关键词:大众传媒 公共事务管理 作用
Abstract: the purpose of public affairs management is to maintain the public interest, to promote coordinated development of society.In the modern society, the functions and characteristics of the ma media itself reflects the characteristics of publicity is to make it with the inner link between the management of public affairs, this aociation is media factor to the ultimate cause of impact on public affairs management activities.The ma media to build a “public space” in the field of society, is give full play to the role of ma media in public affairs management in our country's effective way.Keywords: ma media public affairs management Ma media and public affairs management in the maintenance of public interest, promoting the social development value orientation on the fit place, and the ma media diemination activities and management of public affairs management department activities in information diemination mechanism, social integration mechanism of complementary phenomenon, is the inner link of the key points, and the inner relation between them is the media factors can influence on the public affairs management activities of the fundamental motivation.The functions and characteristics of the ma media itself and its inner link, and public affairs management is not only the media factors can influence the management of public affairs activities, the fundamental dynamics also determine and influence the media play a role in the management of public affairs.Warning role For the management of public affairs, the warning role of ma media is usually reflected in the abnormal situation arising from the social life, especially for involving the public life and property and safety emergency situation, make a rapid response and timely report, for the benefit of the public or to help people understand the emergency and real situation, in order to take corresponding countermeasures.After the SARS crisis in 2003, China's media to the crisis in the mainstream media for a long period of time distortion, collective aphasia caused by media complete failure of the role of early warning, the spread of the spread of epidemic diseases has a direct influence the consequences of the deep reflection, in emergencies including crisis coverage has been reformed gigantically, do the timely, true and open information release.Typical is the mainstream media in China since the turn of the spring and summer of 2008 to the “5? 12” wenchuan earthquake shocked the world by 32 consecutive days of live coverage.The fact that the information timely, true and open, is eential for any social responsibility of ma media should keep faith and principle, timely, true and openly to report the news, can become a society to resist the advance of the sudden social panic before reaction, and from the perspective of efficiency, this preliminary response is the smallest cost control measures.As a scholar said: if the truth of a society, especially the matter of public interest, especially the immediate interests of the public's negative live true concealment, so this society will be very dangerous, the whole country will seem as if they are on the crater.Any society can not avoid the natural and man-made, but is likely to rely on the media fast transmiion of information generated by the warning role to reduce disaster loes.To provide reliable public information is a common social responsibility of the government and the media.Therefore, the government in the proce of the management of public affairs, on the one hand, should fully respect the citizens' right to know, to increase the transparency of public information diemination, unimpeded information transmiion channels;On the other hand, should fully understand the warning role of ma media in crisis management, timely show early signs of crisis, preliminary measures as early as poible, try to reduce the adverse impact of the incident to the minimum.The agenda-setting function Agenda-setting theory is “mimetic environment” in lippmann and lars weir of ma communication, on the basis of concept of “environmental monitoring functions”, through empirical study, we propose a theoretical hypothesis.The theory is that ma communication is a kind of set the function of social public affairs “agenda”, the news media of news and information diemination activities to give various “iues” degree of significance, influence the people around the world “event” and its importance.The news media choices or prominence to some content will be audience special attention.This theory suggests that such a concept of media, the media can be “refactoring environment” institutions, media according to their own values and way of reporting, selected from the realistic environment and think it important part or aspect of the proceing and finishing, to give a certain structure order, and then provided to the audience in the form of “reporting the facts”.In real life, we may have noticed a phenomenon: social problems emerge in endlely, but why some potential problem suddenly be innovated, provoked uproar in the community, and then matches the decision-makers;On the contrary, some other problems but lonely silent, finally go away.Comparing two quite different situations, we can find that ma media agenda-setting plays an irreplaceable role.In general, for the social public, not ideal, non-standard, unsatisfactory state of social reality is objective existence, but it will become the object of public policy formulation and implementation, also must go through an understanding on the logic of the development proce.This is the social problems and public social problems and public policy iues.Social problem is transformed into public is a sign of social iues in general will sex appeal.And when the public power subject consciousne to the social public problems have hinder the overall social development,www.daodoc.com media, to some extent have similar to the influence of public opinion.CCTV “news investigation”, “China quality report” and other columns is well received in the audience, one important reason is that these columns better play to the function of media supervision by public opinion.And legal as the requirement of people to expre their interests and rights, the ma media as a spokesperson for the public and the formation of benign interaction between the government and the public opinion plays an important role, and carries on the supervision by public opinion of the social environment has changed a lot, to a certain level, broke through some of its inherent limitations, appeared acro different administrative levels, cro-regional, type the phenomenon of media supervision by public opinion.
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