Accommodating a Pregnancy
Xiaomin never thought abortion was a big deal.As he became acquainted with American politics , however , he realized you have to work hard to keep abreast of changing values to truly understand how absurdly controversial this iue has become.He found out from his American friends that opinions are in abundance of how to teach people to be accountable for their actions, how to make people abide by Family Planning laws, and even how to teach people just to abstain from sex.The significance of this iue became abruptly clear when Xiaomin's best friend, Jeff, got his girlfriend pregnant.Jeff was an acclaimed graduate student who was living an abnormal life from other Americans just by attending a Chinese university to get his Ph.D.(Ph.D.is an abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy, the highest degree available in a university).Jeff was also an ace soccer player and acoustic guitar player.There was also alway an abundance of women around him.This is how he met Sarah.When Sarah became pregnant with Jeff, his friends suddenly treated him as if he was an acceory to murder.Jeff also felt as if he needed to be acquitted of some crime.But he decided in the end that he and his accomplice, Sarah, would keep the baby.According to Jeff and Sarah, the life of their child was more important than their career.Xiaomin was amazed.Keeping the child would abolish any chance of a succeful career for Jeff.And in Xiaomin's eyes, one could activate the proce for an abortion with a simple visit to the doctor even though there might be lines, three people abreast.But Jeff and Sarah were firm in their decision and Xiaomin had to abide his friends' decision.Life abounded in surprises.Now Jeff and Sarah were leaving school and returning to the United States.They would do everying they could to accommodate themselves to their new situation.选择生孩子
杰夫是位颇受赞扬的研究生,他的生活和其他美国人相比是有些反常,因为他在一所中国大学里读博士学位(Ph.D.是Doctor of Philosorhy的缩写,是大学里能够获得的最高学位)。杰夫还是一名优秀的足球运动员和原声吉他手,他身边总是有一大堆女人围着他,他就是这样和萨拉相识的。
A Hungry Alien
When an alcoholic man dreed in dirty clothes and stinking of beer first alleged that an alien had landed in an alley behind a restaurant frequented by the affluent, no one listened to him.Photos from the aftermath filled 10 photo albums.In the begining, as he rushed down the center aisle of the pleasantly air-conditioned room, the alcoholic wasn't able to succefully agitate anybody.It was as if they were only looking at his appearance and not listening to his words.When he did finally find someone agreeable to come outside and see what he said had happened, he was completely alienated to see that the creature was no longer there.Now that he had aggravated so many rich people, he was sure that he would leave the room in agony.His fears were alleviated, however, when the alien broke through a window into the restaurant, somehow knowingly coming 2 to the aide of the alcoholic.When all the people realized that the alien that the alcoholic had alluded to was really there and composed of an aggregate of unknown alloy not affected by normal bullets, they screamed and ran around leaving no chance for anyone to allot a route of escape.They behaved, in the aggregate, as if no one in the world could relieve them of this alien ailment.And they were right.None of the outside help that came could stop the alien from eating everyone in the restaurant.饥饿的外星人
It had been an ambitious plan.The anarchist had tried to rob a bank all by himself, but then he had ran out of ammunition and now he was trapped in a back portion of the bank building with no escape.As he stood in silence, hugging his gun and waiting to be found, the anarchist knew that there would be ample anecdotes from newspaper analysts the next day to amend to his obituary.They would certainly refer to the anguish he had undergone as a child.Then they would employ all their analytical abilities to reveal other impacts of his ancestry on his ambiguous life.These thoughts flew from his mind however when an angel suddenly appeared to him.He fell to his knees, sure that the Almighty God was coming to take him home.His fears were only amplified when the angel said in an alluring yet powerful voice, “Fear out, your time is short.Stop your goal to ama a foutune for yourself and turn to God.”
