一、缩略语(10题 共20分)
Shipping documents
1.B/N: booking note 托运单
2.S/O: shipping order 装货单、关单、下货纸
3.M/R: mate's receipt 收货单、大副收据
4.B/L: bill of lading 提单
5.L/L: loading list 装货清单
6.M/F: manifest 载货清单、舱单
7.F/M: freight manifest 载货运费清单、运费舱单
8.D/O: delivery order 提货单
Charter party
1.LOA: length overall 船长
2.GRT: gro registered tonnage 总注册吨
3.NRT: net registered tonnage 净注册吨
4.DW: deadweight 载重
5.MOLOO: more or le at owner's option 船东选择或多或少
6.OSB: one safe berth 一个安全泊位
7.OSP: one safe port 一个安全港口
8.FIO: free in and out 出租人(船方)不负担装卸费
9.FI: free in 出租人不负担装货费用
10.FO: free out 出租人不负担卸货费用
11.LIFO: liner in, free out 出租人负担装货费用,但不负担卸货费用
12.FILO: free in, liner out 出租人不负担装货费用,但负担卸货费用
13.FIOST: free in and out, stowed and trimmed 出租人不负担装卸费用、积载及平舱费用
14.WWDSHEX-UU: weather working days Sundays and holidays excepted, unle used 晴天工作日,星期天和节假日除外,除非已使用
15.WWDSHEX-EIU: weather working days Sundays and holidays excepted, even if used 晴天工作日,星期天和节假日除外,即使已使用
16.CQD: customary quick dispatch 按港口习惯速遣、按港口习惯尽快装卸
17.DHD: dispatch half demurrage 速遣费是滞期费的一半
18.C/P: charter party 租船合同,租约
19.M/T: metric ton 公吨
二、短语翻译(20题 共20分)
1.提货 take delivery of the cargo
2.与你方结账 settle the account with you
3.向我方报价 quote us your freight rate
4.运费率 freight rate
5.航班 frequency of sailing
6.航期 transit time
7.加载货 additional cargo
8.随行就市 be subject to market fluctuation
9.预付运费 freight prepaid
10.亏舱 broken space/stowage
11.扫舱 sweep the cargo hold/hold sweeping
12.改航 diversion
13.卸载报告 outturn report
14.退关货 shut out cargo
15.转船货 tranhipped cargo
16.克尽职责 exercise due diligence
17.易腐货 perishable cargo
18.固有的特性 inherent nature
19.装载疏忽 negligence in stowage
20.原残 original damage
21.工残 stevedore damage
22.通风不良 insufficient ventilation
23.有举证责任 bear the burden of proof
24.对„„提出投诉 lodge/file a complaint against sb for sth
25.建立业务关系 establish busine relationship
26.港口使费 port disbursements/port dues and charges
27.委托代理 agency appointment
28.代理费 agency fee
29.揽货 canva/solicit cargo
30.进港指南 guide to port entry
续 attend to customs declaration formalities for inward and outward shipments
32.货运单证 shipping document
33.免除公司责任 relieve the company of responsibility
34.货物查询单 cargo tracer
35.货物溢短单 overlanded/shortlanded cargo list
36.保赔协会 P&I club
37.倒签提单 anti-dated bill of lading
38.已装船提单 shipped/on board bill of lading
39.备运提单 received for shipment bill of lading
三、句子翻译(5题 共20分)
致亚丁湾(port of Aden)“ABC”船务代理行
请您安排劳氏(Lloyd's)验船师尽快来我船检查并证实甲板属具等(deck fittings)在本次航次从新加坡至亚丁途中遭遇风暴期间受损的程度。并再安排一位货物检验师在卸货之前来检查和确认所有船舱内所装货物的状况。
Port of AdenAugust, 2000
ABC Shipping Agency
Port of Aden
Dear Sir/Agent
Re: Application for Surveyors
Would you be kind enough to arrange for a Lloyd’s surveyor to come on board my veel as soon as poible to inspect and verify the extent of the damage to our deck fittings etc.which occurred during the storm we encountered on the present voyage from Singapore to Aden.Please also arrange for a cargo surveyor to inspect and confirm the condition of the cargo in all holds before breaking bulk.Your immediate attention to this matter will be much appreciated.Yours faithfully,(Signed)
Master of M.V.“TAI HE”
(Or:I wish to inform you that the deck fittings etc.of my veel were damaged due to the storm we encountered on the present voyage from Singapore to Aden.You are kindly requested to arrange for a Lloyd’s surveyor to attend my veel immediately to inspect and verify the extent of the damage.Please also arrange for a cargo surveyor to inspect and confirm the condition of the cargo in all holds before breaking bulk.I should be obliged if you could manage this matter without delay.)
