1.bank guarantee
A bank guarantee is used as an instrument for securing performance or payment especially in international busine.a bank guarantee is a written promise iued by a bank at the request of its customer,undertaking to make payment to the beneficiary within the limits of a stated sum of money in the event of default by the principal.银行保函作为一种保证履行或付款的工具在国际贸易中经常使用。银行保函是银行应客户的要求而开立的书面承诺书,保证在委托人违约时向受益人支付规定数额的货币。
2.basic functions of guarantees
(1)guarantees are used as secure mechanism for payment of the contract amount(2)A contactor uses a guarantee as default instrument that covers the risk of non-performance or defective performance by contractor 3.Counter guarantee A counter guarantee refers to any guarantee or other payment undertaking of the instructing party given in writing for payment of money to the guarantor on presentation in conformity with the terms of the undertaking of a writing demand for payment and other documents specified in the counter guarantee.反担保是指示人出具的任何书面保证或其他付款承诺,凭提交与承诺条款相符的书面付款要求以及反担保内容规定的其他文件,支付款项给担保人。
4.Counter Guarantor Sometimes ,a bank or a financial institution or any other body acting as an instructing party iues a counter guarantee acting on the instruction of a principal in favor of a bank or a financial institution located in the beneficiary’s country.The instructing party instructs the bank or a financial institution located in the beneficiary’s country to iue a letter of guarantee on behalf of the principal in favor of a specified party named therein.指示方或称反担保人,是指接受申请人的委托,而向受益人所在地银行发出开立保函的委托指示,并同时保证在受托行(保函的担保人)遭到索赔时立即予以偿付的银行或其他金融机构。在保函业务中,反担保人不直接接受受益人提出的任何索赔,而仅向担保人承担责任,对担保人负责,凭担保人提出的要求予以偿付,并同时享有对申请人进行追偿的权利。
反担保人的责任是:保证申请人履行合同义务。同时,向担保人做出承诺,即当担保人在保函项下做出付款以后,担保人可以从反担保人处得到及时、足额的补偿,并在申请人不能向担保人做出补偿时,负责向担保人赔偿损失。5.Types of bank guarantee 1.In terms of the relationship with the underlying transaction :acceory guarantee and independent guarantee.2.In terms of methods of iuing the guarantee:direct guarantee and indirect guarantee 3.In terms of the conditions for claim:unconditional bond and conditional bond 4.In terms of the payment prerequisite under guarantee:payment guarantee and credit guarantee 6.acceory guarantee Acceory guarantee is an acceory contract by which the guarantor undertakes to answer for the debt,default or miscarriage of another person known as the principal debtor.An acceory guarantee necearily involves some other person being primarily liable.The acceory guarantee is a traditional guarantee which is a secondary undertaking, and a promise to carry out someone else’s obligation if the party primarily responsible fails to do so.Such obligations are acceory to and dependent on the contract in respect of which they are given.在从属保函中,担保人承担第二性偿付责任(Secondary Obligation)或称从属的偿付责任(Acceory Obligation),即担保人的偿付责任从属于或依附于委托人在交易合同项下的责任义务。如果委托人已经履行了合同项下的责任义务,担保人也随之免除了对受益人的偿付责任。7.independent guarantee
Independent guarantee is a principal obligation, it is a promise to pay a sum of money against presentation of the beneficiary’s demand and stipulated documentation,if any.They are independent of the underlying contract.The guarantor is not concerned to determine whether or not default has occurred on the commercial deal.Their payment is triggered by presentation of a claim complying with the formal requirements of the instrument itself.在独立保函中,担保人承担第一性偿付责任(Primary Obligation)或称独立的付款承诺(Independent Undertaking of Payment),即担保人的偿付责任独立于委托人在交易合同项下的责任义务。只要担保文件(即保函)规定的偿付条件已经具备,担保人便应偿付受益人的索偿。至于委托人是否确未履行合同项下的责任义务,是否已被合法地解除了该项责任义务,担保人不负责任。
8.direct guarantee
A direct guarantee occurs when the client authorizes the bank to iue a guarantee directly to the beneficiary, as the following figure shows.9.indirect guarantee
An indirect guarantee is a guarantee where a second bank is involved.This bank(usually a foreign bank located in the beneficiary’s country of domicile)will be requested by the initiating bank to iue a guarantee in return for the risk of a lo which could result from the beneficiary submitting a claim under the foreign bank’s guarantee.The initiating bank must formally pledge to pay the amount claimed by the beneficiary under the guarantee upon demand by the guarantee bank.10.unconditional bond