Not having any analogy to help him know what to say, or any reference for his excellent analytic abilities to think about, the anarchist only kneeled in silence and empty thought.Then the angel smiled and spoke again in a more amiable voice, “Stand up.The Lord is providing you a chance to lead an alternate life.Leave this place now through the rear buildings annex and you will escape.But remember, God is watching.”
When the angel was gone the anarchist stood and ran.He had no idea how to describe this experience by analogy, but he was happy for a second chance.第二次机会
由于没有任何类比可以帮他知道该说什么,也没有任何参考供他优秀的分析能力进行思考,这名无政府主义者只能静静地 跪着,脑子一片空白。
A Change of Heart
The anti-war activist was not surprised at all that his primary adversay,the Admiral,had been afflicted with a drug addict for a son.He was actually quite happy to find out that his enemy had such personal problems.It was the advent of a new day,however,when the activist decided to help administer the treatment for the adolescent and help the Admiral fight this [b][color=#ff0000]adverse situation.And it was clear that the Admiral was a wonderful person when the activist saw how much the Admiral adored his son.Now living in an adjacent room in a special section of a treatment center, the activist was able to adhere to the strictest methods for helping the boy fight his addiction.The activist was able to help with aesthetic changes,such as adorning the boy with clean clothes, as well as affirm the boy as his body struggled with the medical additives that would help the boy get better.Certain events were luckily also not adhesive in the youth's mind.This included the boys' aerial leap from a tall building.He did not die only because he landed in the swimming pool of the adjoining building.And now the activist was gaining the attention of his affiliates because of his honorable actions.This had never been his motive.He had only wanted to help a person in need.And, as the Admiral adjourned their weekly meeting about the boy's progre,the activist was really happy that he had been able to make a difference in someone's life.彻底的改变
the ceremony!
the small group of boys quietly put the oars into their boats and walked into the oak orchard that would lead to an obscure hiding place where they would take an oath to become members of a secret organization.most were the offspring of previous members whose obseions were to have their children follow in their footsteps.the boys were therefore the optimum candidates;children of the rich who would be obedient to anyone who would make them richer.as their leader paed them under an olive tree that was obstructing the entrance to a small open4 ing, a strong odor reached all of their noses.it was a nutrient rich smell that still somehow oppreed them all.but the odor and the opaque speech by their leader that followed did nothing to offset the optimism all were feeling that what they were doing was right.this was an organization that they all wanted to be part of, no matter what.then an obscene ritual occurred which the boys would never forget.when it was over the boys were reminded that they were now all under an oath of silence and the few new members of the organization with a limited occupancy.it was too late to opt out.as a final act they all had to drink a drink that was certainly not good for one's nutrition.it tasted like blood.but they were all in now.and none of them would ever be the same again.入会仪式
An Outlaw Outing
The outing was long overdue.We had been hiding on the outskirts of town as outlaws for far too long.When we overheard that there was an outbreak of some sickne in town that had originated in the orient we knew it was time to come out of hiding and see what was going on.They were calling it the “Oriental Sickne” but we didn't care.The first person we met as we wandered into town was a boy who told us outright that he had just become an orphan.He had nowhere else to go and he wanted to join our outfit.Our leader was outraged that such a small boy had recognized us so easily, but we kept walking into town.Once there we saw that the ordeal must have been great.All ornaments on the buildings for the coming orthodox holiday season had been torn down, several were burnt from fire, and bodies were lying on the street.When we went to get water the bucket was overflowing with blood.We didn't dare drink anything.Quickly losing our orientation as outlaws on the run we were surprised when a ma of people rushed up to us.Their voices were overlapping as they cried for us to take them away.When we replied that we couldn't do anything the crowd turned ugly and ousted us from town.As we rode away none of us could speak.Sometimes natural events overwhelm you, as your own mistakes never can.歹徒的外出
My Apprentice the Ape
The ape had stolen his research apparatus!But now the anthropologist was going to make hime pay!He had always thought his apprentice might be apt to make some stupid mistake that could cost hime dearly,but the apprentice's aptitude had failed him when he pretended to be an anonymous archeology student in front of his own wife.How could she not recognize him? No one was larger or heavier in all the university----that's why they had started calling him “the ape”.The anthropologist wasn't appalled to learn that his wife had played along with the game,and ,not wanting to stop baking and take her apron off, let his [b][color=#ff0000]apprentice through the arch into his secret office.That was when he stole the apparatus!And his wife soon realized that she had made a mistake.Now,as his antagonism was again rising and he had almost reached the house,the anthropologist was certain that he would be able to apprehend the ape and appease his thirst for revenge.As he turned in an arc to stop his car in front of the driveway, and he saw that his apprentice had also seen him, he could tell that the ape was making an appraisal of his escape options.Quickly the anthropologist stepped out of his car, grabbed the antenna, broke it off and threw it at the apprentice.He couldn't help but applaud his aim when it punctured the ape's appendix!Knowing that the usual antonym for revenge was forgivene, the anthropologist still did not go to help the now injured apprentice.我的猿徒弟
No Hope?
