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道格拉斯·麦格雷戈(Douglas Mcgregor,1906—1964),美国麻省理工学院教授,于1957年首次提出X理论和Y理论,在1960年发表的“企业的人的方面”一文中,他对两种理论进行了比较。这是关于人性的两种截然不同的观点:一种是基本上消极的X理论;另外是基本上积极的Y理论。通过观察管理处理员工关系的方式,麦格雷戈发现,管理者关于人性的观点是建立在一些假设基础之上的,而管理者又根据这些假设来塑造他们自己对下属的行为方式。



Theory X and theory y the introduction

In capitalist management theory, according to the views of the two theories of different division.Douglas Mcgregor(Douglas Mcgregor, 1906-1964), a profeor at the Maachusetts institute of technology, for the first time in 1957 proposed the theory X and theory Y, published in 1960, “enterprise of people”, he compares the two theories.This is two completely different ideas about human nature: one kind is basically negative theory X;The other is basically positive theory Y.By looking at the way management deals with employee relations, McGregor found that managers view about human nature is based on some aumptions, and managers according to these aumptions of the staff to shape their own behavior.McGregor's theory X view that human nature is bad, generally has the property of indolence, as far as poible to avoid work;Due to the nature of people work with disgust, so for most people, only by reward is not enough to overcome the tendency of its aversion to work, must be forced, command, supervision, and punishment for threats, to make them enough effort to accomplish a given goal;Generally the heart, often meet to smooth finish the work in and don't like to have a “preure” the difficulty of creative work.On the contrary, theory Y is relatively reasonable alternative to the traditional theory X.McGregor's theory Y view that people are not lazy, their likes and dislikes of work depends on the job to him is a kind of meet or a punishment;In normal human willing to accept responsibility;People are keen to use of their talents and creativity.X理论的优缺点:




The advantages and disadvantages of theory X:

The difference between the two is the need for workers view is different, so the management method is not the same.To view the needs of the workers, according to theory X management will take strict control, to enforce way;It has the advantage of accurate, directly to the workers of an order, reduce the workers for working opportunity to snub, increase work efficiency.The disadvantage is that the compulsory command and supervision, make the worker produces oppreive feeling.The advantages and disadvantages of theory Y:

If the theory Y think about the needs of the workers, managers must create a can meet the needs of the workers in many aspects of the environment, make people wisdom and ability to full play, in order to better achieve organizational a personal goal.Theory Y is give full play to the advantages of the personal potential of employees, make employees in a relaxed and happy environment.Its disadvantage is that only in this way have good consciousne of employees, but for employees like to evade responsibility, this way to make them more to avoid work.


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