摘要 儒家文化蕴涵着丰富的人力资源管理思想,对我国现代人力资源管理深具启发意义。本文分析了目前我国企业人力资源管理中存在的问题,并借鉴儒家管理思想,提出企业人力资源管理的改善要从树立人本理念,完善录用体系,健全激励机制,强化员工培训,完善竞争和团队协作机制,建立绩效管理系统和优化企业文化等几方面入手,探讨儒家文化对我国企业建设人力资源管理模式的借鉴意义。关键词 儒家文化;人力资源;管理模式;构建
Confucian cultures and the Construction of modern human resources management model
Abstract: Confucian cultures contain plenty of human resources management thoughts, which is enlighten for modern human resources management development.This paper analyses the current iues about human resources management in Chinese enterprises, and draws on the Confucian thoughts of management, and it also points out that the improvement of human resources management should have the concept of people oriented, improve the recruitment system, perfect the incentive mechanism, strengthen staff training, improve competitivene and team Coordination mechanism, set up the performance management system and optimize the enterprise culture.Then it discues the reference meaning of Confucian cultures on the building of human resources management model in Chinese enterprises.Key words: Confucian cultures;human resources;management model;Construction
构建人力资源管理模式论文(锦集14篇)由网友“mxm12034”投稿提供,以下是小编为大家准备的构建人力资源管理模式论文,希望对大家有帮助。篇1:构建人力资源管理模式论文 摘要:现代企......
儒家文化与当代社会一、儒家文化的三个层次:经典、制度、核心精神 一般而言,儒家文化包括三个层次:儒家经典、依照儒家思想而设立的社会制度和儒家经典所体现的核心精神。(一)儒......