Law-Excuting Check Manage System,简称TLEC)应运而生。通过应用税收执法责任制考核系统,实现税务机关管理的现代化,提高工作效率,将大大有利于监督税务部门依法行政,规范税务行政执法行为,保证国家税务法律法规的贯彻执行;有利于维护纳税人的合法权益,改善征纳关系。论文主要从以下四个方面来开展研究。首先,进行前期调研分析。通过资料检索、文献查阅的方式,了解了税收执法责任制考核系统的、国内外的发展现状和存在的问题,经过总结分析,提出了本系统开发的意义和研究的内容。然后,对系统进行需求分析和设计。对税收机关实行税收执法责任制总体业务流程图给出了详细的分析描述,确定了整个系统的功能模块和设计原则、设计思想。在此基础上结合税收机关税收执法责任制考核功能特点及实际要求,详细的设计了税收执法责任制考核系统的开发方案,系统数据流图和E-R图
【英文摘要】With the information age, building a moderately prosperous society in order to meet the new situation and the proce of the rule of law, we must comprehensively promote administration according to law and building rule of law.Implement the responsibility system of administrative law enforcement is an important measure to implement according to law.That is defined according to the law enforcement responsibilities, the scientific set of law enforcement positions, standardizing law enforcement procedures;an open, fair and impartial law enforcement system and the evaluation by the fault or misjudgments accountability.In order to better law enforcement responsibility with the tax applied to every unit of their duties, responsibilities and other persons who, in all walks of life are widely used computer information age, the tax aement law enforcement responsibility system(Tax Law-Excuting Check Manage System, referred TLEC)came into being.Aement through the application of tax law enforcement responsibility system, and the modernization of the tax authority management, improve efficiency, will
contribute greatly to the tax department of supervision according to law, standardize tax administration law enforcement, to ensure national implementation of tax laws and regulations;be conducive to safeguarding taxpayer legitimate rights and interests, improve relations between tax collectors and taxpayers.The thesis is mainly from the following aspects of the work done for exposition and show.First, the preliminary investigation and analysis.Through information retrieval, document inspection, to understand the tax aement system of accountability of law enforcement background, present situation and development of domestic and international problems through the summary analysis, the significance of this system development and research content.Then, the system requirements analysis and design.The tax authorities on the implementation of the overall busine tax enforcement responsibility flow chart gives a detailed description of the analysis to determine the function modules and the whole system design principles, design.On this basis, combined with the tax authorities of tax law enforcement responsibility system features and the actual aement requirements, detailed design aement of tax law enforcement responsibility system development program, the system data flow diagram and ER
diagram design, and the corresponding security and database design.Finally, the complete realization of the system, including daily monitoring, law enforcement aement, fault defense, accountability, comprehensive aement, law enforcement notification and fault correction, statistical inquiry function module development and implementation.【关键词】B/S架构 MVC 税收执法责任制考核系统 J2EE 【英文关键词】B / S structureMVCTax Law-Excuting Check Manage SystemJ2EE
第一章 绪论11-161.1.1 研究背景11
1.1 1.1.2 1.3 本论
1.2 国内外研究现状13-1414-15
1.4 论文组织结构15
第二章 理论基础及相关知识
2.2 税收执法责
2.1 税收执法责任制的概念16
2.3 税收执法责任制的考核系统
2.4.1 MVC 设计模式
2.4.3 MVC 的优点2.6 ORACLE 数据库系统第三章 系统需求分析23-26
3.2 系统子模块
2.4 MVC 模式17-19
2.4.2 MVC 的处理过程192.5 J2EE 架构概述19-212.7 本章小结22-233.1 系统功能需求分析
3.2.1 日常监控263.2.2 执法考核3.2.4 责任追究3.2.6 执法考核通报
3.2.3 过错申辩28-293.2.5 综合评比30-313.2.7 过错纠正31-323.2.9 帮助
3.2.8 统计查询
3.3 系统的性能需求分析
第四章 系统设计
4.2 系统的应用体系
4.4 系统功能4.5.1 分单位监4.5.3 分过错行为监4.6.1 人工考核底4.6.3 考核设置
3.4 本章小结33-344.1 系统设计原则34-35
4.3 系统的技术体系结构364.5 日常监控模块38-42
4.5.2 分责任人监控40-414.6 执法考核模块42-47
4.6.2 自动考核44-45
4.6.4 考核撤消46-474.7.1 申辩申请49-50
4.7 过错申辩模块4.7.2 调查报告
4.7.4 申辩调整4.8 责任追究模块4.8.2 制作追究处
4.8.4 责任追4.9.1 系统数据
4.7.3 申辩处理决定书51-524.7.5 过错申辩文书打印52-534.8.1 追究清册生成55-56
4.8.3 追究执行57-584.9 数据库设计
理决定书56-57究文书打印58库E-R 图58-60数据表设计61-71功能实现72-87
4.9.2 数据库设计原则60-614.10 本章小结5.1 系统平台设计
第五章 系统5.1.1 系统
5.1.2 系统前置机部署
5.1.4 系统据库
5.1.3 系统应用服务器部署
5.2 系统开发方法及开发环境介绍
5.3 用户权限控制(UPC)的配置76-77
5.3.2 UPC 配置的基本流程
UPC 系统主要组成76-77术7778-80监控80-8283-8486-87置87-8890-9292-9393-94致谢96-97
5.4 系统业务逻辑层实现5.4.2 实现实例77-78
5.4.1 实现技
5.5 系统数据访问层实现
5.6.1 日常
5.6 系统各功能模块的实现80-86
5.6.2 执法考核82-835.6.4 责任追究84-86第六章 系统验证测试87-956.2 功能测试88-906.4 测试结果926.6 回归测试936.8 本章小结94-95
5.6.3 过错申辩5.7 本章小结
6.1 测试环境与配6.3 系统的完成情况
6.5 缺陷统计6.7 测试结果总结分析
第七章 总结95-96攻读硕士学位期间已发表
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