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Speech at the Opening Ceremony of CNMUN2010 在2010


By Mr.MA Xinfa Secretary of the Party Committee of Sichuan International Studies University 发言人四川外语学院党委书记 马新发

Distinguished Guests dear delegates and faculty advisors, ladies and gentlemen, 尊敬的各位来宾亲爱的代表与指导老师女士们、先生们: On behalf of Sichuan International Studies University(SISU),I’d like to extend my warmest welcome to all the participants of China National Model United Nations 2010.I’m more than happy to see so many talented students from diverse backgrounds gathering here to addre the most preing human rights iues.我谨代表四川外语学院对各位参与2010中国重庆模拟联合国大会表示诚挚欢迎。我很高兴地看到这么多来自国内外高校的青年才俊汇聚一堂共同商议国际大事感谢你们热情积极地参与此次大会。

SISU, as one of the first colleges launching the Model UN program in China has always adhering to the principle of cultivating students with cro-cultural insight and global vision.Model UN has become an influential student event in SISU since 2004 when SISU delegation took part in the first China Model United Nations Conference, and grown to the most vibrant and popular second-cla activity since 2005 when it held the 1st Southwest China MUN Conference.Ever since then SISU has been taking an active part in various MUN conferences home and abroad and has become the leading power promoting the MUN activity in the Southwest China.四川外语学院作为模拟联合国活动在中国大陆的首批发起者之一一直致力于培养学生的国际视野和跨文化交际能力。四川外语学院把模联作为学生的第二课堂活动积极鼓励学生参与校内外各项模联活动从2005年举办首届西南地区模拟联合国大会活动开始川外就致力于推动模联事业在西南地区的蓬勃发展。

Today SISU has the great honor to hold this year’s China National Model UN conference.I believe that it’s indeed a great chance to fuel the MUN programs in China and also a distinct opportunity to develop SISU in a comprehensive way as well.Hereby I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all those closely involved in and working hard on preparing this event.今天川外有幸承办2010年中国模拟联合国大会。这不仅是对西南地区乃至全国范围模联活动的有力促进也是对川外综合实力提升的重要契机。在此请允许我对为顺利筹备此次大会而辛勤工作的所有人员表示最衷心的感谢。As the most influential MUN activity in China CNMUN has been centering upon the topic of human rights iues.Confronting these crises we realize that only cooperation and collaboration among nations can unveil the path to the sustained development of international community.I’m looking forward to see more innovative and practical ideas put forward by your delegates.作为中国最有影响力的模联活动中国模联一直致力于讨论国际热点的人权问题。多年的实践经验告诉我们要实现世界的和平稳定与发展必须要依靠各国的通力合作。我期待在会场上看到各位代表提出新颖可行的解决方法。I hope that you will expand the MUN spirits of being a responsible global citizen back to your community and strive to make the world a better place.In the end I would like to wish all the delegates a smashing three-day-conference and may CNMUN 2010 an inspiring succe.此外我也希望各位代表能在会后继续将模联这种“心怀天下”的责任意识延续到你们的生活中影响更多的人。最后祝愿各位此次模联之旅愉快难忘祝大家好运

Good luck 祝各位好运

急求一份中国在模拟联合国大会上的英文发言稿 关于环境保护 节能减排

主要方面是 中国要求发达国家给予技术和资金的援助。中国只要有技术,就走低污染低耗能的发展道路。主要针对发达国家 希望发达国家与中国共同承担主要减排责任最好是

Environmental protection in China: the role of law

China’s growing rule of law and public environmental awarene show promising initial signs of succe.But will it be too little, too late? Alex Wang investigates.“For China, the challenges of using the law for environmental protection are formidable.Unlike the US with its long history and culture of using law and the courts, China eentially began in 1979 to rebuild anew(重新,再)a legal system that had been entirely dismantled in the previous few decades.” In a rural village, set on the edges of a narrow mountain valley, a group of farmers go to court seeking relief from industrial pollution that has threatened their health and destroyed the crops that are the basis of their livelihoods.The defendants are two local factories that use a primitive industrial proce to reduce copper ore.The proce generates maive amounts of smoke and stench that decimate much of the surrounding forests and crops and cause local residents chronic headaches and coughing.The farmers ask for compensation and a court order halting the pollution.The court refuses to order a stop to the polluting activities because such an order would “blot out two great mining and manufacturing enterprises, destroy half of the taxable values of a county … and deprive thousands of working people of their homes and livelihood.”This is a story that is all too familiar in China, reflecting the persistent distance between environmental degradation and a legal system struggling to keep up with a rapidly changing economy.This particular story, however, does not come from China at all.Rather, it is the 1904 US case of Madison v.Ducktown Sulphur from the state of Tenneee.As in China today, the industrial revolution in the United States brought with it increasing harm to the public from pollution and greater environmental conflict.In the early part of the 20th century, the US legal system was not up to the task and the country muddled through decades of inadequate environmental regulation and often unsatisfactory court decisions.It was not until the 1970s that the US paed a series of robust environmental laws and opened the door to a generation of environmental advocates who would use law and the courts to improve the environment.There is some comfort in knowing that developed countries like the US, Japan and England were able to reverse decades of environmental degradation.The difficulty is that China’s environmental problems are moving faster and on a larger scale than anything the world has ever seen before.The Chinese context




模拟联合国(Model United Nations)简称MUN是模仿联合国及相关的国际机构,依据其运作方式和议事原则,围绕国际上的热点问题召开的会议。青年学生们扮演不同国家的外交官,作为各国......


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先写模联的简介一、什么是模拟联合国?模拟联合国(Module United Nations,简称MUN)是对联合国以及其他国际组织和机构的会议流程进行模拟的一种活动。会议中,与会代表们对各国外......


