Certificate of Bachelor's Degree
XXX, male/female, was born on XXXX.He/she has fulfilled his /her undergraduate study program in the major of XXXX in XXX University and he has already graduated.It is examined and verified that he/she has met the requirements as stipulated in the Regulation of Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China, and he is conferred a Bachelor of Engineering.XXXX University
Certificate No.: XXXX
President and Degree Evaluation Committee Chairman XXX Date:XXXX Undergraduate in Regular Higher Education
CERTIFICATE OF MASTER’S DEGREEXx xx(姓名), male, born on May 23,1900, has completed all the courses stipulated in the training program in the Specialty of xxxx......
委 托 书本人因_____的原因,无法亲自来校领取本人的学士学位证书,本人特委托_____代领本人的学士学位证书。受委托人所代理领取行为经本人授权,合法有效。代为领取所产生之后果......
学士学位証明書(写真)xxx,女、xxx年x月xx日生まれ、xxxx xxx 学部 xx 科に在学、4年制本科所定の課程を修了し、卒業した。審査の結果、「中華人民共和国学位条例」の規定に合格......