Students' Consumption Questionnaire
I organized the survey in order to understand some cases about college students’ consumption.Please take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire carefully.Thank you for your support!
The basic situation:
1.Gender: A.MaleB.Female()
2.Grade: A.FreshmanB.sophomoreC.JuniorD.Senior()
3.Institute: ______________Profeional: _________________
Multiple-choice questions:
1.Your family economic circumstances:()
A.RichB.GeneralC.Not good
2.Monthly consumption amount:()
A 500B 500-1000C 1000-1500D.Higher than 1500
3.The main source of your living expenses:()(Multiple choice)
A.Parents’ giveB.Work-studyC.Scholarship
D.Do part-time jobF.Others
4.Your monthly expenses mainly used on what aspects:()(Multiple choice)
A.FoodB.Transportation, communicationsC.Clothes, jewelry, cosmetics
D.Studycosts(books printing and copying)E.Internet consumer
entertainment, communicationF.Internet consumptionG.LoveH.Others
5.Your monthly phone charges:()
A.50B.50-100C.100-150D.More than 150
6.Your monthly spend of learning(including stationery, books, photocopying):()A.le than 50B.50-100C.100-150D.More than 150
7.On what you are keen on, will you spend lots of money because of can’t control yourself:()
8.When you are a consumer, what factor do you consider most :()
A.Whether the money is enoughB.The usefulne of goods
C.Commodity gradeD.Others
9.Your Consumption patterns:()
A.Better to save more moneyB.Well planned before spending money
C.Don’t care spend how much moneyD.Others
10.When you want to buy something, but don’t have enough money, you will:()A.Turn to parents for moneyB.Save money by yourself
C.To borrow money from clamates, friendsD.Give up buying
11.For the following general propensity to consume, you are inclined to agree with what:
A.Mainly affordableB.Both affordable and high standard
C.The pursuit of high standards as far as poibleD.It all depends
12.Do you have billing habits on spending:()
A.All expenditures are recordedB.Some relatively large expenditures are recorded
C.Seldom do this recordD.Never do this
13.What do you think of your financial ability:()
A.Poor, don’t have spending plansB.In general
C.Have strong financial capacity
14.When you get a period of time the cost of living, you basically have what arrangements:
A.Save part of the money first, the rest of the as this period with the cost of living
B.Do a budget of this period,completes the consumption plan
C.Go to buy or want to buy what they want immediately
D.No arrangement, it all depends
15.In terms of the overall situation, how you look at the surrounding clamates the currentconsumption situation:()
A.Is too highB.More in line with actualC.LowD.Others
关于大学生消费现状的调查问卷调查员-()调查时间()调查地点() 说明:1此调查问卷统计的信息我们只做统计,不做其它用途。2此次调查是匿名调查,不用担心信息泄露。.1.你的性别()A.男B.女2......
关于大学生消费情况调查问卷发布人:huanglinqing 发布时间:2011-05-07 11:54 终止时间:无限制票数: 110 银币:1票数限制:无限制状态:开启类别:社会生活标签:大学生消费调查说明......
关于个人消费的问卷被调查人年龄 __年段 ___专业 _____为了了解我校大学生的消费问题,我们决定在身边的同学中进行一次消费的调研,请尽量如实填写,(不方便的可以留空)并祝愿您在今后的工......