邮政英语词汇全cyj (材料)由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“邮政术语英语词汇”。
Unit1 邮政词汇总结
SJZ Postal and Telecommunications Technical College 邮政英语
English for Postal Service 金融管理与实务
Financial Management and Practice 国内邮政汇兑业务domestic postal remittance service 万国邮联 UPU
the Universal Postal Union
国际邮政通信International postal communications 双边协定Bilateral agreement 重量单位Unit of weight 运输方式Means of transportation 长度单位Unit of length 水陆路邮件Surface mail 国际邮政法规 International Postal Regulation 邮政经营理事会 The Postal Operations Council 国际局 IB(the International Bureau)行政委员会CA
the Council of Administration
咨询委员会 CC(the Consultative Committee)官方组织 official organization 世界邮政联盟 Postal Union of the World 乡村投递 rural carrier 邮政行业Postal industry 直复营销商Direct marketer 航空邮件Airmail 邮展 Philatelic Exhibition 世界邮政日 World Post Day 保险 Insurance 挂号信Registered mail 平信 ordinary letter 保价信 insured letter 邮政服务Postal service 纪念币Commemorative coin 邮路delivery route 邮差postman/postie/mail carrier 私人运营商Private operator 服务提供商Service provider 国外函件Overseas mail 国际函件International mail 国内函件Domestic mail 投递段Carrier routes
上门揽收Pick up/collect mail
上门投递 home delivery service
混合邮件Hybrid mail 投递局Delivery branch 区域运输Inter-regional transportation
分拣中心/终端Sorting center/terminal
分拣机 letter sorting machine
邮政网点Postal outlet
出口邮件投放点Outgoing mail drop-offs
零售服务网点Retail service outlet
邮戳Postal mark/postmark 邮资邮票Postage
追踪定位系统Track&trace system
货到付款Cash on delivery 邮件地址Mail addre 商函/直邮Direct mail
联合国教科文组织 UNESCO
Royal Mail Group 养老金支付业务
the payment of pensions 金融服务Financial Service 外汇Foreign Currency/Exchange
旅游保险Travel/Itinerant Insurance
流动邮局Mobile Postal Office
延伸服务Outreach Service 合作服务Partner Service 托管服务Hosted Service 上门投递业务Home Delivery Service 自动邮寄中心APC
Automated Postal Center
借记卡Debit Card 信用卡Credit Card 速递物流logistics and expre 优先邮件priority mail 一类邮件first-cla mail
包裹业务parcel post services 邮政编码ZIP code/postal code
投递确认业务delivery confirmation service
回执return receipts 美国邮政USPS
the United States Postal Service 国际信函the International Letter 航空邮件Airmail
挂号邮件Registered Mail 保寄信Certified Mail
获得快递邮件Obtain Expre Mail 服务 wait on/service 加油fuel up 自助self-service
提款 withdraw money 存款deposit money 长队long queue 排队queue on 插队jump queue
瑞士虚拟邮寄 Swi virtual post office 德国邮政Deutsche Post 邮寄地址the mail addre
和旅游相关的产品Travel-related products
邮件相关单词mail-related words 旗舰店crown office branch
核心店主the core subpostmaster 快捷服务quick service 包裹称重weigh packages 人流量the walk-in traffic APC向导an APC host 包装胶带packing tape 包装盒子packing box 邮件管mail tube 邮件粘签mail sticker
垫子信封cushion envelope 收取费用charging the mail
当无法投递时in case of nondelivery 国际邮政会议
National postal conference 人身保险life insurance
财产保险property insurance
中邮人寿保险股份有限公司 China Post Life Insurance Company Limited 买保险purchase insurance
旅程travel/itinerary 柜台 counter
支付make payment 进行交易carry out transactions 开户open an account 现金流量Cash/monetary flow 股票市场/证券市场the Stock/Security Market 邮寄send busine item 金卡gold card 大礼包Welcome package 四位数4-digit 短信服务 short meage service 文本信息/文字信息text meage 邮政营业网点Postal Outlet 固定电话Fix call 柜台现金提取the Counter Cash Withdrawal
速递物流Expre Logistics 触摸屏 a touch screen 本票a promiory note 发票 Invoice 汇票 Remittance 支票Check Unit3 邮政英语词汇 分拣邮件sort mail 投递局 delivery branch 投递邮件deliver mail 邮袋mail pouch/bag 企业信箱businees boxes 揽收邮件collect mail 私人信箱private boxes 邮递员 postie 扁平邮件large flat 邮(信)筒letter box/mail box 右上角up-right corner 橡皮筋rubber band 国内邮资明信片
domestic prepaid postcards 邮政商店post shop 全国邮递员协会National Aociation of Letter Carriers 乡村免费投递rural free delivery/RFD 乡村邮差rural carrier 邮件mail items 安全检查safety check 装车load her bike 改寄粘签add redirection sticker with new addre 本地投递Local Delivery Branch
有址邮件addreed letters 广告单advertising circulars
