No Sweet Without Sweat
“Don’t experience wind and rain, how can see the rainbow? No one can casually succeed.” there are a part of lyrics from the song 《 A Hero Never Dies 》.The lyrics are easy to understand, this is the title of my today’s speech :“ No Sweet Without Sweat ”.Yes, there will only pay the harvest.Growers use their sweat in exchange for the sweet fruits;Athletes use their sweat in exchange for the gold medal and honor, and managers use their sweat in exchange for the praise and performance.So the path to succe is formed by the sweat.No sweet without sweat!Use your sweat to water the flower of the hero.Never obliterate the dawn of victory hearts, and never stop your step.Burning your fighting.No matter the final end, you pay the sweat, and you’re the best!
By Mazekun
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