徐新 桥梁混凝土裂缝产生的原因和处理措施_混凝土桥梁裂缝成因

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徐新 桥梁混凝土裂缝产生的原因和处理措施由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“混凝土桥梁裂缝成因”。

毕 业 论 文

论文题目: 桥梁混凝土裂缝产生的原因和处理措施

系 部:

公 路 工 程 系


道路桥梁工程技术 班 级: 08213 学 号: 24

姓 名:

徐 新


李 永 成完成时间: 2011 年 5 月 12 日

目 录

前言..............................................................1 1 桥梁混凝土裂缝产生的原因........................................1 1.1 荷载引起的裂缝.............................................1 1.1.1直接应力裂缝..........................................1 1.1.2 次应力裂缝...........................................2 1.2 收缩引起的裂缝.............................................2 1.2.1 塑性收缩.............................................2 1.3 地基变形引起的裂缝.........................................3 1.4 原材料质量引起的裂缝.......................................4 1.5 温度变化引起的裂缝.........................................4 2 预防裂缝的措施..................................................5 2.1 干缩裂缝的预防.............................................5 2.2 塑性收缩裂缝的预防.........................................5 2.3 沉陷裂缝的预防.............................................6 2.4 温度裂缝的预防措施.........................................6 3 裂缝的处理措施..................................................7 3.1 墩、柱侧面裂缝.............................................7 3.2 梁板及桥面铺装出现的裂缝...................................7 3.3 其他特殊裂缝...............................................8 结束语............................................................8 参 考 文 献.......................................................8 译文..............................................................9 1






1.1 荷载引起的裂缝






1.1.2 次应力裂缝





1.2 收缩引起的裂缝

1.2.1 塑性收缩





1.3 地基变形引起的裂缝









1.4 原材料质量引起的裂缝




(3)拌合用水及外加剂 拌合用水或外加剂中氯化物等杂志含量较高时对钢筋锈蚀有较大的影响。采用海水或碱泉水拌制混凝土,或采用含碱的外加剂,都可能对碱—骨料反应有影响。

(4)用于结构的钢筋已经锈蚀 植入结构体中的钢筋已经有锈斑或锈蚀,造成钢筋表面氧化膜破坏,在保护层厚度不足的情况下,空气侵入到混凝土内部,钢筋中的铁离子与侵入到砼中的氧气和水发生反应,其锈蚀物体积比原来增长越2~4倍,从而使周围砼产生膨胀应力,导致保护层开裂、剥离,沿钢筋纵向产生裂缝,并有锈迹渗透到砼表面。

1.5 温度变化引起的裂缝

(1)年温差 由于四季温度不断变化,但变化相对缓慢,对桥梁结构的影响主要是导致桥梁的纵向位移,一般可通过桥面伸缩缝、支座位移、设置柔性墩等构造措施来调节,只有结构位移受到限制时才会引起温度裂缝的产生,例如拱桥、刚架桥等。


(3)骤然降温 突降大雨、预冷空气侵袭、日落等可导致外表面温度突然


(4)水化热 出现在施工过程中,大体积混凝土(厚度超过2m)浇筑之后由于水泥水化放热,导致内部温度很高,内外温度差太大,导致表面出现裂缝。




2.1 干缩裂缝的预防






2.2 塑性收缩裂缝的预防






2.3 沉陷裂缝的预防



2.4 温度裂缝的预防措施













3.1 墩、柱侧面裂缝


3.2 梁板及桥面铺装出现的裂缝

对于梁、板上表面出现的收缩裂缝,一般均较细,由于梁、板上还有一层混凝土桥面铺装,可不进行处理。对于水泥混凝土桥而铺装上出现的裂缝无需处理,原因是现行设计均在水泥混凝土铺装上加铺沥青混凝土。而在铺沥青混 7


对于梁板侧而出现的裂缝,可以采用“壁可法”(该法是利用注入器橡胶管的压力300KN/㎡,保持低压持续灌注。通过橡胶管的收缝自动完成注浆。该法可灌注的最小裂缝宽度为0.02 mm)灌注来封闭裂缝,以防止雨水渗入腐蚀钢筋及发生碱骨料反应而降低桥梁的承载能力。

