3、My long-life partner“Male fear in the wrong line, Female most afraid married the wrong man.” so I choose a good life-long partner is the most important event of my life.Certainty , I already had some ideas in my mind.First, good man must be a responsible people, to the parents take the responsibility of filial piety, take care to his wife responsibility, to take the custody of his children, still have to responsibility for work , friends, society.He can appreciate , understand , take care of himself.Second, in the 21st century, we all know economic basis determine superstructure, no bread love not for long.For the reason,it would be best have enough money on the live, not need too much, but he must have the desire to do better.An optimistic person can give me a sense of hope and encouragement, which is the key to my ideal life.Not for the money and sacrifice their health or sacrifice family.Third, he not need a flower face ,but has a nice heart.Looks, At least get the maes.Fouth, He must be honest, because everyone does not like people lie, much le love-partner.Humor, when I fell tired he can tell me much interesting to bring the power to me.Not easily angry, people don’t like chat with someone like angry.In a word, suitable for their own is the best.