What is History_whatishistory

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What is History由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“whatishistory”。

My Understanding of HistoryJasmine Chiu 4G(8)

History is the past, or as Roman philosopher Cicero says, “History is the witne that testifies to the paing of time”.It is a record of important events that ever happened and events that has changed the people’s lives.For example, the Industrial

Revolution in Europe in the 18th century reformed the whole European landscape, bringing great improvements in the economic and technological aspects.It modernized the whole of Europe.That’s a historical event.History is presented and recorded in many forms.It can be in primary sources or secondary sources, written and non-written.History is around us, from your diary to your history textbook, from the folk song that your grandma taught you to oral memoirs from victims of the war.These are all forms of history.History is also something that profoundly links to the present, and even the future.What our predeceors had done in the past still affect us.Take the Age of Reason as an example, in the 18th century, there were many Enlightenment ideas generated.These ideas laid the foundation for the universal core values and constitutions, like basic human rights and freedom of speech.In addition, history serves as moral and academic education to us.Livy, a Roman historian once said that history is a record in which “you can find yourselfyou’re your country both examples and warnings”.History warns us against greed for power, as well as brutality and aggreivene to others, like Hitler’s and postwar Germany’s consequences after the Nazi frenzy.As well as dictatorship and unfair treatments of social claes lead to rebellions and even riots.After we have learnt of their

catastrophic aftermaths, we canprevent ourselves from committing the same deeds.At the same time, history is the best teacher for strategies and methods.We can adopt some of the methods the people from the past had used.For example, the Roman Republic’s Senate and government structure, as well as the freedom of

speech are still widely adopted in many countries in the world, particularly the West.Therefore history is not just the past, it is also our present and future.The

experiences from the people in the past, are with high educational value, just like the old saying, “experience is the best teacher”.History’s a study of facts, and behavior of humans.Its nature is to be objective.However, there are biased historians who recorded only one side of the event.Some even distorted the true facts and recorded false history.That’s why history, though

aimed to be objective, often comes out more as government propaganda, and even biographies.To conclude, I think history is a study of facts and human behavior in the past.History is the best teacher as it is a record of both failures and succees in the past.We can use history as a reference in life.It is around us, presented and recorded in many different forms.Although history is a record of the past, it affects our present-day life and even the future.That’s why, as I understand it, history is an important subject which will help in our lives.

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