Some people will do anything to overturn bad policy and save the planet.Environmentalists, in particular, are known for their overt attempts to overwhelm businees and governments to change.The iues they stand against are well known: the shrinking ozone layer, the protection of pandas, the destruction of spotted owl habitat, and even over fishing in areas where oysters beds are threatened.These people parachute into dangerous areas, paddle alongside maive fishing boats,or release pamphlets from airplanes because of their internal pact with each other to make a differnce.6
Against the panorama of these activities, it is sometimes difficult for normal people not to feel a pang of regret for how our own needs sometimes override those of nature.We cry when we see a baby seal killed, we pant when the air feels too full of carbon dioxide, and we weep that so many trees are being cut down to print the paperback books we love to read.But we don't know what to do.It all seems so overwhelming.Sometimes we even want to throw ourselves over the overpa into oncoming traffic because it is all so sad and we know that we can't overthrow our own governments.It is as if we really are like a virus on this planet, destroying all of nature to satisfy our own needs.While we may think of something to do that might make a small amount of change, we really don't know if we can make a big enough difference.And we fear that it will all be too late anyway!Have we really come this far to have it all end like this? 希望渺茫?
The Advent of a New Day
As he drove the armored car around the arena in preparation for the aault on the President, Buck McCoy was having second thoughts.He had never aspired to this level of crime.And it was still quite difficult to ascertain how he had ascended to be given this task by his bo.He had always been good at simple arson and as well as an array of other tasks, but an aaination of the President of Botswana? He wasn't ready for this and he was ready to get his a out of there.As Buck thought about it some more, he could only ascribe his involvement to his articulate brother.Always wanting to be among the aristocrats of crime, his brother aerted himself whenever he could into deeper levels of daring.This time,however, his arrogant behavior was going to cause Buck the lo of his life.And Buck didn't like that.Now it was time for him to aert his own thoughts, and he would stay ardent with his decision not to take part in this foolishne.So he left the arena and drove down to the boat that would take him ashore off the island where he had been testing his artillery.Yes, this was a risk to leave a job like this, but now it was Buck's aspiration to give up crime all together and find a career that was le streful and damaging to his arteries.Maybe now his health would improve and he could live a le streful life.新的一天的来临
经过再三考虑,巴克只能把这一次的卷入归因他那能言善辩的哥哥。由于一贯想成为罪犯中的贵族,他哥哥只要有可能就 会显示自己更加高超的冒险水平。然而这一次他的自大行为将导致巴克丢掉性命,而巴克并不喜欢这样。现在应该是坚持自己的想法的时候了,他有热情坚持自己的决定,不参预这种愚蠢的事情。
The Last Patriot of the Island Miki!
