IC 燃气表说明书_ic燃气表说明书

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CG-Z-JRB2.5IC卡家用膜式燃气表技术指标符合国家标准GB/T6968-1997及建设部CJ/T112-2000行业标准的要求,采用家用燃气表JJG577-2005检定规程,可适用于城市管道煤气、天然气、石油液化气、沼气等燃气气源的自动计量和收费控制。该燃气表有两套显示系统,分别为机械字轮显示器和以微电脑为控制器的液晶显示器/。In the use of your gas meter, please read the following information:

CG-Z-JRB2.5IC card household diaphragm gas meter conform to the demand of GB/T6968-1997 “diaphragm gas meter” and CJ/T112-2000 “IC Card Household Diaphragm Gas Meter” standard, using domestic gas meter JJG577-2005 test procedures, applicable in cities pipeline gas, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, methane gas and other gas sources, automatic metering and charging control.The gas meter has two sets of display systems, mechanical character-round display and microcomputer controller's LCD display.1、开阀:当您的表具上的“存(余)量”大于0 m3、同时表具没有“换电池”、“故障”提示时,表具的阀门将自动打开,同时在液晶上会显示“开阀”字样,否则您需要检查表具向您提示的信息,并根据所提示的信息进行操作。

2、关阀:您的表具系统具备智能判别能力,如果表具上的“存(余)量”小于等于0 m3、或者出现“故障:干扰”、“换电池”字样时,若已打开的阀门此时将被关闭,液晶上原有的“开阀”字样将会消失。如果您希望打开阀门以便使用,那么您需要确认是由于“存(余)量”不足造成的不开阀,还是由于电池电量不足、故障造成的不开阀,然后根据您所获得的信息进行下一步操作。

3、充值操作:当您的表具的液晶上显示“请充值”字样时,说明您的表具的“存(余)量”已小于3 m3,此时,您需要进行充值操作;首先,带上您的用户IC卡到燃气运营商的服务点进行充值操作;然后,再将您的用户IC卡按正确的方向插入表具的IC卡座,表具读入数据后,会在液晶上按照“购入”—>“总量”—>“存量”—>“用量”的步骤进行显示您表具上的数据。


1, open valve: When your meter with the “remain” more than 0m, and don’t display “change batteries”, “failure”, the valve of meter will automatically open, at the same time the LCD show “Open valve”.If not, you need to check the meter with the information and based on the information to operate.2, close valve: the system has the ability of smart discriminant, if the meter with the “remain” le than or equal 0 m, or display “failure: interference”, “change batteries”, the opened valve now will be close and the sign of “open valve” will disappear.If you want to open the valve to use, you need to confirm the reason of closed valve, and then operate next step according to the information you make.3, recharge operation: When your meter display “Please recharge”, it indicate the gas remaining le than 3m.Now must recharge operation.First, take your IC card to the gas operator's service points and recharge operation.Then take the IC card into IC card connector, the meter read data and display the data according to the step “buy——total——stock——use”.4, Replacing battery: When the voltage of meter is too low, the LCD will display “replace battery”, at this time the valve will be closed.You must use new batteries instead of old, until the system can be restarted.335、查询操作:将您的用户IC卡按正确的方向插入表具的IC卡座,表具在读卡后,将在液晶上按照“存(余)量” —>“总量”—>“用量”的步骤显示,在显示完成后,如果您的表具上的“存(余)量”大于3 m3,液晶将被关闭,您可以根据显示的数据决定是否需要进行预充值。

6、当您的表具的“存(余)量”大于3 m3且表具没有电池电压过低时,表具的液晶显示器将会关闭,以节省您的表具系统的电力。

7、使用寿命的限制:您的燃气表的使用寿命受以下条件约束,当满足其中之一,就表明您的燃气表的使用寿命已到期,请联系您的燃气运营商予以更换: a 当使用年限已超过10年时,您的燃气表将词永久性关闭;

b 当您的燃气表的“总量”大于999999.999 m3时,您的燃气表将永久性关闭;

c 当您的燃气表的“存(余)量”与“购入”之和大于999999.99 m3时,您的燃气表将不再读卡。其中,正式启用是以您第一次将您的用户IC卡插入您的燃气表的日期为启用时间的,因而,燃气表安装完成后,未正式启用的时间是不包含在内的。

5, Query operation: take IC card into the IC card connector, after the meter read the data, the LCD will display the data according to the step “remainf”——“” total “——” “use”.After finished, if your meter display “remain” le than 3m, LCD will be closed, you will decide whether recharge according to the data.6, when your meter display “remain” more than 3m and voltage of the meter is too low, the LCD will be shut down to save the electricity of the meter.7, lifetime limits: the life of gas meter under the following conditions are bound to meet when one of them, that your gas meter on the service life has expired, please contact your gas operator to be replaced: a.When using more than 10 years, gas meter will be permanently closed;b.When the gas meter display “total” is more than 999999.999 m, it will be permanently closed;c.When the sum “remain” and “buy” is more than 999999.99 m, the gas meter will no longer read data.Note: The beginning time is the date taking IC card into IC card connector first time.3

333故障诊断与排除 “故障:干扰”:







Troubleshooting “Failure: interference”: Cause of this failure for two reasons: 1.there is a strong magnetic field near the meter, please remove the magnetic field source, or to change the installed position of the meter;2.due to transport, beat and vibration caused by damage of the internal sensor , please contact your local gas operators, in order to troubleshooting.“Failure: Measurement”: Please contact a local gas carriers, the operators will come to troubleshooting.“Failure: illegal”: Cause of this failure usually because your illegal operations, such as aault, teardown.Now, you should contact the local gas operators in order to re-pay for a replacement meter.This meter can not be carried out with maintenance, that is, the meter with this failure has been permanent damaged.Attention: When the meter with any failure, please do not presume to repair, not to destroy the structure and packaging of the meter in order to avoid legal disputes.注意事项








Notes Gas meter is a precision measuring equipment.In the use of the proce, please note the following: 1, The measurement of media of gas meter can be natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, coal gas, hydrogen, please do not use the gas source in addition to these media;2, The gas meter should be installed in the place with no corrosion, no radiation, and no rain water;3, In the installation proce, must avoid debris into the pipe, avoid the use of fluid to check leak, and check leak when firing is strictly prohibited;4, When transport the gas meter, it should not be beat, intense vibration, and inversion, etc..otherwise it will affect the measurement accuracy of gas meter.5, Please use the formulary power supply, if not, maybe cause gas meter permanent damage;6, Please do not exceed the rated maximum flow, if not, it may result in measurement error.友情提示







Friendly Tips 1, When use the gas meter, please operate according to the use specifications 2, Avoid children, the mentally disabled people to use gas equipment;3, In the use of gas meter, should maintain good ventilation;4, Regularly checked to confirm that your gas supply pipelines, gas equipment is in good working condition;5, Without the use of gas meter, turn off the total valve on your gas supply pipe road;6, When found the gas has leak, please do not call, lights, etc., should promptly shut down the total valve, open the door or window to ventilate.


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