3.3 其他特殊裂缝





参 考 文 献

[1]侯耀华.混凝土桥梁施工裂缝的成因及防治对策.陕西建筑 2010/11 [2]李春鹏,陈宇,高金生.浅谈桥梁裂缝产生的原因.吉林交通科技

2008/02 [3]邱嘉宏.浅议温度荷载与桥梁混凝土裂缝的控制.汕头科技 2006/04 [4]辛登云.常规混凝土梁裂缝原因的分析.石家庄联合技术职业学院学术研究 2006/04 [5]段莉丽.桥梁裂缝产生原因分析及整治方案.太原铁道科技 2009/02 译文


Introduction 1 Cracks in Concrete Bridge 1 Loading induced crack 1.1 1 1.1.1 Direct stre fracture 1 2 secondary stre crack 1.1.2 2 1.2 cracks caused by shrinkage 1.2.1 Plastic Shrinkage 2

Cracks caused by foundation deformation 1.3 3 1.4 The quality of raw materials caused by cracks 4 Cracks caused by temperature changes 1.5 4 Preventive measures 2 5 crack 2.1 Shrinkage Cracks 5

Prevention of plastic shrinkage cracks 2.2 5 2.3 Settlement Cracks 6

2.4 6 preventive measures temperature cracks Treatment measures 3 7 Crack 3.1 pier, column 7, the side cracks 3.2 Beam and Deck 7 cracks appear 3.3 Other special crack 8 Conclusion 8 8 References

Causes of cracks in concrete bridge And treatment measures

Abstract: The use of the bridge construction proce, due to cracks and even affect the quality of the project led to bridge collapse phenomenon is also not uncommon.This paper describes the types of cracks in concrete bridge, from the load, temperature changes, ground deformation 5 introduces the causes of concrete cracks, the corresponding preventive measures, and gives some

crack approach.Keywords: bridge concrete cracks, causes, measures Preface

With China's rapid development of transport infrastructure, built around a large number of concrete bridges.The bridge construction and use of the proce, the concrete cracks caused by affecting the quality of the project or even collapse is not uncommon.Concrete cracking can be said to be “regular onset” and “frequently-occurring disease,” a serious impact on the bridge performance, and often troubled bridge engineering and technical personnel.To control the bridge concrete cracks, improve project quality, we must understand its causes.The following article on the causes of cracks in the bridge do an analysis and some of the cracks in the preventive measures and treatment.Bridge Concrete Cracks Loading induced crack 1.1

Load induced cracks can be divided into direct and secondary stre fracture stre fracture.1.1.1 Direct stre fracture

Direct stre fracture is caused by direct external load stre cracks.Cracks are:

(1)design phase of design and calculation of unreasonable force Shouli Bu Fu aumptions and the actual safety factor is not enough, does not consider the poibility of construction, construction handled properly.(2)the construction phase of unrestricted stacked construction machinery, materials;free to stand up, lifting, transportation, installation;do not follow the construction design drawings, construction sequence and other unauthorized changes to the structure.(3)the use of load beyond the design stage of heavy vehicles croing the bridge;by vehicles, ships of contact, impact;earthquakes, explosions and so on.1.1.2 secondary stre fracture

Secondary stre fracture is caused by the external load secondary stre cracks, the causes can be summarized as following aspects:

(1)the design loads, the structure of the actual working conditions differ with the conventional calculations, or calculations do not take into account, which in some parts of the structure caused by the secondary stre lead to cracking.For example, two-hinged arch bridge design layout often use “X”-shaped bar, where the section size at the same time reducing design hinge approach, theoretical calculation moment there does not exist, but the actual bending of the hinges still, resulting in cracks and lead to reinforcement corrosion.(2)bridge structures often need to gouges or holes, set the bracket so difficult in the conventional calculation for an accurate simulation of schema, the general rule of thumb to set the reinforced.The results show that hollowing out the force components, the power flow will produce diffraction phenomenon in the vicinity of hole density, resulting in huge concentration of

stre.In the long-span prestreed concrete continuous, often in a cro-section of internal forces according to need to cut the steel beams, set the anchor head, and in the anchoring section can often be seen near the crack.Therefore, in the corner of these structures or structural mutations at the shape, the reinforced section was prone to cracks.The secondary stre of the actual project is to produce the most common cause of fracture load.Times are mostly tensile stre cracks, splitting, shear properties.In the design, structural breaks should be avoided(or section mutant), when can not be avoided, should be handled locally, such as made of rounded or chamfered, while strengthening the structural reinforcement, diagonal corner reinforcement configuration, for more large hole in the surrounding conditions can be set to protect edge angle.1.2 contraction cracks 1.2.1 Plastic Shrinkage