“I am the last patriot of the Island of Miki left in the world!” Said the parrot from behind the partition that blocked people seeing that he was not a person.“My island was once a paradise.But as is often the case you find great paradoxes in paradise.The paradox on my island was that our pastime was not eating pastries or singing patriotic songs, but destroying each other with our paionately partisan attitudes for how our island should develop.Some participants thought we could profit from tourism and patent the name of our island.Others wanted to set up patrols to keep outsiders away.These two sides could not form partnerships.They could not agree on any parameters.And this disagreement became a parasite that ate at the hearts of our people until we destroyed each other.I myself an paralyzed fromthe battle that followed on the beautiful pastures that were once filled with flowers!On that day they ran with blood.”
“This may sound pathetic.But I am now just a parlor joke.And no one believes my story.They cannot see that, just as happened on my island, countries are now heading towards destruction because people cannot agree with each other.If only they would listen to my story and learn from our mistakes.”
The crowd gasped as the partiton was taken away and they realized that the voice was that of a parrot.As for the parrot, he just looked down, even sadder that his story would not be heard because no one would believe a talking parrot, the last patriot of the Island of Miki.米基岛上最后一个爱国者
So I was pedaling down the street the other day when this funny looking pedestrian croed the street in front of me.I thought this kid was going to get penalized by the cops for sure since he was swinging back and forth like a pendulum.Well, I couldn't peel my eyes off this kid when I crashed into one of our patrons.Her pearls went flying everywhere like pebbles over the road that had recently8 been paved.As I got up off the road I paved the way through the crowd to retrieve her pearls.When I heard a funny peep I looked up to see that the kid was a penguin!How I mied that, I'll neverknow, but I'm sure the other meenger boy will peg away at me untill they take me off the payroll or something.Anyhow, the penguin pecked me on the cheek like a ki and then sat down on my bag like he was patronizing me from the top of some perch.I'm not one to hold grudges so I reached into my bag and pulled out some peanuts.As I peeled open the bag someone threw a couple coins down into my hat, which I had dropped.They must have thought I was peddling the penguin for money!
Well, right then and there I reached down, picked up that money and pegged the person in the back of his head.He turned around and started chasing me.Naturally I ran and now my case in court is still pending.But I never found out what happened to that penguin.I hope he made it back to his home on some ocean peninsula.I wouldn't want him hanging around the city much longer.He sure got me into trouble!企鹅=麻烦
A Persistent Female Lawyer
The female lawyer I knew was perpetually pestering judges to have periodic lunches with her.I am sure she thought this was permiible, but everyone else was sure she was going heavy on the perfume and female persuation tactics to gain some extra favor at all of their peril.So my friends and I decided to gain some pertinent information about her case history to see if it might reveal if her persistent behavior had had any actual effect.We were surprised to learn that it had.In periodical reports we found out that she was always winning cases with the judges she took to lunch.We knew our future as lawyers would bloom like the petals on a rose if we could prove this, but we also realized that our future could perish if we went after the judges and failed.So I decided to drop my case dealing with pesticide control and focus on a petition that would show all proof pertaining to what we had found.My work would have to near perfection if I wanted to succeed.The case permeated my life for weeks.Whenever I was perplexed by what I had found I persevered to the perfection that I had sought.I did not want to persecute this female lawyer——I wanted to send her and the judges to jail.Then they would not call me a pest and know that it was their ow n actions that brought about their peril.I won the case.The female was barred from practicing law and the four judges she had influenced all went to prison!I am, by the way, also a woman!坚持不懈的女律师
我打赢了这场官司。女律师被取消了律师资格,受她影响的四位法官也被送进了监狱!顺便说一下,我也是名女性!False Piety
