The microblog is very popular in the virtual world.Average citizens, famous economists, as well as movie stars can own a microblog and share their opinions and life with other people.The microblog is attractive for the following reasons.First, the Internet has different forms of diemination and unique effects in broadcasting meage compared with traditional media.It is fast and efficient, and people can get relevant information immediately.Second, meage sent by the microblog can reach a large number of people, who can interact with the microblog owners by leaving meage in it.This kind of interaction is appealing especially when the owner is a famous figure.The microblog is very useful and adds lots of color into the virtual world.Regulated properly, the microblog can be a very interesting platform for people to share opinions and make friends.
题目:微博流行的原因The Popularity of Micro-blogging1.近年来“微博”越来越流行,许多人利用“微博”来表达心声、交流想法。2.微博流行的原因。3.微博可能引起的弊端。[示......
微博英语作文关于微博英语作文如下:Micro Bo didnt before spreading, network strengths getting involved a real life doesnt lack its instance as well.Deng Yu Jiao th......
微博英语作文(共19篇)由网友“收音收”投稿提供,下面就是小编给大家整理后的微博英语作文,希望您能喜欢!篇1:微博英语作文 微博英语作文关于微博英语作文如下:Micro Bo didn't befo......