Hello!Everyone.Today, I do feel excited that I have a chance to stand here.And the next,I'd like to share a story with you.The story is mainly about a kind-hearted soldier.And he has been deeply influenced my life.He didn't have much money.Maybe,we can say he lived a hard life, but he never gave up.He was hardworking and thrifty.In his entire life, he made it a happy pleasure to help those who need a hand without any repayment.In a word, he has completely contributed himself to our motherland and our people.It's his selflene and the paion of work that move me all the time.As a new generation of 21 century, it's our duty to be wholly burdened with our motherland and he fully deserves to be remembered as a brilliant example for all of us.He is living in my heart at any time since his story has been told by my mother.Since then,I poe an urgent and strong desire to help others.I do hope I can become another “him”.No one can deny the fact that it's our responsibility to deliver our loves to everyone, even
all of the world.Please don’t forget to do housework for the childle old man.Please don’t forget to offer our seats to others.Please don’t forget to visit and look after the helple orphans.Please don’t forget to plant more trees and prevent our environment from being polluted.I firmly believe it's a small act that may mean a great deal.It's obvious that you will happy when you give a hand to others.A deserve grateful fact that there is a growing tendency nowadays that more and more people affected by his spirit,and more and more volunteer organizations have sprung up.The le conflict,the more harmony, and then the world will be filled with love and peace.I believe that all of the world will have a brighter future with the prevailing inspiration of this powerful spirit!
It's he that spread the love to every corner;It's he that devoted all his life to the Communist Party and the people of China;It's he that brought peace to the world.Now,do you know his name? He,is Leifeng.
经贸外语学院第一届 “雷锋在我心中”征文大赛班级:英语姓名:郭秋玲 参赛题目2班雷锋在我心中又是一年春来到,在这个阳春三月,在这个以你名字冠名的月份,我又听见身边人一次次地......
雷锋在我心中听,中华大地上又一次响起三十七年前毛泽东同志的话音;向雷锋同志学习!这声音鼓舞着我们,激励着我们,中华大地正掀起一股学雷锋,树新风的热浪。 瞧,中原路上,闪动着我们......