It was another day on the picket line.Today we were in front of a pharmacy that supposedly sold drugs tested on animals to increase people's physiological tolerance for pain.Well that was plausible, but no one ever heard our pleas, they just went from one petty picket line to another unable to pinpoint an overall theme to our actions.I was at a plateau on the whole picket line thing when we met a man who said that we could have a greater impact by pirating ships, using pistols, and doing something more drastic.This would get more attention as well as our faces plastered all over the TV screen and newspapers.We decided to give it a try.He never mentioned any pitfalls.Our first and only action was on a picturesque pier in Southern California.After eating our fill of pizza and pineapples we headed to the fishing boat that we were sure caught fish and also killed dolphins in the proce.Our plan was to wreck the pistons of the boat engine and then make the captain symbolically walk the plank.But we were pilgrims in this new country of activism and the police fell upon us like the plague before we had done any damage at all.It also turned out that the man who told us to do this was an undercover policeman.All of his false piety was simply a trap to get us to do something crazy so that he could arrest us.And we had fallen for it all.假装虔诚
原来那个要我们做这种事的人是个警察密探。他装得那么虔诚完全是个圈套,他让我们做一些疯狂的事,这样就可以把我们抓起来。我们还真上了他的当。10 The Lucky Plumber
The plumber had always been lucky at games.But the day he went to the carnival with the polar bear it all came to a poignant end.It started when he was poking about looking for a game to play.He had already done the pony ride, eaten popcorn, and plucked a plum from a tall tree using a feather to won a porcelain doll of the Pope.But now he was pondering if he could win a gueing game to win the polyester jacket that the game host was wearing as he sat on his porch.When he decided to try the host began to poke fun at him that he would lose his poise and not be able to gue his weight.And he was right.The plumber was wrong with his gue.He pleaded for a second chance and even paid to gue again.When he gueed wrong again a plump woman with a bright orange plume on her hat stepped in to try as well.The plumber poked her in the side and told her not to poke her nose into other peoples busine.He was still playing and she wasn't going to plunder the prize that he thought was his!
But the plumber just could not win the gueing game.When he finally acknowledged his plight, the pores on his skin were all worn out from sweating so much!I hear he was never the same again and that he died of the pneumonia he caught that night a few weeks later.Some people just can't stand being down on their luck.幸运的水暖工
No More Prawn
The postscript to my wife's pregnancy complications were that she had been precariously close to death because she had eaten too much prawn.Certain potent chemicals in prawn precipitate difficulties during delivery.We had not heard this because medical reports were following precedent by not preaching diet changes before research was finished.Prawn was also supposed to affect a person's posture, but predominant data did not confirm this so it would be precluded from the report.The medical practitioners said that she should have eaten more poultry.This is what I told my wife as we drove home acro the prairie.We lived a long distance away from the hospital in an area with a different prefix because we needed to be close to a special pottery school where I was studying.My predeceors had told me it would be risky to live so far from the hospital with my wife being pregnant.But I didn't think we had a choice.They portrayed several scenarios to prove to us that it would not be practicable for us to live so far away and taht there might be too many risks in getting my wife to the hospital.One was that her delivery would precede our arrival at the hospital.But this had not happened.There had been other complications.But now she was okay and we knew that she shouldn't eat prawn if she was ever pregnant again.This was going to be hard, however, because prawn was my wife's favorite food.别再吃虾了
我妻子的怀孕并发症的补充说明上写着她的生命充满危险,离死亡已经不远了,因为她吃了太多的对虾。对虾中某种效力大的化学成分会导致难产。我们没有听说过这样的事,因为医学报告是根据先例写的,在研究完成之前他们是不会宣传改变饮食的。对虾据说还会影响一个人的姿势,但是绝大多数数据没有证实这一点,所以报告中可能会排除这种情况,医生说她应该 多吃禽肉。
Burglary in a Premium Apartment
As the proceedings began we decided to first probe for the prevalent poible reasons that Nicky has fallen prey to a burglar in her premium apartment in the premier downtown district in New York.If she had lived in a more dangerous neighborhood this would have been a prescription for burglary.But Nicky had been living in an apartment building with high prestige where a premium was placed on security, multiple guards hired at a premium rate patrolled the premise, and privacy was presumed.You couldn't prick your finger in the hallways without being observed.A number of poibilities had already been discued for how the crime happened.No one in the area was on probation.No pretext had be found so far that would give anyone reason to steal from Nicky.And none of the guards were