过关申明customs declaration 签名确认服务 signature confirmation services
邮件槽Mail slot 信箱Mail/letter box 邮箱Pillar box 组合框Cluster box 壁盒Wall box
交寄明信片mail postcards 贴邮票stick stamps
活期存款current deposit 定期存款fixed deposit 存款帐户 joint account 开户头to open an account 贴现discount
贴现率discount rate
金融市场financial market 申请单 an application form
对帐单bank statement 国库券treasury bill
外汇储备Foreign currency reserve
国际货币制度 International Monetary System
国家预算National budget 经济周期Economic cycle 经济繁荣economic boom 经济衰退economic receion
经济萧条economic depreion
经济复苏economic recovery
经济危机economic crisis 通货膨胀inflation 通货收缩deflation 货币贬值devaluation 货币增值revaluation
国际收支International Balance of Payment 顺差Favorable balance 逆差Adverse balance Unit4 邮政英语词汇总结
优质服务准则Golden service rules 邮政员工Post employee
力争优质服务Strive for excellence 搪塞Shuffle through
职业道德Profeional morality 窗口营业员Counter staff
沟通技巧Communications skills 发脾气Lose one’s temper 出示内件Show the contents 偏袒Take sides 小包Small packets
填写单式Fill in the forms
人与人间的沟通Personal touch 发自内心的关心Genuine concern 整个行业The whole organization
邮政的使命The Postal Service’s miion 标×Pick up sth.With a cro 电子商务Electronic commerce 小型张Miniature sheet 小本票Small note
小全张Souvenir sheet/Miniature sheet 个性化邮票Personalized stamp 特种邮票Special stamp 双联票Stamp in pair
极限明信片Maximum card 邮戳Postmark 明信片Postcard
普通邮票Ordinary stamp 首日封First day cover 邮票块 Stamp in block
预贴邮票的信封Pre-stamped envelope 纪念邮票Commemorative stamp 纪念币Commemorative coin 纪念邮折Commemorative sheet 集邮协会 The Philatelic Aociation 集邮品Philatelic items 黑便士Penny Black
全员营销Integrating Marketing 均一资费Uniform postage 邮资邮票Postage stamps 邮资信封Stamped envelope 放大镜Magnifier
卷票The volume of votes 邮册The postal album 面值Denomination 不同面值邮票 现有顾客existing customer Stamps with different denominations 潜在顾客potential 房产税Property tax customer 泡沫危机Bubble crisis 维系客户keep customer 利率市场化The marketization of 获得顾客 interest rate acquire/retain/achieve/get/g互联网金融The Internet Financial ain/win customer 客服热线Customer service hot line 大礼包welcome package 查询账户余额 consult account balance
three-year plan 邮件追踪track and trace mail
激烈的竞争fierce 运输网transport network
短信平台short meage platform 刚性需求huge growth prospects 航空口岸 air gateways 无线射频识别RFID
radio frequency identification 报关 Customs Declaration
全资公司 fully owned operations 跟踪查询tracking and tracing
填写单式fill in the forms
投诉信 letter of complaint Unit 6 邮政英语词汇 商函direct mail 弹出式邮件pop-up piece/mail 忠实客户loyal customer 邮政编码ZIP Code 贺卡greetings card 商函促销direct mail promotion 印刷品printed matter 个性化商函personalized mail 营销工具marketing tools 直复营销direct marketing 数据库database 回复率response rate 中型企业 medium-sized busine 限重weight limit 垃圾邮件junk mail 最新产品latest product 最新报价latest offer 最新开业latest opening 提升知名度grow reputation 企业形象profeional image 建立客户关系build customer relationship 下一次over time 屡次over and over again 现实世界the real world 范例分析case study 家族企业family busine 营销活动marketing campaign 网购online order 促销码promotional code 越洋电话mobile calls abroad 三维3 Dimension 底线bottom line 物有所值的cost-effective 新顾客new customer 老顾客past/previous customer competition 邮件量mail volume 优质服务high-quality service 确定的时间段definite time period 交寄印刷品mail printed mail unit7邮政英语词汇 国内市场 domestic market 发展战略 growth prospect 市场份额 market shares 削减成本 cut cost 国际航空快递 International air expre 增值业务value-added service 库存管理 inventory managements 仓储设施 warehousing facilities 查询 make an inquiry 申报价值 declare value 清关 Clear Customs 额外收费additional charge 时限 time limit 供应链解决方案 supply chain solutions 退货管理 returns management 速递物流EMS and logistics 广泛的产品组合broad product portfolio 货机航班freighter 确定时效道路投递服务day-certain road delivery service
货运公司trucking company 邮件赔偿 compensation for EMS
交寄特快专递邮件mailing items by EMS
驿马快信 the pony expre 邮政行业postal industry
