2011年09月14日 09:33
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Remarks to the Opening of Term, Xi’an International University, September 2011 President Huang, Faculty Members, and Students!黄校长,老师们,同学们,大家好!能够在西安外事学院二零一一学年开学典礼上致辞,我感到非常荣幸。Greetings!It is a special honor for me to addre the Convocation of Xian International University for the year 2011-2012.今天是一个特别的日子。无论是对于同学们,家长们,还是老师们来说,今天都是一个特别的日子。我常常跟我哈佛的同事们说:我们应该感谢学生,因为没有学生,我们都不会在这里。
This is a special day.It is a special day for all students, and for their parents.It is a special day, too, for the faculty.As I always used to tell my faculty colleagues at Harvard: we must always be grateful to the students.For without the students, none of us would be here!当然,要是没有父母,祖父母,还有他们的亲戚朋友的支持,同学们今天也不会来到这个大学。
And, of course, the students would not be here without the parents, grandparents, and other relatives and friends who have made it poible for them to come to this university.我尤其要欢迎一年级的新同学。今天是你们高等教育的起点。尽管你们只会在大学里呆几年,但是这几年将会为你打下作为一个终身的探索者的基础。
I particularly want to welcome the first-year students, who are beginning a lifetime of higher education.You will be in college for only a few years, but you will be prepared, during these years, to be a person who is a life-long learner.哈佛一位前任校长曾经说过,“知识之所以能够在大学里积累,是因为新生总为我们带来许多,而毕业生们却带走很少。”但愿他的话并不全对。
A former Harvard president once said, “Knowledge accumulates at universities because the freshman bring so much in, and the seniors take so little away.” I hope he was not entirely correct.你们能够来到这里,的确非常幸运。西安外事学院是中国高等教育复兴的前沿。它是私立学校,但又着眼于公共社会,它为你服务,也为你所生活的社会服务。You are very fortunate indeed to be here, at this place.Xi’an International University is at the forefront of a great revival of higher education in China.As a private university with a sense of public purpose, it is designed to serve you and to serve the society in which you will live.这所大学将会为你提供很多的机会。最重要的莫过于学习陈寅恪先生所倡导的“独立之精神,自由之思想”。你们各自将会有不同的专业,但有一点应该是共通的:作为学生,你们都会有好奇心,善于反思,敢于怀疑。这些能力将为你们作为一个终身的探索者打下基础(我相信你们的第一份工作一定不会是你们的最后一份工作)。你们会学会用多元的思维来认识你自己和这个世界;你们毕业的时候,你们将会有真正独立思考的能力。这种能力最终将帮助你为社会服务,为家庭服务,最终为你自己服务。This university will offer you many opportunities.The most important opportunity will be the chance to learn to think independently.You all will study many different subjects, but what you should have in common is this.You will want to become curious, reflective, and skeptical learners: people with the capacity for lifelong learning(for your first job will surely not be your last);You will want to develop multiple perspectives on yourselves and on the world;and by the time you graduate, you will want to be truly independent of mind.That is how you can best serve your families, your society, and indeed yourselves.因此,我鼓励大家不要只是专注于自己的专业学科。大家应该也关心人文学科。我想引用三位哈佛前任校长的话。Nathan Pusey 校长曾经说到:“一个专家和专业人士的世界不应该——也不是——一个没有人文关怀的世界。”十年前,Neil Rudenstine 校长跟北大的同学说:“一流的教育是无法用美元和人民币来衡量的”。他说:“教育鼓励我们去思考那些没有经过检验的价值和观点。还有,哈佛前任校长Lawrence Summers 说:为什么大学重要:因为在那里思想才是真正的权威。
As you do this, I urge you also to explore not only your specialized fields, but also, especially, the humanities.Let me quote from three former Harvard presidents.President Nathan Pusey once told another audience in Asia: “[A] world of specialists and profeionals need not be—nor is it—a world indifferent to humane concerns.” A decade ago, President Neil Rudenstine told students at Peking University: “There is much more to excellent education than can be measured in dollars or renminbi.” Education, he said, “should encourage us to think about our unexamined aumptions, and about our values and beliefs.” Or, more recently, as former President Summers noted: why are universities important? Because they are places “where authority resides with ideas rather than ideas residing with authority.”
Xi’an International University will offer you many opportunities to be different, and to make a difference.I wish you every succe!