孙悟空 Monkey(M for short)白骨精 Jenny White(J for short)唐僧 Tang Seng(T for short)黄袍怪 Yellow(Y for short)沙僧 Sha Seng(S for short)猪八戒 Pig(P for short)Act 1(J 照着镜子上台)
Y: Hello!It’s me.J: I know it’s you.You call me every day,it has 400 years。Y: And today, I’ll ask the same question again.Will you marry me?(J对这位契而不舍的追求者已厌烦到了极点。)J: You wish!I get one more pimple.How bad!Y: Ah!I just call to tell you the meat of Tang Seng can make you beautiful and Tang Seng will come to our place.We can go and catch him together.J: ok ,ok,.I will have a rest.(不待Y说完,J就没好气地挂断了电话。)Y;Refuse me again.I will never give up.(说罢,好不威风的下台去了)J: How nasty he is!(她想了想,说)But Tang Seng is really good for me.(拿起一副望远镜。J便观察起T的行踪来。)J:(欢喜万分)Ah-ha,(M握着金箍棒在前面探路,打电话给T)M:Hi,master.T;monkey,where are we ? M;DaHuangZheng,JieShouShi M;Ok,we are coming.(P在前面摇摆走着,T随后,可怜S提着许多行李上台)M;master,please(指着一休息地方)
T: Monkey!You are great, thank you very much ,I am happy to be your teacher and......(P懒洋洋地突然打断)P: Sir!I’m so hungry.T: I’m hungry too.Monkey, go and buy some food。Don’t go to LanZhouNiurouMianGuan and LiuYiFanDian, just go to ChangQingFanDian.It is cheap。
T;monkey,just go to changqingfandian.M;yes sir.(欲要离去)T;monkey,wash your box.M;ok.ok(欲要离去)T;monkey,be careful M;thank you sir(欲要离去)T;monkey....(M不耐烦打断)M;you,go away(飞奔而去)
(剩余师徒三人拿出经书念起三字经,一会就睡着了。舞台另一头的J听了不禁眉开眼笑。)J: It’s a good time.(J迅速地打扮好,挎着篮子走到了T师徒的面前。P闻着香味醒了,并叫醒师傅)P: Ah, a beautiful girl.Hello!What’s in your basket? It smells nice!J: Some food for my son.《husband》-P: I’m hungry.Can I have some?
(心急的P伸手去拿篮子里的东西,J假装惊慌地护住了篮子。)T: Pig!be polite.J: You are very kind.I can give you some food.T:(双手合十)Good girl。
M: Monster!(T听到Monster一词立刻吓得晕倒在S怀中。S惊恐万分)S;master master,Pig Pig, come here M: No matter how big you are, I’ll kill you.J: How nasty you are!M: Monster!Take my stick!(M举起金箍棒就要向J的头顶击下。就在这千钧一发之际,P忽然扑上去将M拦腰抱住)P: Beauty, run!Run run.(T 逃过一劫,对各位徒弟尤其是M的拼死保护感动之至,对S说;monkey is great。情不自禁地唱起了Only You。其结果,三个土地全头痛欲裂,大吐特吐。)(终于,T唱完了)
T:(清清嗓子)Monkey, go and buy the lunch.I’m very hungry.M: Yes,master,Just stay here。(边说边画圈)。Goodbye sir.(M离开后,T等就在圈内又念起三字经,不一会打起瞌睡来,P更是鼾声震天。)(J见M走了,便又来打T的主意。她走了两步,踩到了M画的圈。)J: Ouch。
(J知道M的厉害,不敢轻举妄动。但T近在眼前,她实在不甘心放弃。她想了想,忽地计上心头,变出一盒KFC。J: Come, come Come。。
(T等仿佛着了魔似的,梦游般循着KFC的香气向圈子外走。J终于如愿地把他们引出来了。就在J的手向T伸去的时候,M赶回来了,再次将J当场抓获。)M: You again!J: You。you.How nasty you are!M: Now you cannot run!(T 刚刚清醒,看到厮杀场面,想到自己又一次有惊无险,感叹;monkey is really great。不仅又唱起了Only You。M不堪忍受此歌声,抓着J的手也放松了。J乘机溜走了。)(T唱罢,众人终于松了口气。P忽然发现M正望着J远去的方向发愣,伸手在M的眼前晃了晃,M竟然没有反应。)
P:(调侃地)Ah, you like that beautiful girl.(M 回过神来,发现自己的失态,给了P一拳。)T: Monkey, I know that woman is nice, but you can’t love her.loving girls needs time and money.you don’t have much time and much money.M: I won’t.T: That’s fine.Everybody ,are you reday?(列队齐声):Yes sir。(音乐响起——《Nobody》)(转身跳起了nobody)
Beat it! 人物:T:唐僧 陈鹏M:孙悟空 陈中良P:猪八戒 李涛S:沙僧 魏涛 X:白骨精原型 李鹏程X1:白骨精变成的男人X2:白骨精变成的女人 刘佳佳Q:女儿国王后 徐静静 T: Wow…,boy......
Once there was true love for me, but I did not treasure it.Now it’s too late to regret.Nothing in the world can be more painful than that.If only time could go......
搞笑英语话剧之西游记篇人物 : 唐僧八戒悟空白骨精原型女 白骨精变形1 白骨精变形2 白骨精原型男女儿国国王hope you guys enjoy it!改编作者 杜宛芸 成医学子唐: Wow…boys......
西游记话说三百年前,有一块灵石,有一天石头里蹦出了个猴子,是的,他就是我们鼎鼎大名的孙悟空了。然后有一天,悟空遇到了我们的观音姐姐,于是他们就狗血地相爱了。。。。 观音:从现......
查看文章校园搞笑小品剧本:英语话剧《赖皮孙子糊涂爷爷》2009-03-16 19:08演员:P: Pirate-Grandson.M: Mother.F: Father.K: King -Grandpa.旁白: There are 4 members in a......