List of Documents Required for Employment Visa
(Version 2018.01)
The following documents applying for: company visa
*职务为技术类:提供最高学历证或资格证书的原件及复印件; Job titles of Technical: Original Diploma or Certificate and its Photocopy
Special Notice: all employment visa appliers are supposed to provide a notarized non-criminal certificate and double authentications.1、沙特劳工部签发的工种单(又叫指标单)复印件(每人一份);
A photocopy of job description format signed by the Saudi labor department.(one photocopy for one person)
A photocopy of e-proxy signed by Saudi Arabia(Must entrust the embay designated agency).3、有效期6个月以上护照原件及首页复印件;
Original paport with a validity date at least six months beyond your intended period of stay and a photocopy of the first page of the paport.4、申请人身份证正反面复印件;
An ID card photocopy of the applicant with front and back5、申请人有效的国际健康体检证(红本)和国际防疫证明(黄本)的原件及内容页的复印件;
The original version of effective international health physical examination certificate(red book)and phytosanitary certificate(yellow book)of the applicant and copy of the content page6、2张2寸白底照片,背面用圆珠笔签名;
Two inches white-background photographs(1 x 2 inches)are taken within the last six months, in back of it with signature signed on a ball-pen.7、申请人与邀请公司签订的劳动合同原件并经过沙特商会和外交部认证,(劳动合同请注意双方均需要亲笔签名,沙方签阿语名字,中方签与护照上签名一致的中文和拼音名字);
The original labor contract between applicant and inviting company should be authenticated by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Commerce of Saudi Arabian.(Signature of both sides is required, the Arabian side should signed under Arabian name, the Chinese should signed under Chinese name and Chinese phonetic alphabet)
The original and copy of the diploma certificate、qualification certificate,suited with the occupation and the busine(Engineer、Technician、Mechanic should do the double authentication of Saudi for the highest diploma certificate).9、中方公司最新年度年审后的营业执照副本复印件加盖公章(每人一份);
A photocopy of updated busine license(duplicated)after annual verification with signature of the Chinese company seal.(one photocopy for one person)
Original dispatch letter is iued by Chinese company(By embay designated template).11、无犯罪证明并做沙特双认证;
Certificate of None Criminal Conviction with the double authentication of Saudi Arabia.12、申请人及经办人联系方式信息表(使馆指定格式)。
Contact information form of applicants and the person who prepare for the document(By embay designated template).13、以上全部资料的复印件一套。
A copy for all the above documents should be needed.提示:工作签证申请人必须符合21--59周岁。其他个别职业特殊限制以使馆口头确认为准。
Special notice: all employment visa applicants should be aged from 21 to 59 years old.Special limits of individual occupation is in accordance with verbal confirmation of the embay
上海新办工作签证需要的资料清单:Company 公司:1.Company Busine license (copy)×5公司营业执照副本复印件【盖章】×5;2.Code of the Organization (copy)×5组织机构代码副本......
上海加拿大签证中心徐家汇路555号2楼,广东发展银行大厦, 邮编:200023 热线电话:021-63901830, 021-63901221http://.cn/chinese/faq.aspx1、给移民官的信(英语) 一份2、邀请人......
RE: 英国探亲访友签证英国探亲访友签证所需材料1.新、旧护照2.2张2寸白底彩照 (近6个月照的)3.户口本 (整本)4.身份证5.结婚证(如适用)6.英国邀请人的邀请函原件7.邀请人的护照首......
加拿大探亲签证所需资料TO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs,Ms./ Mr.XXX (姓名) works in XXXXX (单位名称) from xx.xxxx (入职时间).She/He plans to go to Canada for visiting X fro......