第七章 原油蒸馏装置
Chapter 7 Crude Distillation Unit
第一节 词汇
Section 1 Words
2.初馏塔 prefractionator, flash tower
3.常压塔 atmospheric distillation tower
4.汽提塔 stripping tower
5.常一线 first side cut
6.常二线 second side cut
7.常三线 third side cut
8.顶循 overhead reflux
9.常一中 first mid-section reflux
10.常二中 second mid-section reflux
11.破乳剂 demulsifier, emulsion inhibitor
12.隔油池 oil interceptor
13.一级脱盐罐 1st-stage electric desalter
14.乳化 emulsify
15.静态混合器 static mixer
16.电极棒 electrode bar
17.注水 water injection
18.脱前一路 1st branch of crude before desalting
19.脱后二路 2nd branch of crude after desalting
20.预冷器 precooler
21.后冷器 aftercooler
22.白土精制 active clay refining
23.电精制罐 electro-chemical refining drum
24.碱精制 alkali treatment
25.配剂 chemicals preparation
26.搅拌 stirring, stir
27.吸附剂 adsorbent
28.再生 regeneration
29.封油 sealing oil
30.2路进料2nd feeding branch
31.塔底吹汽 bottom steaming
32.缓蚀剂 corrosion inhibitor
33.抗氧化剂 antioxidant agent
34.铁离子ferric ion
35.氯离子 chloric ion
36.脱气罐 degasification drum
37.聚结器 coalescer
38.除油de-oiling, deoil
39.氨抽出 ammonia draw
40.脱硫罐 desulfurizing drum
41.溢流线 overflow line
42.装车线 tanker truck loading facilities
43.一级分液罐 1st-stage knockout drum
44.高电压低电流 high voltage and low current
45.检尺罐dipping tank
46.转油泵transfer pump
47.收油罐receive tank
48.电脱盐罐electrical desalter
49.受液槽 receiver tank
第二节 短句
Section 2 Sentences
1.压油。Transfer oil by gravity.2.收油。Receive oil.3.收碱。Receive caustic soda.4.退碱渣。Transfer waste alkali.5.投用白土精制罐。Put clay refining drum in use.6.停用碱精制罐。Get alkali refining drum out of use.7.按70:30的比例调合航煤。Blending jet fuel in the ratio of 70(ATM first side cut)to 30(jet fuel fraction).8.建立好水封,防止酸性气溢出。Set up the water seal to avoid sour gas overflowing.9.防止硫化氢/氨气中毒。Prevent hydrogen sulfide/ammonia poisoning.10.减少塔顶注水量。Reduce overhead water injection.11.原油罐检空尺。Crude tank dipping.12.鼓风机停了,开不起来,赶快打开自然通风口。Air blower stops running and it can`t be restarted up.Please open natural ventilation vent immediately.13.将D—507从A切换到B,并且向T-501压液。Switch D-507 from A to B, then transform water to T-501.14.D504收油,完毕后用泵P-502送至罐区。Collect oil from D-504, then send oil by P-502 to tank farm.15.硫化氢线堵塞,处理通。The hydrogen sulfide pipeline was blocked, so please treat it freely.16.气提塔C-501的液面调节阀失灵。控制阀改副线手动控制,并联系仪表工处理。The level control valve of stripping column C-501 is out of control.By-pa the control valve to manual, then contact the instrument-group to repair it.17.净化水改循环去T-501。Modify the purified water to circulate to T-501.18.检查塔C501实际液位通过玻璃板液位计。Check the actual level of C-501 from the gla tube level gauge.19.注意氨水外排时风向。Be careful of the wind direction while the ammonia water is being vent out.20.加强巡检。Pay more attention to patrol inspection.21.T-1500X 总共脱水多长时间? How long do you dewater fromT-1500X?
22.T-1500X 加强脱水,下个班将要带罐。Pay more attention to dewatering from T-1500X, because the next shift will switch tank.23.检查原油质量流量计和过滤器前后压差。Check the front and behind preure of crude oil ma flow transmitter & filter.24.T-1500X向T-1500Y压油0.2米。Transfer oil 0.2 m from T-1500Xto T-1500Y.25.联系调度检尺。Contact dispatcher to dipping tank
26.检查15单元下水井,是否畅通。用蒸汽处理好。Check the swage oil well in unit 15.If there is blockage, use steam to treat it.27.调节阀门开度,稍开(或稍关)。Adjust the opening valve of switch tank.Open the valve more or le
28.注意观察原油泵压力。Be careful to observe the preure of crude oil pump.29.检查管线,阀门,设备泄漏情况,及时汇报。Check the leakage of pipelines, valves and equipments, and report panel operator in time.30.给泵P-1101/1的出口换一块新的压力表,量程为0~1.6MPa。Replace the preure gauge with a new one for P-1101/1 outlet.The measurement range of the new preure gauge is 0~1.6MPa.31.联系化验室进行原油分析。Contact with laboratory to analyze crude oil.32.立即将D-1104瓦斯改入火炬线。Change the gas of D-1104 to flareimmediately.33.将泵P-1102换到P-1103。Switch pump from P-1102 to P-1103.34.泵的入口过滤网需要清理。The inlet filter of pump should be cleaned.35.C-1102顶的现场压力表指示多少?What is the reading of site preure gauge of C-1102 top?
36.P-1107/1的出口压力是多少?What is the reading of P-1107/1 outlet preure?
37.本班操作平稳,设备运转正常,产品质量合格。The operation of this shift is stable, equipments are running normally, the products are on-standard.38.控制汽提塔吹汽量6.5吨/h。Control stripping steam flowrate 6.5 tons per hour.39.D-1402的水液面高,请排水。Water level of D-1402 is high, so please drain water.40.瓦斯压力波动大,尽快调整。Fuel gas preure is fluctuating too much, so please adjust as soon as poible.41.机泵P-1106机封漏,切泵后联系钳工修理。The mechanical seal of P-1106 is leaking, so please switch pump and contact with mechanical fitter to repair it.42.常压处理量提5吨/小时。The proceing quantity of atmospheric distillation unit increases 5 tons/h.
专业前沿调研题目:原油蒸馏小组成员:范永胜 李德邻 龙洪 齐永波班级:080121日期:2011 10 12原油蒸馏蒸馏是通过加热、气化,分流,冷凝和冷却等过程使液体混合物分离为一定纯度组分......
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