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As the planet warms,rainfall patterns shift,and extreme events such as droughts,floods,and forest fires become more frequent.Millions in densely populated coastal areas and in island nations will lose their homes as the sea level rises.In Africa,Asia,and elsewhere,poor people face prospects of tragic crop failures,reduced agricultural productivity,and increasing hunger,malnutrition,and disease.Climate change is one of the most complex challenges of our young century.A “climate-smart” world is poible in our time.We must act now, because what we do today determines both the climate of tomorrow and the choices that shape our future.We must act together, because climate change is a crisis of the commons.Climate change cannot be solved without countries cooperating on a global scale.We need to protect human life and ecological resources.Much more is needed.We need action on climate iues before it is too late.If we act now, act together, and act differently, there are real opportunities to shape our climate future for a safe, inclusive, and sustainable globalization.China will cut carbon dioxide emiions per unit of GDP by 40 to 45 percent by 2020, taking 2005 as the base year.We do not need to wait for a low-carbon future.It starts now.作文预测3(五星)

Lifestyle choices have changed gradually in the past 60 years but exploded in the past three decades.In the 1970s, the CPC decided everything from clothes and length of hair to what books to read and music to listen.A huge change is traveling.In 1976, few people traveled within China, let alone

abroad.Perceptions of other countries were limited to the incomplete presentation in the official media.Even in Shanghai, people would stare open-mouthed at foreigners because only a few of them were living in China then.Now foreigners are so common that Chinese don’t even spare them a second glance.Many Chinese have now visited other countries.Every large store in Paris, has at least one Chinese-speaking staff to deal with visitors from China.And at least one of the stores I know has a whole section devoted to Chinese customers.Travel within China has exploded, too.Many domestic flights are often full.Tourist spots are rarely without crowds.Apartments today are stuffed with domestic appliances undreamed of in the 1970s, when most people aspired to own a watch, a sewing machine, a bicycle and perhaps a simple camera.In the 1980s this expanded to include a fridge, a washing machine, a TV set, a CD player and a vacuum cleaner.Now Chinese consumers have become among the most discerning in the world and like to have the latest gadgets, most of them made in China.China’s provision of sufficient food and clothing to its large population, one-fifth of the world’s total, is itself a big contribution to world peace and security.China’s rapid development has also provided other countries with extensive market opportunities and thus helped promote a joint development with them.We are just happy and proud.(291 words)

作文预测4 关于民族团结的,同样课上没有讲。


Qian Xuesen paed away, at 98, leaving behind not just his fame as father of China’s rocketry.He will live in the memory of many as a symbol of patriotism,earnestne and perseverance in academic pursuit.He may have enjoyed better working conditions and achieved world fame had he chosen to stay in the United States.But he was determined that his career would definitely be in his motherland.Without such dedication to the motherland, he would not have made the tremendous contribution he did to the development of rocketry and nuclear industry in the late 1950s and early 1960s when conditions were extremely hard for research.Without the earnestne in academic study, he would not have reached that height.He was

already a top scientist in 1964, when a young man wrote him a letter and pointed out an error he made in an equation he had published.He not only immediately answered the letter and admitted the eror he had committed, but encouraged the young man to write an eay and helped him to have his eay published in a magazine.He had helped many people in writing reseach papers and conducting research.But he refused anyone whom he had helped with their papers to have his name signed in the papers to be published.He said that only those who wrote the papers could have their names signed and that was the principle.In striking congtrast, some scholars or scientists today have names signed on papers to which they have never contributed a single word or idea.Some are busy all day attending various meetings or ceremonies and take pride in the high rate of appearance on TV.Some have even gone too far by plagiarizing and cheating in their scientific papers.In memory of this great mind and soul, it is more than neceary for people in the circle of science and technology and other walks of life as well to seriously fame and money.Earnestne and perseverance in academic studise, are the great heritage this giant has left behind.预测作文6(五星)

As is vividly depicted in the drawing above, a drunk-driver is scolding a pedestrian

who is croing a street at zebra croing.What is revealed in the drawing is not uncommon in our routine life and the phenomenon is most thought-rovoking to each responsible citizen of our society.Driving under influence(DUI)is a common practice for many Chinese.In many cities, police checkpoints for DUI are only set up for a month in a year or even two weeks.These occasional crackdown campaigns are like typhoons, they go as fast as they come.In the first half of this year, 222,000 people on the Chinese mainland were found driving under influence(DUI), up 8.7 percent over the same period last year.Our roads have simply become the most dangerous in the world.With three percent of the total vehicles in the world, the country accounts for 16 percent of the global traffic deaths.Each year, some 100,000 Chinese die in traffic accidents in the country – 274 deaths a day.Each year traffic accidents take away more lives in China than any other mishap.An all-out war on drink and drunk driving and other forms of rash driving should definitely be a national priority.Stronger measures should be taken to prevent reckle driving, and I would suggest three steps to begin with.First, our laws should be made tougher to show zero tolerance to such murderous driving.Second, police officers should enforce the law at all times and in all palces, leaving no gaps of which violators can take advantage.Third, while laws and punishments are neceary, we should start educating our population about the threat of DUI on others’ lives.While drivers should restrain themselves, our drinking culture, which often means endle rounds of bottoms-up, needs to be checked.预测作文7(一星)

