Two brothers
22130506 王钦楠
My name is Kugha McRory.I know you have never heard of me before, but you must be quite familiar with my father—Aidan McRory, a well-known writer whose works always sell out in a short time.However, my dad had a special identity in the past which was forgotten by people gradually.That is the big-game hunter and temple looter.Once I asked him why he gave up hunting and turned to writing, because I think it is only the real man that dares to fight with those fierce monsters.He didn’t answer my questions and just kept staring at a tatty box.Then, mum told me he promised to someone that he would never touch a rifle again and stick to writing.The story had to trace back before I was born.At that time, my dad was still an unscrupulous explorer, which was my mum’s words, and intended to steal and sell the ancient statues at an auction in London.Driven by great interests, dad came to the ancient temple, where he encountered his destiny.In the ancient temple lived a tiger family—the tiger couple and two little tigers.The twin brothers are alike in appearance but differ greatly in disposition.The older brother, later named Kumar, was brave when the younger one, later named Sangha, was quite shy and timid.One day, when they were playing in the jungle, humans come acro them in their temple home and the tigre mother arrived to protect the babies.She pickd Sangha up and ran for safety.Kumar followed, but couldn't keep up and fell behind.The tiger father appeared, but the men caught up with them and he was shot dead by dad when attacking a hunter, who might have harmed his child, as protection.I feel so sorry for them, because I think they are innocent.What surprises me is that dad took Kumar with him after having killing his father and even shared favourite sweet with Kumar.Why? Maybe that is for Kumar was so young to hurt anyone else or for dad still had conscience.The chief in the Cambodian village, my grandfather, pretended to thank dad for killing the man-eater, but exposed dad’s crime of stealing sacred statues from the ancient temple secretly.As a result, Kumar was kept by grandfather in the village and then be sold to a circus owned by cruel circus ringmaster Zerbino, his wife, and his faithful sabre swallowing and fire breathing friend Saladin.I’m so worry about my dad.Thanks to God, he was soon released from prison by the French administrator Eugene Normandin, a big fan of dad and all his exploits.Meanwhile, the tiger mother and Sangha tried several times to save Kumar but failed and finally they were trapped by dad as game for a vain prince to hunt.The mother was shot in the left ear and thought to be dead before she jumped up and ran off with a hole in her left ear.Poor Sangha was then discovered by young Raoul ,the son of the administrator and became the child's pet.By then, two brothers were totally seperated.Kumar remained in a cage of the circus next to the cage of an old former tiger star named Caesar.Dad once visited the circus for searching a skin of tiger.He made a deal with Zerbino and Saladin to kill Caesar and skin him.What’s more, he promised to give circus people lots of money with the condition that they would take good care of Kumar.Due to that, Kumar became the new star of the circus.Sangha meanwhile dwelled peacefully with Raoul until one day he was cornered by his deadly foe Bittsi, Raoul's mother's dog.In self-defence, Sangha attacked Bittsi, badly wounding although not killing him.Raoul's mother, who insisted that Sangha “got a taste of blood” and drove him away.Finally, he was sent to the prince's palace menagerie, where he quickly gained a reputation as a ferocious animal.One year later, two brothers both grew up to be adult tigers.Kumar was trained in the circus to perform acrobatic, such as jumping through a fire hoop.Kumar refused to obey him for a natural terror of fire, so there was no doubt that he was “taught a leon in manners” by Saladin using harsh and cruel methods.I just wonder why those selfish people always tries to force others to do something beyond their ability.If those animals don’t do that, can’t they earn money? To soften my anger, mum tells me that two brothers were getting close.The prince wanted to hold a festival in which a battle between two great beasts-the twin tigers.Before the battle, dad found Kumar in the cage who was sold to make up to the prince.The things were still there, but men were no more the same ones.Kumar was not like who he had been, completely demoralised.On the contrary, Sangha was more bold and powerful than he had been in the past.What a dramatic change it is.When the two beasts entered the Coloeum, Raoul recognized Sangha at once, who he believed had been sent to a zoo in Bangkok or Saigon.However, no one could stop them in this desperate struggle.After a horrible fierce fight, Sangha suddenly recognized that the one he was biting was the same one who had protected him from the civet.Finally, they began to play together like they used to, instead of fighting, amusing the audience.The trainers attempted to antagonize the tigers into fighting but failed by losing his arm.Zerbino opened the gate and retrieved a gun to shoot Sangha, accidentally leaving the gate open.Kumar stopped Zerbino from shooting his brother by jumping from behind and attacking him as well.The tigers escaped through the open gate.They were free.Kumar chronically returned to his cage but at last he decided to leave with his brother.After the escape, two brothers caused great panic among the town.dad was determined to hunt the tigers down, because it’s instinct that all the great predators who escaped from captivity become man-eaters when they return to the wild.It was dad that caused the whole me and he had to be responsible for it.Raoul tried to persuade him to give up but all in vain.Dad swore that he would never touch a rifle again and stick to writing after all was over.Dad and the villagers started the fire in order to frighten the tigers and finally had them cornered together to have a perfect shot of them.To their surprise, Kumar showed Sangha how to overcome their fear and jump through fire.They were free again.Later, Raoul and dad found them in the jungle.Raoul said goodbye to Sangha with a ki and told him never come back again.When dad attemped to aim at Sangha, Kumar appeared.They looked at each other for a long time and eventually dad put down the gun.Kumar came upon to dad, asking for the sweets he used to eat, but there was no sweets left.Dad said “ forgive me” to Kumar and watched two brothers leave with Raoul.They were taking a big risk by hoping that there was another tiger who could taught the brothers how to survive in the jungle.As they wished, two brothers reunited with their mother in the jungle, who was identified by the hole in the left ear.The story ends in a happy ending.I asks dad what did he mean when saying sorry to Kumar.He says he don’t know, too.Perhaps dad begged Kumar’s pardon for not taking the honey sweets, or for disturbing his life which should have been peaceful and confortable.
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