei: Mr.Wilson.I'm calling to say goodbye.Wilson: When do you leave? Lin Fei: My flight is on Saturday afternoon.Wilson: Take care of yourself, Lin, and don't forget to write to me.Lin Fei: All right.Thank you very much for everything you've done for me.Wilson: It was a pleasure to have you.Goodbye.Lin Fei: Goodbye.3 Smith: How time flies!I still remember the first day you came to my cla.Lin Fei: Yes.I can never thank you enough for all your kind help and advice.Smith: You have helped me a lot too.I'll mi you.Lin Fei: I'll mi you too.We'll keep in touch through the Internet.Smith: Sure.Please remember me to your parents and Profeor Wang.Lin Fei: Thank you.I will.Clamate A: Oh, Lin, how very much I'll mi you!...4 David: Let's put your bags in the backI thought you might like to have a look at it on the plane.Lin Fei: Thank you very much.Look, it's about time to check in, so there's no need for you to hang around.David: Well, I do hope you have a good journey.Please tell my parents and friends I'm OK here.Lin Fei: Thank you.I'll certainly do that for you.David: Goodbye, Lin Fei and all the best!Susan: Bon Voyage!


2—06 Clerk: Can I help you? Lin Fei: Yes.I want to send a registered air-mail letter to China.Clerk: OK.That'll be 60p for postage and 20p for registration.Th......


3—05 Where are you from? Robert: Hi, I'm Robert.How's it going? Miguel: Hi.My name's Miguel.Sorry, I didn't catch your name.Robert: It's Robert.I'm from......


,、、复旦大学«21世纪大学英语》自主学习第二册第七单元《一课一练》测试题参考答案Part I writing1.有些学生认为学习成绩是最重要的。2.有些学生认为培养个人能力是最重要......


11.Which of the following is NOT true about the flat? (A) 细节题。B、C、D都明确提到。而房租是75英镑一个星期,而不是一个月。 12.What will the woman poibly do? (C)......




