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4月24 scientists should be responsible for negative impacts of their discoveries?

This information era which is mainly characterized by that human beings are gradually submerged into the information ocean that a large amount of information is unceasingly pouring into our minds at an unprecedented speed has witneed a phenomenon that scientists should either be responsible or not for negative impacts of their discoveries.From the personal perspective, I think scientists should not responsible for the negative impacts in most cases.The negative impacts of scientific discoveries, regardle of the country, mainly come from the inappropriate social application which seldom relates to scientists.Sociologically speaking, in order to explain the positive impacts and the negative impacts of scientific innovation, the social application must be considered.Social application is the gist to determine whether the scientific discoveries have positive or negative impacts.In other words, the reason why science has positive and negative impacts is that the social application generates the impacts.Scarcely do we put the scientific discoveries into the application, there will be no influence of it.If we do not put the scientific discoveries into application, there will be no influence of it.Scientific discoveries are the product of human wisdom, and the negative impacts cannot come from themselves but only from the application.No sooner does the social value take on scarcity or bias, than the negative effects of scientific innovations will appear.The negative impact of scientific innovation is the result of the lack and bias of social value instead of scientists.When it comes to the discuion of the improper use of science, we have to solve a more rudimental problem that how to judge the application is proper or improper.Social value is the standard of determination of proper or improper application.Social value is not only the public standard, which is agreed by every members of the community but also the personal commitment of every individual which is internalized by socialization.Ultimately, the negative impact of improper application is determined by social value.There are, in particular, two kinds of situation.The first situation is the alienation of social value.It is that “social value may reflect the leading cla, forming the backbone and the dominant culture or ethnic group's needs, regardle of their inventors.” that The main form of this alienation is The second situation, too eential to be neglected, is that the preparation of moral and cognition always seem to be inadequate compared with the astonishing pace of development of science.Properly speaking, we are endowed with more ability to control the world when we do not know how much social responsibility we should take.Admittedly, the perspectives of this iue vary from person to person.It could not be denied that some people, holding the point that some inventions are made out to do murderous thing by some scientists, are reasonable.On the surface of it, it may seem to be a sound solution.But if thinking again, we would point out some drawbacks.We may easily find that these scientists also should have some companions who help them to put the invention into application.In this situation, they are all to be blamed.From what has been discued above, we may safely draw the conclusion that it is unjustifiable to blame scientists for the negative impacts of scientific discoveries.










对学生负责六年级作文对学生负责 和同事闲聊,说起了自己的学生生活,她说她几何不好,代数可好;而我却说我的几何和代数都很好,骄傲的是曾经的中招考试,我还考了满满的一百分!高兴之......