物流跟踪装置logistics tracking devices 国际快递网络international expre network
获得长期发展capture the long-term growth
开创性的 ground-breaking 回复信封reply envelope 现有客户existing clients
潜在客户dormant /clients
预期客户prospective clients
商函direct mail
工业革命Industrial revolution
助力车electric moped 电动车electric car
交换箱swap body
分发式货车distribution cargo van 货车和挂车truck and trailer 邮件分发车mail carrier vehicle 航空口岸air gateways
国内邮domestic mail
运输枢纽transportation hub 提高网络效率
improve the efficiency of its networks 保持服务质量maintain service levels 揽收和投递线路the pickup and delivery rounds
空邮航路组the composition of the air fleet
有弹性的国内需求resilient domestic demand
领军人物 a leading player
国内道路分布domestic road distribution
销售平台sales platform
创始人的肖像a portrait of the innovator 一个单一的解决方案 a single-source solution 节省资金conserve capital 面临无数的危险face numerous dangers 电报线the telegraph line 满足全部的物流分发需求
meet total logistics and distribution needs Unit 9邮政词汇小结 保险费premium
承保范围 Insurance coverage 保险费率Insurance rate
商业保险 Busine insurance 责任保险 liability insurance 意外伤害保险accident insurance 专业保险specialty insurance
预计损失anticipated lo
邮政汇票postal money order
邮政储蓄业务 postal savings services 储蓄账户savings account 结算settlement 存款基础deposit base 后台运作 back office operation 交易数据 transaction data
利息计算interest calculation
汇率exchange rate
灾备中心backup center
账户余额account balance
国际汇兑International Remittance
网上银行Internet Banking
汇款单Send Money form
手续费transfer fee
取款单Receive Money Form
汇款监控号Money Transfer Control Number 直营零售网点 directly operated branches
数据处理服务date proceing services 分支网点 branch network
零售网点retail network
现金交易(转账)money transfer 基本职责primary responsibility 当地货币local currency 运营支持中心operation support centers 汇总清算compile settlement 汇总数据statistical data 实时在线服务online services in real time
交易数据存储storage of transaction data
汇款数目remittance amounts
零售行业楷模retail busine model 收汇receive money
大区免费电话toll-free call 非柜台业务over-the-counter services 兑付最高限额the maximum amount for cashing
人寿保险health/life insurance
保险条款a policy covers 定期regular basis 投保policy holders
保险服务insurance service 财产保险property insurance
风险转移transfer of risk 经济损失financial impact 英国保险局The Insurance Office
英国火险局The Fire Office 保险公司 insurance company
车险car insurance
账户结余account balances 中邮人寿China post life 专业技巧Profeional Skills
综合金融服务Comprehensive financial services
日本邮储银行 Japan Post Bank Co., Ltd Unit10邮政英语
邮政网络 postal network 有毒材料 toxic materials 再生材料recycled materials
濒危物种endangered species
替代燃料alternative fuel 邮政车辆postal vehicles 投递路线 delivery routes
企业社会责任 corporate social responsibilities
电动车辆 electric vehicles
inkjet cartridges
实物配送网络Physical distribution
碳足迹 carbon footprint 碳排放 carbon emiion 零排放 zero emiion 邮寄筒
mail tube 包装箱 packing box
缓冲材料cushioning material 易碎物品fragile articles
环保产品environment-friendly product
环保意识 environment awarene 道琼斯可持续发展指数
the Dow Jones sustainability Index 联合国世界粮食计划署
United Nations World Food Programme
全球变暖global warming
人道主义援助 humanitarian aid 绿色邮件 greening the mail 邮差揽收carrier pickup
三R计划Read Respond and Recycle 更环保邮票 greener stamps 回收活动recycling program 邮政当局postal administration 邮资邮票postage stamps
包装箱和信封 packages and envelopes 合格的材料certified materials
邮件回寄信封 mail back envelope 邮箱在线业务PO Boxes Online 普遍服务universal postal service 邮件封装 mail packing
免费循环信封free recycling envelopes
Leaving a green footprint
水性墨水water-based inks 翻新轮胎
re-tread tires 耗电consume electricity 救灾物资relief goods
不加汽油的petroleum free
改善环境 promote the environment 野生动物的保护wildlife conservation
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李军金1103-36 31104004601 1.The postWorld Post Day 世界邮政日 Internal service 内部服务UPU=Universal Postal Union 万国邮联 GPU=General Postal Union IB=the Inter......
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