4h ~ 5h after pouring concrete around the cement hydration reaction of intense molecular chain gradually formed, there bleeding and rapid evaporation of moisture, concrete shrinkage water lo, and aggregate sinking due to weight, but this time has not yet hardened concrete, known as plasticity contraction.In the aggregate, if the proce of being reinforced sink blocked, then the direction of the formation of cracks along the reinforcement in the vertical component, such as T at the variable section beam, box girder webs and roof junction, due to pragmatic and uneven hardening will occur before the surface The cracks along the web direction.(1)Shrinkage: Concrete Results hard then, as the gradual evaporation of surface water temperature decreased gradually reduce the volume of concrete, known as shrinkage.Water lo due to the concrete surface faster, the internal lo of slow, resulting in rapid contraction of the surface, uneven contraction of the internal contraction of slow, leading to the concrete surface under tension, resulting in shrinkage cracks.(2)autogenous shrinkage: the hardening of concrete engineering, cement and water, hydration occurs, this contraction has nothing to do with the outside temperature, and can be positive(ie, contraction, such as ordinary portland cement concrete), it can be negative(ie expansion, such as slag cement concrete and fly ash concrete.)

(3)carbonation shrinkage: the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and cement hydrates in the chemical reaction caused by shrinkage.Cracks caused by foundation deformation 1.3

(1)lack of precision of geological exploration, test data are not allowed.Investigation report does not adequately reflect the actual geological conditions are the main reasons causing uneven settlement of foundation.(2)are too different geological foundation.(3)structural loads are too different.More consistent in the case of geological conditions, each part of the foundation loads are too different, there is likely to cause differential settlement.(4)Structural basis of type big difference.Bridge in the same mix together

different bases, such as the expansion base and foundation, or while using the same basis, but differences in substrate elevation is too large may also cause uneven settlement of foundation.(5)the construction of the foundation stage.Near the new bridge in the original bridge, such as stage construction of the highway about half frame bridge, new bridge based on proceing load or caused by soil re-consolidation of the existing bridge foundation are likely to lead to a greater settlement.(6)foundation frost heaving.(7)bridge placed on the basis of landslides, cave or other adverse geological active fault may cause differential settlement.(8)bridges are completed, the original foundation changes.Most of the natural ground and artificial ground after immersion in water, especially in plain fill, loe, expansive soil, and other special soil, soil strength decreased with water, deformation increased.1.4 The quality of raw materials caused by cracks

Concrete mainly by the cement, sand, aggregate, mixing water and additives and other components, configuration, materials used in concrete when the failure may result in structural cracks.(1)substandard quality of cement, damp or expired will cause concrete strength is not enough, and lead to concrete cracking.(2)exceeds the aggregate amount of mud, not only reduces the strength and impermeability of concrete, but also the concrete resulting in irregular mesh dry cracks.Difference between the grading of sand and gravel, or sand particles too small, concrete mixing this material often causes cracks in the side.Alkaliaggregate reaction affected.(4)has been used for the reinforcement corrosion of steel bars embedded in the structure has rust spots or corrosion, resulting in damage to the steel surface oxide film, in the case of insufficient thickne of protective layer, the air intrusion into the concrete inside the iron bar and the intrusion into the concrete in the reaction of oxygen and water, the corrosion properties than the original volume growth of 2 to 4 times more, so that the concrete around the expansion stre generated, leading to protective layer cracking, peeling, cracks along the longitudinal steel, and rust penetrate into the concrete surface.Cracks caused by temperature changes of 1.5

