
其他范文 时间:2020-02-26 14:01:46 收藏本文下载本文
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She is smile, is she happy?

She is smile, is she happy? 贝蒂问他的妈妈,看到这里,我们可以发现这个女孩内心的转变。达芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》中的主人公,把永恒的神秘的微笑定格在画面上,几个世纪,我们沈溺于它“83%的高兴,9%的厌恶,6%的恐惧,2%的愤怒”中,可是,他真的快乐么,在表象的背后,在她的内心里真的开心么。



文章的最后,我希望每个自信的女孩子都能发自内心的smile.”I am smiling,I am really happy”

She Is Smile,Is She Happy?

“Sheis smile ,is she happy ? ”Betty asked her mother, From there ,we can realized the girl’s changes from her inside.The Protagonist of Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa Smile let her eternal and mysterious smile frames on the image.So for centuries, we dwell on its “83%of happine,9%of disgust,6%of fear and 2%of anger”smile..but behind the surface, is she really happy?

After watching the movie, I have to say, I don’t know whether Mona Lisa is

really happy or not.But the girls in movie finally achieve their happine.These happine not from their families’ gift, not from their husbands’recognition, not from the society’s praise.But from their inner affirmation.Everyone who has confident, self-esteem, self-love will own beautiful smile whether of she is Mona Lisa.Now, let us come back to the topic of education.In the movie, Mi Watson brings new opinions of women to these young girls.She leads them to open a new gate, out of the gate, they realized their new values except as a wife or a mother.Her action looks like Renaiance though its influence is small.Fortunately, the seeds she spilled was germinating, they try their hard to grow up.To be a educator, she is succeful, and these achievements are educational outcomes.At the end of the film, With Mi Watson’s efforts , she failed to change the thinking of the principals,the parents and the education mechanism, but she let the girls began to rupture the eggshells.By the end of the article, I hope every confident girl will achieve heartfelt smile and said to the world “I am smiling, I am really happy.”

蒙娜丽莎的微笑 影评



a film review on Mona Lisa Smile Based on the background in 1953-1954 in Wellesley college, the movie seems to a charming picture with a famous women's-only co......


Film Review--Be ourselvesThe story took pace in 1953, when the second women's liberation gradually arisen.However, some educational institution in American, e......


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