Good morning everyone attends here.I’m very gald to stand the platform to share my thoughts about certificate acquiring.In recent years, due to various factors, current colleage students are high on diverse exams to obtain certificates of many kind.If you don’t believe that.Just randomly ask a student on compus or a young man on the street what he is busy with, and quite poibly, you may get the same answer that he is preparing for a certificate of some kind.Asking more people, you will find that getting a certificate has become a craze, especially among today’s job seeking youth because certificationsactas proof that you are skilled in some fields.Some claim that owning certificates can give them more edge in competition.Some others spare no effort to get certificates for the sole purpose of proving that they are qualified in certain field.And,there are those who just want to get a good job.I can’t criticize this phenomenon,or say that the critificate craze is ont good.But I think we should choose to learn what we truly likes or really needs,intead of merely working for some exam that we even don’t know what it is or just following suit.We must keep thinking ability.School rarely dig down to find out what really makes a student succeed,to create a cal which expands the ability and approach,in a busine context,really matters.What we should do is something we are interesting in rather than forcing oueselves to get those certificates.Don’t let your motivation be replaced by insignificance exams.
一年级语文下册口语交际教材分析 中宁一小 张艳芳口语交际课是新课程为了培养学生具有日常口语交际的基本能力而设置的新课型。怎样上好口语交际课,有许多问题值得研究。今......