(1)the temperature in temperature due to changing seasons, but the change

is relatively slow, on bridge structure is mainly caused vertical displacement of the bridge, usually through the bridge deck expansion joints, bearing displacement, set flexible measures to regulate piers and other structures, Only limited structural displacement only when the cracks caused by temperature, such as bridge, just bridging.(2)sun decks, the main beam or pier side by sun exposure, the temperature was higher than other parts of the distribution of the temperature gradient is nonlinear.Due to its own restraints, resulting in exceive local tensile stre, cracks.The following is a sudden drop in sunshine and temperatures cause cracks in the structure of the most common cause.(3)The sudden drop in dump heavy rain, pre-invasion of cold air, the outer surface of the sun and so can lead to a sudden drop in temperature, but the relatively slow temperature changes within the structure resulting from the temperature gradient.Sunshine and the sudden drop in temperature when the internal force calculation can be real bridge design specifications or reference data, without considering the reduction of concrete elastic modulus.(4)heat of hydration in the construction proce, ma concrete(thickne of more than 2m)after pouring the cement hydration heat, causing the internal temperature is high, both inside and outside temperature difference is too large, resulting in surface cracks.(5)Construction of steam curing or inappropriate measures winter construction, concrete cold and heat, the temperature inside and outside the uneven, prone to cracks.(6)pre-T beams installed between the diaphragm, bearing embedded steel plate welded with leveling, if welded properly, iron burns near the concrete easier to crack.Summary: Cracks in concrete of course, far more than these, not one by one go into details here.According to the above reasons we have given below the corresponding fracture prevention measures and treatment.2 measures to prevent fractures 2.1 Prevention of shrinkage cracks

(1)use a smaller contraction of cement, commonly used in low-heat cement and fly ash cement, reducing the amount of cement.(2)shrinkage of concrete influenced by the water-cement ratio, the greater the water-cement ratio, the greater the shrinkage, so the concrete mix design should try to control the selection of water-cement ratio, while adding the appropriate reduction agent.(3)strictly control the concrete mixing and construction in the mix, the water consumption of concrete mix design must not be greater than the given amount of water.(4)to strengthen the early curing of concrete and appropriate to extend the concrete curing time.Winter construction thermal insulation of concrete cover to be extended time and brushing curing agent curing.(5)in strict accordance with the design requirements set in the proper concrete contraction joint.2.2 Prevention of plastic shrinkage cracks

(1)selection of high early strength and shrinkage value is small or ordinary Portland cement.(2)strictly control the water-cement ratio, adding superplasticizer to increase slump and workability of concrete, reduce the amount of cement and water.(3)Prior to pouring concrete, water will be evenly wet the gra roots and templates.(4)timely coverage of plastic film or damp straw, hemp and other films to keep wet concrete surface before the final setting, or curing agent in the sprayed concrete surface for conservation.(5)at high temperatures and windy weather to set the sun and wind facilities, and timely maintenance.2.3 Subsidence Cracks

(1)of the soft soil, filling the upper structure of the foundation neceary before construction compaction and reinforcement.(2)ensure that the template has sufficient strength and stiffne, and the solid support, and to the foundation in good condition.(3)to prevent the proce of concrete pouring foundations were immersed in water.(4)the time the template is not removed too early, and pay attention to the order form removal.(5)puts up a template in the permafrost to take some time to pay attention to preventive measures.2.4 The preventive measures temperature cracks

(1)try to use low heat or in the hot cement, such as slag cement, fly ash and cement.(2)reduce the amount of cement, will try to control the amount of cement in the 450kg/m3 below.(3)reduce the water-cement ratio, the general control of the concrete water-cement ratio of 0.6 or le.(4)to improve the aggregate gradation, fly ash or high water reducing agent to reduce the amount of cement to reduce heat of hydration.(5)to improve the concrete mixing proce, in the traditional three-technology based on cold air cooling with the second new technology, reduce the temperature of the concrete pouring.(6)in concrete by adding a certain amount of water, plasticizer, such as the role of retarding admixture to improve the flow of fresh concrete, water retention, reduce heat of hydration, thermal spike delay the emergence of time.(7)can be used when pouring the hot season erection of sun visor and other auxiliary measures to control the concrete temperature rise, reducing the temperature of pouring concrete.(8)the temperature of ma concrete structure size-related stre, the larger the size of concrete structure, the greater the thermal stre, so to arrange the construction proce, hierarchical, block casting, to facilitate cooling, reducing