As is vividly demonstrated in the drawing above, a woman star is making advertising for products of a brand.The star focuses on personal benefits while

turning a blind eye on social responsibilities.What the drawing intends to convey is most meaningful and thought-provoking to each responsible citizen of our society.The intended meaning(implication、connotation、intention)of the drawing can be interpreted with respect to the stars’ social responsibility and the establishment of credibility.On the one hand, some stars and celebrities lack basic social responsibilities.Stars and celebrities should play a positive role in our daily life since they are considered as social models.However, some stars are so money-oriented that they conduct irresponsible deeds, which cause negative effects in our society.On the other hand, the establishment of credibility needs to be put on the top of our agenda.The misconducts of some stars and celebrities indicate that we are losing our basic sense of credibility.The misleading remarks which are made by some stars and celebrities not only endanger our physical body but also our mind and soul.A world of cheating and money-desire is doomed to perish.In one word, stars should mind their social roles and our credibility needs to be minded.In my view, some urgent measures should be taken so as to reverse the current grim situation.To begin with, education campaign should be launched to guide stars and celebrities to behave well.In addition, basic laws and regulations should be set up to get rid of dishonest words and deeds.Only in these ways can we create a harmonious and honest environment.作文预测8(一星)有关论文剽窃的,没讲 作文预测9(一星)

On Oct 24, 2009, three students from Yangtze University in Jingzhou, Hubei province sacrificed their lives to save two boys.When the tragic news came, many people paid their respects to the three heroes

through Internet.Some, hovever, raised the controversial argument that the price was too much.This is ridiculous logic.The three heroes’ sacrifice is precious because it defies the current mindle trend of self-centeredne.When the students jumped into the cold water, they did not think about how the world would judge them.They did not have enough time to think about the potential dangers either.They acted only out of instinct, the human instinct of saving another human.This instinct is nurtured by our parents and teachers.It is the result of the culture rooted in our soil.It is also reauring to see that the concept of “protecting one’s own life is far more important than fighting a crime of saving another life”, which has developed in recent years, is not the motto of all our youths.We should be grateful, too, to the three students for carrying forward the spirit of humanity and the nation.The debate over worthy or unworthy will never come to a conclusion.The only thing centain is the principle that life is the highest good.The value of one’s life can also be escalated to higher moral value by cherishing others’ lives.What we should do is stop quarrelling and care for the heroes’ families.作文预测10 关于找工作的,没讲 作文预测11(一星)关于成功与失败,没讲

作文预测12 关于上海世博会的,没讲

作文预测13 关于孔子学院的,没讲


Statistics show that migrant workers make up over 60 percent of the workforce in manufacturing industries, over 50 percent in retail and catering businees and about 80 percent in the construction sector.None of our achievements in the past three decades would have been poible without these migrant workers.They build new apartments for hundreds of million Chines.They construct roads, railways, bridges and tunnels.They give shape to engineering marvels such as the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, Three Gorges Dam, Beijing’s Bird’s Nest, Shanghai’s Lujiazui skyline, and the 36-km-long bridge acro the Hangzhou Bay.They are the backbone of the country’s competitive export industry as an estimated 80 million of them work long hours for low wages in factories and on aembly lines.These people are eential for the smooth operation of our cities and our families, as they wait in restaurants, deliver milk, clean our streets and tidy our homes.Our appreciation should definitely go beyond words.Each of us should ask what we can do for migrant workers.Would you smile at them and say thank you the next time you see them? Would you embrace them as our brothers and sisters and an equal member of our society? Would you help secure their rights, such as their rights to labor protection and their children’s rights to equal education? There are a million of things we can do for migrant workers.It would be no hype to have a Migrant Workers Day in the year, in order to honor their contribution and remind us what we should do for these heroes.作文预测15(五星)

Martin Luther King, Jr.once said “Hatred paralyzes life;love releases it.Hatred confuses life;love harmonizes it.Hatred darkens life;love illuminates it.” Love is the force that brings about unity and harmony.If you want Love, you must first Love.Love begets Love.If we want to be loved, the way to get it is to love.It is not only the very best method, but it is the only method.To receive love, we must love because what we give out must come back.If I love you , I feel wonderful.If you love me, you feel wonderful.It’s the one who loves who feels great.The happy one is the one loving, the one giving.One of the things that have happened in my proce to love all is I have discovered my identification with others.I have realized that we are all related and we are all inter-connected.Each mind is like a radio broadcasting and receiving station;we are tuned into each other unconsciously.We are just not aware of it.And so after reaching that high point of understanding, I want to help others to discover what I have discovered.If you want to give love in every way, you will find the network of love.作文预测16 关于说实话的,没讲 作文预测17 关于国庆60周年,没讲 作文预测18 有关豪华月饼 同样没讲 作文预测19 关于文物保护,没讲 作文预测20




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