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2期 李超平 等 : 变革型领导与员工工作态度 : 心理授权的中介作用 307 b ility.Con fir m atory factor ana lysis(CFA resu lts supported th e fou r-d m i ens ion structure(moralem odeling, v isionary m o t ivating , charism a and ind iv idualized con sideration o f the TLQ.CFA resu lts also con fir med the four-d m i en sion(m eaning , competen ce , self d eter m ination and m i pact structure of the PES.F inally, exp loratory factor analysis ex tracted one factor fro m the job satisfact ion item s and a s ing le factor was also extracted from the affective co mm itmen t items.Stru ctu re equ at ion sm odeling(SE M was used to exp lore the relat ion s among tran sfor mat ional leadersh ip, psychologi cal empower m en t , job satisfaction and organ izational comm it m ent u sing were rando m ly sp lit in to t w o p arts.On e part was subm itted to an exp loratory SEM and the oth er p art was subm itted to a con fir m atory SEM.The exp loratory SEM began w ith a fu lly-m ed iated model in wh ich the componen ts of psychologica l e m power m en t fu lly m ed iated th e relat ion s between the co m ponen ts of tran sformational lead er sh ip and job satisfaction and organ izat iona l co mm itmen t.So m e mean ingfu l ad ju st m en tw as m ade accord ing to the mod ifica t ion index(M I generated by AMO S 4.0 unt il a stat ist ically acceptab lem odel w as derived.T h is model was then subm it ted to a con fir m atory SEM wh ich yield ed sat isfactory goodn e of fit stat ist ics , and CF I.T he resu lts showed that d ifferen t co m ponen ts of transfor m at iona l leadersh ip had d ifferen t m i pact on job satisfaction and organ izat iona l co mm it m en t.Specifically , morale mod eling and v isionary mot ivat ing w ere powerfu l pred ictors of job sat isfaction and organ izational co mm it m en t , respect ively;charis m a and ind iv idualized cons id eration were robu st pred ictors o f job satisfaction bu t not of organ izat iona l comm it m en t.T o some exten t , p sych ological empow er m ent m ed iated the relation b etw een tran sfor mational leadersh ip and e mp loyee work att itude.Specifically , m ean ing m ed iated the re lation bet w een vi sionary mot ivat ion and job sat is faction as w ell as organ izational co mm itmen t.M ean ing a lso m ed iated th e relation between m oral modeling and job satisfaction and

organ izational comm itm en t.Sm i ilarly , co m petence med iated th e relation between vis ionary mot ivat ion and organ izat iona l comm itm en t.How ever , neith er self deter m ination nor m i pact m ed iated the relation b etw een co m ponen ts of transfor m at iona l leadersh ip and job sat is faction or organ izational co mm it m en t.And non-com ponent of psycholog ical e mpow er m en t m ed iated th e relation bet w een ch arisma and ind ividu alized cons iderat ion and job sat is fac t ion.L m i itations and fu ture research d irect ion s are d iscu ed.K ey words tran sfor mational leadersh ip questionn aire , validat ion, TLQ job satisfact ion, organ izational comm it m en t , cro includ ing V /df, GF I , NF I , I FI , TL I , 2

论化学与战争的变革 ——李超(含山中学高一九班)

论化学与战争的变革作者:李超(含山中学高一9班) 关键词:金属冶炼、毒药、推进剂、化学武器、化学材料 引言:自从人类社会形成以来,由于部落间资源、信仰等方面的差别,流血冲突就源......

心理所有权和犬儒主义在包容性领导对员工离职倾向 影响中的中介作用

心理所有权和犬儒主义在包容性领导对员工离职倾向 影响中的中介作用摘要:以湖南省540名企业员工数据为样本,考察了包容性领导对员工离职倾向的影响以及心理所有权和犬儒主义的......


