
其他范文 时间:2020-02-28 01:55:53 收藏本文下载本文
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1.Martin Luther King Jr……B.still D.their B.skin C.wrong A.where

D.for B.even A.that B.violently B.working

2.In Britain,winter is the season not ….C.busiest B.especially D.their A.shopper D.offers

B.rager A.in A.see B.which A.out

3.The United States covers…….B.Its C.Although D.popualation D.wining C.Each

A.star A.grew B.however A.who C.England

4.Time slips by slowly without…...B.long D.Looking A.even if C.meage A.what

D.covering C.memories A.remember D.follow D.catch

22.People used to say,“The hand that ………..A.Behind C.Both A.sons B.fairly C.men

D.stand behind B.beside C.a higher A.far D.position

23.The Red Cro is an international……..C.in B.be aided A.around D.shares B.to help

D.wounded B.how people were A.regardle C.protects A.dem--ing

24.In the American family the husband……C.old D.what B.independent A.too C.suit

D.break away from A.reached B.problems D.beyond C.set up

25.Can you imagine how you would…….C.position D.where C.lives B.to A.if only

A.No C.make D.other C.as B.therefore

26.Up until about one hundred years ago……A.about D.changed B.bought C.exciting

5.Why don’t birds get lost ……..B.puzzled D.that A.stars B.cage B.abilith

C.change A.caused B.means D.hidden A.helplely

6.Should authority be criticized?......A.much C.fear A.question D.curious A.disagree

D.findings B.designed B.on D.Even D.By

7.As late as 1800,women’s only…….C.dream A.widely B.signing D.open A.accept

D.before A.it D.invention D.fingers B.that

8.The effects of population growth……B.industrialized C.while A.effects C.deal with

B.growth A.short C.because of D.due to A.Furthermore B.that

9.China has 267 million families.C.fromA.rather than B.line C.potential A.that

B.Increasingly A.declining D.role C.rate B.Even though

10.Before 1836 the Texas area A.belonged D.Under B.free A.other B.as

C.declared D.rebels A.signed B.elected B.of

11.Most children with healthy…..D.unle C.way A.whether C.disce B.anybody

A.supposed C.idea B.allow B.soon D.no

12.Plants are very important living…..B.were C.food A.Therefore D.types B.main

C.covered C.no A.without D.float C.fall

13.No man can change the weather……C.what B.make D.such as B.sign A.air

D.on A.that B.weather A.above C.eyes

14.Many teachers believe that the……A.If B.context B.one C.learning D.with

C.aigned B.minimum A.atudent”s C.sources D.other than

15.Jules Verne’s most famous book……A.meaning D.invented C.at A.story teller B.to be

D.who A.easy C.ways C.as well as D.Sometimes

16.Frank knew he was very ill……A.sometimes D.in C.mind A.listened A.be admitted

B.remember C.nobody A.whenever A.only D.like

17.Higher education in America is mostly…..C.Ironically A.concepys B.interaction

B.Therefore A.plenty C.that C.an effort D.concerned A.means C.which

18.Smoking may be a pleasure for some people….B.However B.discomfort D.on C.In fact

A.suffer B.surely B.persuade A.entirely A.rather C.sense

19.Mr.Smith,a paenger on the transcontinental……..A.avoid C.and D.of A.take D.shortly A.borders B.rest A.view B.accept C.reason

20.Buck ans his mother and all the men……..A.while D.was living C.was never heard B.but

A.that A.to travel B.off A.share D.had never seen C.of 21.Historically,the real cowboy was a simple……..D.raise A.markets C.look after B.railroad

C.long A.unmarried B.understood A.towns A.free D.likely

D.added D.came A.than B.reduced C.anyone else”s C.draw

27.Before the 20 th century the horse……….C.replaced B.nearly A.afford B.in C.average

D.purchasing A.income C.cost B.superior D.as

28.In some cities,workaholism is so……….D.normal B.serious B.probably D.hate A.physical

C.failure B.always B.why D.more than A.made

29.Paris is the capital of France.It is also…….B.most famous C.all over D.Educational

B.cro A.is located C.on top of D.such as B.must be A.called D.where

30.There are many different methods of studying.A.obviously B.after C.anybody A.follow

B.after B.handed in C.at all D.excuse A.expense C.case

31.There were once three sons of a wealthy………B.whenever B.used C.in the least C.each

D.elder B.as A.joined B.unpopular D.changing A.making

32.Many students find the experience …….B.illustrating C.distrbuting C.wonders D.which

A.effective A.enable C.tackle A.in D.overcoming Cwith whom

33.One day when Jamie came home after……..D.the weather D.the lights C.Trouble A.sure

B.mi B.pulled C.failed C.had paed by A.now B.save

34.More and more teachers and parents have noticed…….C.which B.made up B.others B.in

B.whoever D.asked B.the more C.another D.woriied D.get rid of

35.It is always interesting to visit another country………..A.travel D.but A.on B.order C.for

A.who A.without B.are C.to D.have

36.Did you sleep well last night?.......C.if B.may A.affected B.make sure C.going to be

D.had better not A.listen to B.or C.so D.le

37.There are various ways to say things without…….B.reserve A.action C.available

D.belonging to A.when C.space D.yours A.around B.If C.others

38.Jefferson was the of the American……….C.drawer C.played B.from B.before

B.participated A.broke out B.became D.as B.sent C.attend

39.The United States is a land of many………C.cultures A.brought B.Although D.changing

B.preserveD.on C.native A.about D.aside C.with

40.Mi Evans physics in a London school……..A.taught C.claes D.in her work

A.on the telephone D.the other sideB.hear A.why C.sound waves B.because D.only

41.On Monday afternoon Mrs.Joan,dreed…….A.it C.behind D.on Mondays C.alone

D.herself D.smelt C.checked B.locked C.as B.sign


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