John Doe
5555 15th Street
Gainesville Florida 55555
To obtain a full time position in biological researching focusing on agricultural research.EDUCATION
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Spring 2006 College of Agricultural and Life Science, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida GPA: 3.75 / 4.0
Research Aistant, UF Engineering Research Center for Biological Engineering, August 2005-Present
Aisted with the design of experimental greenhouse technology, focusing on the development climate control.Worked closely with research coordinator to collect and develop the data.Results published in Ag Research Quarterly.Teaching Aistant, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida, January 2005-May 2005
Was the head teaching aistant for the biology undergraduate course.Developed test material and aisted the students with questions on course material.Internship, Ag Engineering Inc, Engineering Research Division, Gainesville, Florida May 2005-August 2005
Helped develop various projects including research into new fertilizers and growing techniques.Researched various methods of fertilizer application.ACTIVITIES AND HONORS
Member, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Spring 2005 – Present, worked with research department on research projects involving researching
greenhouse technologies.Aisted with group studies on global warming.Attended profeional development activities focusing on new research methodologies and presentation of research results.Presidents List, University of Florida, Based on high academic achievement(3.75 / 4.0 GPA)in upper level courses and extracurricular involvement.Florida Bright Futures, Florida Merit Scholar, 75% tuition paid based on outstanding high school academic performance.
GATOR R.HUDSONemail: hudson@ufl.eduMobile: (315) 436-8411Campus: Permanent: 43 East St.Apt.A 27 Julia St.Gainesville, FL 32601 Tarrytown, NY10988OBJECTIVEA care......
Tracy Q.Graduatetgraduate@ufl.edumobile: (352) 333-Campus:Permanent: 456 College Hall123 Main Street Gainesville, FL 32608Anytown, NY 12345 (352) 222-(7......