上海滩 英语话剧剧本由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“上海滩话剧剧本”。
第一幕(“上海滩”音乐响起,许文强入场,大衣飘起,拉风衣转一圈,唇角上扬,旋转帽檐,抽口烟,微轻蔑地。许冯一见钟情,许俩眼贼光)许(面向观众):嘿嘿嘿, ,I’d do anything to see you crack a smile.she is my style.(* *的笑。。* * *状)许:who is her? 丁:she is。。冯(含羞面对观众):oh,the first I saw him I realized that he was the only true love in the world to me.(无辜小白兔模样)冯:who is he? 丁:he is。。(两人缓缓走近对方。。)许:chengcheng.冯:wenqiang(俩人奔向对方撑伞握手深情对视)许:oh,my love my daring,I’ve hungered for your touch alone lonely time(隔一点距离深情献唱 人鬼情未了主题曲)冯:we’ll stay forever this way ,you’re safe in my heart.and my heart will go on and on(泰坦尼克主题曲)(许在冯献唱时挤眉弄眼:oh ye)(汪,丁在远处情不自禁伴舞)许:you’re so attractive.Mi,may I ?(丁大喊“I kill you”冲上来挥刀,许神态姿势不变袖子一挥,丁翻滚倒地)冯:qiang,you jump,I jump.(汪月琪旁白:yes,I do)(强劲的音乐节奏鼓点响起,冯父出场)冯父: get out of my daguther(许冯沉浸在幸福中,冯父踹开文强以同时大吼)冯:dady.what’wrong.i decide to marry him in this life.(拉住父亲)冯父:I don’t like you together with him 冯挣脱不开,转向文强,文强受伤无奈 冯:daring,daring, take me away(抹眼泪)许:honey.~~~~~stay with me 第一幕完 第二幕(偷听到冯父与日本人交易过程,强愤怒,枪杀日本人。继而逃走.)冯跟班:太君,very glad to cooperation with you(狗腿地献上银子)小日本:哟西哟西。You good.l like hahaha.As long as you are willing to work for us wholeheartedly。The communist list is important to me.you will enjoy the glory,splendour,wealth and rank(掸掸钞票亲一口把银子揣进怀里啪啪小跟班的脸,奸笑,推开跟班,走至冯父前)背过身又转过来 小跟班递上雪茄,茶水。Plesease 冯父:that’s right.For 太君 小日本:for mr feng。(Cheers.干杯。小日本一口茶吐出来。)小日本:This is what is so difficult to drink 小跟班:this,(耸肩)I don’t know 小日本: run along..the list give me now(跟班为难地看着冯父)冯父:give him 跟班上前,俩人正交接。强:you must be forget you killed how many our compatriots What a pity!This day next year will be your death memorial(小日本面向观众:laides and gentlmans.he want to insult me hahaha.it’ was a big joke)小日本:guy,are you changing me? 许:of course 小日本:come on 举枪射击。小日本抽刀。躲。不慎中枪,倒下。强欲走。冯父大惊:catch him.Or we will be in trouble 跟班答:yes 上前与强争斗。强逃走 第三幕(冯找到文强冯劝说许离开上海,强否,冯挥泪而去.)冯:follow me ,we will be happy together.would you like go with me to the edge of the sky,the rim of the sea.许:I love you,but I have more important things to do.丁找到冯(深情谄媚献上玫瑰)丁:I love you more.in spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us ,I love you 冯扇丁一巴掌。丁晕头转向。汪上场。丁转而面对汪(高昂头颅不屑恶狠狠说)丁:I love you mean more to me than anything in this world 汪抢过玫瑰嗤嗤大笑喜极而泣,甩甩头发,妩媚状。汪:maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finnally meet the person ,we will know how to be grateful这时舞曲响起,俩人相视一笑。共舞一曲。戏剧性结束,相拥离场。留下冯一人独坐那里,这时许突然出现,四目相视,难舍难分,许被冯手下打中背心,倒地,冯悲痛欲绝,播放主题曲。第三幕结束
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