We shall have a consignment of 500 cases of bicycles for shipment from Shanghai to Bombay.Please quote us your freight rate including dockage(wharfage), lighterage, unloading charge and other expenses.3.兹告知本公司可按贵方要求为你的货物保留足够的舱位。请将托运申请书填好寄来,以换取装货单,但运费须先付。
This is to inform you that we are able to reserve as requested sufficient space for your cargo.You are kindly requested to complete the shipping application and send it duly to us in exchange for our Shipping Order, but the freight must be prepaid.4.关于你本月4日的来信要求舱位增加货载之事,现在告知“ABC”轮舱位不能收容更多的货物,无法照办为歉。
With regard to the accommodation for the additional cargo as requested in your letter dated 4th of this month, we wish to inform you that the M.V.“ABC” has no more space allotted for that cargo.We regret that we cannot do what you wish.5.情况就是这样,托运货物标记(唛头)不清,船方不负责由此造成的任何后果。
Such being the case, the marks on the consignment are unclear, the ship will not be responsible for any consequences arising therefrom.6.你们尽可以放心,我们会采取一切可能的预防措施保护货物在航运和装卸中不受损失。You may rest aured that we will take all poible precautions against any damage to cargo in transit and cargo handling.7.如你所知,这些重件货的重量大大超过船舶装置的起吊能力,请尽快与港务局联系,安排岸吊卸这些货。
As you are well aware, the weight of these heavy lifts is far beyond the lifting capacity of the ship’s facilities.Kindly contact the harbour administration/ port authority as soon as poible to arrange a shore crane for discharge.8.码头工人这样搬运货物的方式,货物发生混票的情况是不可避免的。
The stevedores handled the goods in such a way that the mix-up of parcels is inevitable.9.P70III
Dear Sirs,Re.Damage to 150 C/S Oranges B/L No.18
4Ex.M.V.“Hua Xing” Yokohama/Vancouver
Your letter Ref.BK-425 dated 25th February has been duly received.We learn with much regret that 150 out of 2000 cases of oranges under B/L No.184 carried by us were damaged on the voyage from Yokohama to Vancouver.The parcel/consignment in question was stowed in No.2 lower hold and tweendeck which, prior to loading, were thoroughly examined by the Lloyd’s Surveyor at Yokohama.The coolne and ventilation in the compartments came up fully to the standards of transit, which was to the entire satisfaction of the Surveyor and shipper.During the voyage, we also paid special attention to the effective ventilation of the said cargo.From the above, we may conclude that the alleged damage to oranges must have been caused by their inherent nature and this is a matter beyond our control.Therefore, we are not to be held responsible for this damage.In addition, we would take this opportunity to bring it to your notice that the recurrence of such damage will be inevitable in the future unle the shipper improves the packing thereof.We trust we shall have your full understanding in this connection.Yours faithfully,Master of M.V.“Hua Xing”
Your letter of 24th May has been duly received.After careful consideration wehave decided to appoint you formally as our ship’s agents in Port of Libreville.11.随函附上“代理协议书”草稿一份,请细阅其中各项条款,并惠告你们是否同意。Enclosed please find a draft of “Agency Agreement” for your perusal and kindly inform us whether you agree or not to all the provisions therein.12.我们提醒你们注意:如果货物承运时已有破损情况,请出具清洁提单。
We wish to draw your attention to the fact that(to remind you that)no clean B/L will be iued in case the cargo coming for shipment is in damaged condition.13.为此,对于上述装船货物可能发生的任何索赔费,我们同意即期支付(pay on demand)。对你方的做法可能引起的一切后果,我们担保你们和/或你船东不受损害。
We hereby agree to pay on demand any claim that may occur on the said shipment and we indemnify you and/or your shipowner harmle against any consequences that may arise from your practice.14.应发货人的要求,我们在此授权您倒签提单并以发货人出保函和货物已在你们掌管下为条件,凭保函签发日期倒签的提单给发货人。
At the shipper’s request we hereby authorize you to iue the Anti-dated B/L to the shipper against the Letter of indemnity on condition that the shipper provides the Letter of Indemnity and that the cargo has been in your custody.四、给出细节写出信(20分)
询盘与报盘 application?;
Cargo work 重件货 混票;
Cargo damage 分析各种“损”,勾损„„
申请代理 委托别人做代理
Shipping documents中的保函
国际航运业务英语与函电 复习资料before breaking bulk (BBB)开仓卸货前,pilot on board (POB)引航员登船 heavy diesel oil (H.D.O.)重柴油,China Claification Society (C......
第五单元后是一句一句百度翻译出来的 准确性有待。。。。尼玛一字一字的打出来手都累断了啊次奥!Unit 3p23:1.兹通知贵方:“London”轮已于昨日安全抵达本港。正好可以在假期开......
Re: Application for SurveyorsWould you be kind enough to arrange for a Lloyd’s surveyor to come on board my veel as soon as poible to inspect and verify the ex......
龙源期刊网 http://.cn需求分析在国际航运业务英语函电中的应用 作者:刘剑剑来源:《海峡科学》2012年第11期[摘要] 该文在简述需求分析理论的基础上,对国际航运业务英语函电进......