Honorable leaders ,teachers and schoolmates,大家晚上好!
Good evening!
Th 10th Foreign Langages Cultural Week of SWJTU Emei compans is opening.我谨代表校区党政,向为外语文化周的顺利举行给予大力支持的各系、部、处领导和老师表示衷心的感谢,向为第十届“高教杯”外语文化周付出辛勤努力的老师和同学表示亲切的慰问。
On behalf of the party and government administration, I give my sincere thanks to all the department leaders and my greetings to teachers and schoolmates preparing for the Foreign Langages Cultural Week.追忆十年,梦扬外语,一年一度的外语文化周迎来了第十个年头.Review the past 10 years ,many schoolmates released their dreams in the Foreign Langages Cultural Week.The anrmal Foreign Langages Cultural Week welcomes its 10th time.自2003年以来,外语文化周已经悄然成为校园文化一道亮丽的风景线。
Since 2003 , theForeign Langages Cultural Week has gradualry become
a landscape in the campas.在外国语系的发起和倡导下,外语文化周为广大同学提供了一个进一步加深英语学习和更广阔的应用英语的平台,lnitiated by the Department of Foreign Langages, the Foreign Langages Cultural Week provide everyone with a stage to gain a good command of English proficiency.On this arena we ought to show out ardor, vigorousne and present the school’s achievements in English teaching and learning.同时激发同学们学习英语的热情,营造丰富的课余文化生活,展现交大学子的朝气与活力,展现学校外语文化建设的成果。
On this arena we ought to show out ardor, vigorousne and present the school’s achievements in English teaching and learning.在历届外语文化周活动中,各系同学积极参与,不仅收获了成功的喜悦,更是开阔了视野。
During the pastForeign Langages Cultural Week ,schoolmates from every department took actively part in the it.They not only geined happine ,but also broadened their horizon.老师们,同学们,随着中国改革开放的不断深入,中国走向了世界,在世界各领域中都将发挥越来越重要的作用。
Teachers and Schoolmates with the constant deepening of China' s reform and opening , China steps into the outside World and exert its efforts in every field.当今世界越来越需要具有国际视野的人才,作为中国当代大学生,我们不仅要学习西方先进文化,更要弘扬和传播中国优秀文化。
The current world demands more and more talants with international outlook.As the contemporary college students , we not only need to learn western advanced culture ,but also to spread and enhance the Chinece culture.希望同学们能积极参与本次外语文化周的活动,感受外语魅力,展示自我风采。I hope all of you can enjoy the glamour of foreign language show your talents.最后,预祝第十届“高教杯”外语文化周圆满成功!
Finally , Isinlerely wish the 10th Foreign Langages Cultural Week a great succe!Thanks!
英语文化周开幕词英语文化周开幕词尊敬的各位老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好! 忙碌充实的20**年即将远去,充满希望的20**已在眼前,在这个特殊的时刻,我们满怀欣喜地迎来了****实......
第十届运动会开幕词各位老师、各位同学、各位裁判员运动员:大家上午好!经过近一个多月的筹备工作,我们全体师生,满怀喜悦心情,以饱满的精神状态,迎来了我院第十届运动会! 在这里,......