4月22日是世界地球日。April 22 is the earth day.这一天,我们无论如何应该静下来,哪怕是很短的时间,用心去感受此时的地球。This day we anyway should calm down, even if it is a very short period of time, are felt in the heart of the earth at this time.人类曾经以地球的主人自居,骄傲蛮横地做过很多事情。Humans have the earth's host, proud pose wildly did a lot of things.如果我们能够像宇航员一样在太空去打量和欣赏地球,我们一定会看到一个蓝色的美丽星球,它看起来很小,而又非常漂亮。If we can be like astronauts in space as looked and appreciate the earth, we will see a blue beautiful planet, it looks very small, and it is very beautiful.那些太空拍摄的日出、日落以及大海的照片,美到令人窒息。Those space filming sunrise, sunset and the sea of photographs, beauty to stifling.“地球看上去就像是一颗白里透蓝的玻璃球”,宇航员们赞叹说,地球是他们见过的最美的星球,地球之美并不仅仅在于它拥有这份罕见的蓝色,更在于它用几十亿年的时间孕育了绿色的生命。“The earth looks like a single white inside deeply blue gla ball”, the astronauts praise said, the earth is they have seen the most beautiful planet, earth beauty lies not only in it owns the rare blue, lies more with billions of years of time it has spawned a green life.我们是如此的幸运,能够生活在如此美丽的家园。We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful home.这颗美丽而善良的星球,孕育我们的生命。This single beautiful and kind planet, conceived our life.眼下,只有它是我们发现的唯一拥有生命存在的星球。For now, only it is we found only have the existence of life of the planet.如果有一天地球承载不住人类的活动,我们将在这个太空中找不到新家可去。If one day the earth bearing not human activity, we will be in this space can't find new home to go.地球的美丽是人类参与创造的,地球的灾难也和我们息息相关。The earth's beauty is human participation, earth disaster created is closely related with us also.人类只有一个地球,带着敬畏之心和珍爱之情来对待地球吧,不仅仅因为地球是如此的美丽,更因为,地球是如此的善良。There is only one earth, with awe and cherish affection to treat the earth right, not only because the earth is so beautiful, more because, the earth is so kind.请读本期——《我们只有一个地球》
Please read thispowered “earth day” activities.这是人类有史以来第一次规模宏大的群众性环境保护运动。This is the first ever grand human ma environmental protection movement.作为人类现代环保运动的开端,“地球日”活动推动了多个国家环境法规的建立。As the beginning of modern human environmental movement, “earth day” activities promoted the establishment of many countries environmental laws and regulations.1990年4月22日,全世界140多个国家、2亿多人同时在各地举行多种多样的环境保护宣传活动。April 22, 1990, more than 140 countries around the world at the same time, 2 million people acro the environmental protection held various promotional activities.这项活动得到了联合国的首肯。This activity got u.n.approval.其后,每年的4月22日被确定为“世界地球日”。Thereafter, the annual April 22 is determined for the earth day.
2011年世界地球日第42个世界地球日,2011年世界地球日主题为:珍惜地球资源 转变发展方式。历次世界地球日我国活动主题:1996年 认识地球,热爱地球,保护地球,珍惜资源,造福人类1997年......
世界地球日活动资料世界地球日(World Earth Day)即每年的4月22日,是一项世界性的环境保护活动。该活动最初在1970年的美国由盖洛德〃尼尔森和丹尼斯〃海斯发起,随后影响越来越大......