On Training of Innovative Quality in Writing
Student:Du Wenjuan,College of literal arts of Yangtze University Guide teacher:Wu Wei,College of literal arts of Yangtze University
[Abstract] The teaching of chinese especially the teaching of chinese compesition plays an imprtant role in developing the students' innovatine quality.Creativity is the fund amental sign of writing from quantity to quality and the embodiment of writing's endlene.However,the teaching of chinese composition in the middle school isnot in a pleasant state but aweak one.The major problem is that there is lack of effective way to get the students motivated and interested,to foster the students' creative thinking;and that there is no combination of the fostering of the students' creative thinking and training in composition teaching.In teaching,teachers should arise students' writing enthusiasm and creating spirit,focus on training of creative thinking,develop the innovative quality in many aspects,promote students' quality fully,foster students' good personality quality according to the teaching reformation,in order to prepare for fostering men of high quality who can meet the need of future.[Key words]teaching of writing;innovative quality;creativity in composition
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