11.conditional bond 有条件保函
12.which is belong to payment guarantee
Payment bond deferred payment bond guarantee for compensation trade loan guarantee overdraft guarantee leasing guarantee payment guarantee for commiion or any charges 13.which is belong to credit guarantee.*** 选择 bid bond performance bond advance payment guarantee quality guarantee maintenance guarantee 14.Bid Bond/Tender Bond
Bid bond is an undertaking given by a bank at the request of a tender in favor of a party inviting tenders abroad, whereby the guarantor undertakes to make payment to the beneficiary within the limit of a stated sum of money in the event of default by the principal in the obligations resulting from the submiion of tender.投标保函是指担保人(银行)应申请人(投标人)要求向受益人(招标人)开立的、保证申请人履行一定的义务和责任,否则担保人将向受益人赔付一定金额的书面保证承诺。或者可以说,投标保函是在以招标方式成交的工程建造和物资采购等项目中,银行应招标方的要求出具的、保证投标人在招标有效期内不撤标、不改标、中标后在规定时间内签定合同或提交履约保函的书面文件。15.Performance Bond
A performance guarantee(bond)is an undertaking given by a bank(the principal)to a buyer or an employer(the beneficiary), where by the guarantor undertakes to make payment to the beneficiary within the limit of a stated sum of money in the event of default by the supplier or the contractor in due performance of the terms of a
contract between the principal and the beneficiary.担保银行应工程承包方或商品供货方的申请而向业主或买方出具的、保证承包方或供货方严格履行合同义务的书面文件。
16.Advance Payment Bond
An advance payment bond is iued at the request of the exporter to the importer(the beneficiary)when the advance payment is required by the latter.The guarantee ensures the repayment of the advance by the exporter in the event of the non-performance of his contractual obligations.担保银行应工程承包方或商品供货方的申请向业主或买方出具的、保证承包方或供货方在业主或买方支付预付款后履行合同义务的书面文件。
17.Repayment Guarantee
A repayment guarantee is undertaking given by a bank(the guarantor)at the request of a supplier of goods or services or other contractor(the principal)to a buyer or an employer(the beneficiary)whereby the bank undertakes to make payment to the beneficiary within the limit of a stated sum of money in the event of default by the principle to repay, in accordance with the terms and conditions of a contract between the principal and the beneficiary, any sum or sums advanced or paid by the beneficiary to the principal.还款保函是指银行(担保人)应货物或服务的供应商(委托人)的要求,向买方或雇主(受益人)提供的一种担保,在担保书中银行承诺在委托人不能按委托人和受益人之间的合约条款退还受益人预付或支付给委托人的任何金额时,由银行向受益人支付或退还在规定的货币金额限额内的款项。
18.Overdraft Guarantee
19.Import guarantee
20.Loan guarantee
21.Leasing guarantee *** 汉译英
The guarantor bank guarantees to the beneficiary that leee will pay the rent in accordance with the terms and conditions of the lease agreement.Should the leee fail to pay the rent within the time limit as stipulated in the lease agreement, the bank undertakes to effect payment for the unpaid rent plus defaulted interest, if any.担保银行应承租人的申请而向出租人出具的,保证承租人按期支付租金的书面文件。
22.Retention bonds
Retention bonds enable retention moneys, which would otherwise be held by the buyer beyond the completion of the contract, to be released early.These bonds guarantee return of these retention moneys to the buyer in the event of non-performance of post completion obligations by the exporter.担保银行应工程承包方、供货方的申请而向业主或买方出具的、保证承包方、供货方在提前支取合同价款中的尾款部分后履行合同义务的书面文件。适用于合同执行后期业主或买方滞留尾款、而承包方、供货方欲提前支取尾款的情况。
23.Standby letter of credit *** 名词解释
The standby credit is a documentary credit or similar arrangement, however named or described, which represents an obligation to the beneficiary on the part of the iuing bank to:(1)repay money borrowed by the applicant, or advanced to or for the account of the applicant;(2)make payment on account of any indebtedne undertaken by the applicant;(3)make payment on account of any default by the applicant in the performance of an obligation.无论如何命名或描述,备用信用证是一种跟单信用证或类似的安排。他代表开证行对受益人所承担的以下一项义务 :(1)偿还申请人的借款或偿还对申请人给予的预付款;(2)代申请人支付其所承担的任何债务;(3)对申请人在履行义务时的毁约承担付款的责任。备用信用证是指开证行根据开证申请人的请求对受益人开立的承诺承担某项义务的凭证。即开证行保证在开证申请人未能履行其应履行的义务时,受益人只要凭备用信用证的规定向开证行开具汇票(或不开汇票),并提交开证申请人未履行义务的声明或证明文件,即可取得开证行的偿付。
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