preoccupied by any distraction at the time of the crime.Any of our finding would be premature, however, until we considered the probability that it was an inside job.We would have to presume on the apartment staff for interviews.And I would personally preside over all of these interviews.In all probability we would find nothing, but we would be called pretentious if we did not follow proper procedure.As we began the interview I took a quick preview of the people we would meet.All looked like they were prey caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.But the words of one woman pricked up my ear as I heard her say that Nicky was always trying to make trouble in their building.I listened closely as I knew that this might be our best suspect.But we still had a lot of work to do to find out for sure.高级公寓内的盗窃案
A Proficiency Prophet
Our bo was a prophet for proficiency.When he proclaimed the merits of improving productivity and making the company more profitable he spoke in such prose that hecould have propagated anything and we would have followed.Whatever he profeed was said in such a profound manner thatwe were all immediately propelled to be more productive.And his prophecies were all true.His propaganda helped prolong the suce of our company before its promising future came to a sudden halt.Our bo was prosecuted with propping up our company as a cover for child smuggling.This only happened because police had caught our bo addcpting a proposition from an undercover policeman to kidnap the prodigy of the mayor of our city.The crime had never happened, but the damage had been done.We had lost our bo, the prophet, the hero and the company was devastated.All of us who had proliferated the proclamations of our bo could only shake our heads in disbelief.12 We could not believe that such a strong person would be involved with such an evil busine at the same time as he was doing such a good job at building our company.Only a few of us connected the fact that our bo was prone to accept challenges.If he thought something couldn't be done, then he would try it.But our company had still been a prop for his illegal activities, and we had all been fooled!料事如神的预言者
To Be a Protestant
Dr.Hill was a psychiatrist who was puffed up with his own ideas.He was sure that there was something provocative about Protestants and their desire to purge themselves of their sin.What he would never know, however, was that they were as harmle as puppies and only interested in purifying their own hearts so that they could worship God.They believed that they would only prosper with a pure heart and that their prototype was Jesus Christ.Dr.Hill didn't believe any of that.He believed that the proverbs they all foolowed were pulp and that they were all the puppets of their leaders.And as Dr.Hill's proximity to these people increased, he was sure that his prying to expose the truth was the most prudent thing he had ever done in his life.Finally he decided that he would pretend he was a prospective believer and attend one of the Protestant's most frequent rituals: a potluck*.Dr.Hill puffed, however, when he saw all of the food present.There was turkey, hot dogs, spaghetti, vegetable dishes, prune and pumpkin pies, and cake and pudding.He would surely puff out if he ate everything he wanted.And, as he ate the food and was overcome with the friendline of the Protestants a puddle of tears formed at his feet.He didn't care what or who they believed in, he was going to become a Protestant just because of their potlucks!*potluck 便饭,便餐,此处指参加聚餐的人每个人各带一味菜肴供共享的百乐餐。当个新教徒
In Pursuit of Understanding Race
Joe had always been on a qualitative quest to understand his history and the racism that he had experienced.The quantitative data that said he was part Egyptian, part Nigerian, and part Irish did not matter to him even though he did not know which race to put on questionnaires.And he never took advantage of quotas, which would have allowed him to go to the best schools.He was in hot pursuit of his own answer and there were no quaint solutions.He felt most queer, however, when he visited the Pyramids.He could not identify with the Egyptians, their mummies, or their quays along the River Nile.And when he danced with an African quilt around his shoulders near a quartz mine in Nigeria he also did not feel that he had quenched his thirst for understanding himself.Knowing that the time for his query was running short he took another quarterly vacation from his job to visit Ireland.“So your pursuit of understanding has led you here at last, Lad?”Said the man sitting next to him in an Irish bar with tennis rackets on the wall while drinking a quart of beer.“You can't quantify where you come from.It's in your heart!And there should be a purity to it all that makes you quiver when you finally understand it!”