the constraints.(9)set in ma concrete internal cooling pipes, through water or air cooling, reducing the temperature difference between inside and outside the concrete.(10)to strengthen concrete temperature monitoring, timely cooling, protective measures.(11)reserved for temperature contraction joints.(12)reduce constraints, before pouring concrete in the basement and the old concrete should be laid on the sand cushion of about 5mm or use of asphalt and other materials brushing.(13)to strengthen the concrete curing, concrete pouring, the timely use of wet straw mat, linen strips, cover, and pay attention to watering conservation, appropriate to extend the curing time, ensure the concrete surface of the slow cooling.In the cold season, the concrete surface insulation measures should be set to prevent the cold wave attack.(14)of reinforced concrete in the configuration or the incorporation of a small amount of fiber to concrete crack control the temperature within a certain range.measures to deal with crack

General surface of small cracks, crack area can be cleaned, dried epoxy grout pouring or brushing the surface closed;crack is large, can be eight-shaped crack hewn groove, wet wash, brush a layer of cement pulp, layered with a 1:2 cement mortar trowel compacted clay embedded with epoxy after the meeting.3.1 pier, column side of the crack

Pier, column side of the crack generally occurs in the range of 50cm from the top, when the crack does not form a ring, can be used to close the cracks in epoxy resin infusion;When cracks form a ring cracks, and the depth of stirrups or more stirrups when the crack should be chiseled above the part of the re-casting;when the crack depth does not meet the stirrup position, can be used by pouring epoxy sealed cracks.3.2 Deck Slab and cracks appear

For the beam, the shrinkage cracks in the surface of the board, are generally smaller, due to beam, plate a layer of concrete pavement, do not be proceed.Cement concrete pavement for the bridge and the cracks appear without treatment, because the current design are in the cement concrete pavement overlay on asphalt concrete.In the shop is usually done before the asphalt concrete or spray adhesive layer, waterproof layer of oil, which measures the ability to crack the sealed block, play a good waterproof.For the slab cracks in the side and there can be a “wall to Law”(the Act is the use of rubber tubing injector preure 300KN / ㎡, maintain low preure infusion.Through the rubber tube closed automatically grouting joints.This method can be The minimum crack width perfusion 0.02 mm)infusion to close the cracks to prevent water infiltration and corrosion of reinforced alkali-aggregate reaction and reduce the occurrence of the carrying capacity of the bridge.3.3 Other special crack

(1)found that the cracks form removal and general surface, small cracks, fracture site can be cleaned, dried epoxy grout pouring or brushing the surface closed;crack is large, may be hewn figure eight concave fracture tank, wet wash, brush a layer of cement, with cement mortar 1:2 layer after compaction trowel mortar embedded with epoxy fill.(2)of the whole structure, the structural requirements of water seepage cracks, should be based on crack width and depth of the situation, the use of cement preure grouting, chemical grouting method of repair, or surface sealing and grouting the same time;significantly lower structural stiffne, load force and serious cracks, should be under the circumstances, the use of reinforced or prestreed reinforced concrete encircling, steel hoop or structural adhesive patch affixed to steel reinforcement and other methods.Conclusion

Cracks in reinforced concrete structures is often caused many problems, ranging from the appearance of structures, while in endangering the safety structures.This paper analyzes the cracks in a number of reasons, the actual reason, of course there's more.Thus, in strict accordance with the relevant national standards, technical standards for design, construction and supervision is to ensure safe and durable bridge structure and foundation of the premise.In addition, operation and management proce, to further strengthen the inspection and management, detect and deal with the problem, are very important aspects.References

[1] Murphy.Concrete bridge construction and Countermeasures of Cracks.Shaanxi Construction 2010/11

[2] Li Chunpeng, Chen Yu, Jinsheng high.On the causes of cracks in the bridge.Jilin Science and Technology 2008/02 Traffic

[3] Qiu Jiahong.On the load and temperature control of the bridge concrete cracks.Shantou Technology 2006/04

[4] Xin Dengyun.Conventional concrete beam analysis of the causes.Shijiazhuang Vocational Institute of Technology academic research combined 2006/04

[5] above Lily.Cause of the cracks of the bridge and remediation programs.Taiyuan Railway Technology 2009/02




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