As Joe left Ireland he knew that the man at the Irish bar had spoken true words of wisdom.He had no home country.He was just himself and that should be enough.Finally at peace Joe headed home.His quest was over.弄清自己是谁
I was rattling off reasons not to rape the woman but hold her for ransom when the Ranger burst into the room.I rapped my partner on the back with the pointed rake I was holding and he lifted his ragged head to look at the Ranger.I hoped he wouldn't do anything rash.“Now boys, I know you hope to rake in a large ransom for this young radiant woman.But I think I may just need to stop your rampant behavior right now and get you to come back with me to the ranch!” Said the Ranger.“You can't rattle us, Ranger.We got rations for weeks and a raft out back down the ramp to get away down the river.Pretty soon you won't be able to draw a radius for the area that we might be hiding in.” My partner said.“Well then, I'll have to rake up the me right here and now and shoot one of you boys at rando14 m.Unle you want to rattle on and try and find a solution we can all ratify!”
“Your random shot might hit that raffle box in back and ricochet back to hit you, Ranger!Or it could hit this box of radioactive material I am carrying and we'll all die radiating like the sun!” Said my partner as he smiled from the corner of his mouth.“Well son.My rating of your skills just climbed.But I still can't let you take the girl.I'll just shoot you first!”
“好小子,我对你的水平等级还真是刮目相看,但我还是不能让你带走这位姑娘,我这就先开枪打死你!” Reconciliation
After his parents' last rebuke Jack's rebellion became worse.It seemed that there was nothing they could do to rectify the situation or reconcile with him.Fights kept recurring.They tried to be receptive to his needs, but when he recited a long list of changes he wanted at home they reaured him that they were not acceptable.Then he raved on that they never took him seriously about anything he wanted.That was when it became clear that their chances for reconciliation were receding.He had the reciprocal feeling and left to begin a reckle life trying to reap his own rewards out of life.It was a recipe for disaster that ended with Jack taking a razor to his own wrist.At the hospital his parents saw the rectangular pattern of needle scars on Jack's arm and wept that they had not been able to reclaim their relationship with him before he tried to kill himself.When he awoke it was as if they were on rece from fighting, none of them wanted that ever again.Standing together later with his sister also in the room, the rectangle that the four of them made when they hugged felt like it would never break.As the doctor came in they were even happier to hear that Jack was the recipient of a special scholarship to get care for his depreion.Maybe they would finally be a family again.和解
A Marine Refuge
When the regime could no longer refute the evidence, they finally approved rehabilitating the coral reef and making it into a marine refuge.Money earned from recycling would be relegated to paying for the refuge and a portion of redundant government refunds would pay for the rehabilitation.Everyone rejoiced and raised their refreshments into the air to toast that their hard work would be redeemed with nature being restored.And as the news was relayed throughout the country no one could rein in his or her excitement as they reeled from the joy of succe.But some knew that this was just the rehearsal for a larger battle against companies that were given free reign to destroy marshes with rare reeds.The referees for this battle would not be so easy to influence.The companies that they would have to battle had already reeled off a refrain of praise for their own enviromental acts in other places.And their regiment of company paid news reporters who had already reined over the iue on TV and in the nespaper.They were determined not to let this reign end as well.But first they would enjoy this victory as much as they could.Victories were few and far between, why spoil the celebration with thoughts of the next battle.So they partied and praised the regime for its recognition that nature should be protected and sometimes restored.水下避难所
高考英语短文填词必备单词一、一个星期七天1.Monday 2.Tuesday 3.Wednesday4.Thursday5.Friday 6.Saturday 7.Sunday二、一年十二个月1.January 2.February3.March4.April5.......
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