One Joozone poible version:
On April 14th ,a powerful earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter Scale has attacked the village which was called Yushu in QingHai Province.2010年4月14日,位于青海省玉树县城附近发生了里氏7.1级的大地震。
I fell very distreed that when I saw the pictures.The whole villages were wiped out by the terrible earthquake.Hundreds of people lost their lives or were rendered homele.But fortunately, millions of people home or broad have given freely in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake.当我看到震区的那些图片的时候,心里非常难过。整个村子都被夷为了平地(地震使整个城镇破坏相当严重)。成千上万的人失去了生命或者是失去了自己的家园。但幸运的是,(作文地带这一句话翻译比较活,可能跟原文意思有些不一致,但直译出来不大顺口,所以我们作文地带在这里就活用了,希望理解),数以百万记的来自世界各地的人们都伸出了他们的援助之手,大家携手一起为玉树捐款赈灾。
I hope all of us can try our best to help the victims out of this terrible disaster as soon as poible.我想我们每一个人都要尽自己的一份力,让那些深处灾区的人们尽快从地震的阴影中走出来。
Yushu have many the miracle of life, a lot of people with you.In just a few days, so much the miracle of life, so many brave people.A child says, was under preure in SLATE, black and fear, so she drove his flashlight to read, dispel fears.It's only a child, ideas, but he only children but we cannot overcome the difficulties.These in the rubble miraculously survive the people, is one of the most courageous!
S go ahead, but the people of the whole country and yushu you together!
Now the most important and sad thing during the whole county is the earthquake happening in qinghai province yushu city.目前举国上下最紧要(令人伤感,充满悲恸)的事情就是发生在青海省玉树县的地震。It is not long away from the Wenchuan earthquark , Haiti earthquark and all the scenes made us feel close but sorry.想想在之前不久刚刚发生的汶川地震和刚刚过去的海地大地震,这一幕一幕,让人不胜寒嘘。Some people is saved but some died for ever, some lose family and some lose health.The natural disaster is cruel but actual which made us scared but contemplative.有些人被救,而有些人永远的离开了这个世界,有些人失去了家人,有些人失去了健康的身体。自然灾害是残酷的,这使我们感到更加害怕之外还有沉思(作文地带觉得这个词翻译的不到位,请大家指教,谢谢。)。We human being always think us the dominator of the nature, try to amend the rule of nature ,destory the root of life and finally we have to repay for what we have done, such as global warming , worse weather, extinct species and energy sources.我们始终认为我们人类对自然的主宰地位,竭尽全力去控制自然规律,破坏了自然界发展的基本规则,到最后只能是我们自己为自己的所作所为付出惨痛的代价,正如 全球气候变暖,更糟糕的天气,物种灭绝以及失去能源。
This year, we, Chinese people, really have suffered a lot, from snowstorm to Tibet Riot, from Torch Relay Event to Wenchuan Earthquake, however, we have not been defeated, instead,we've become more united and show great resolution to overcome all kinds of challenges to make our country more thriving and prosperous.今年,我们中国人民真的承受了太多:从雪灾到西藏*,从火炬事件到汶川地震,可我们从没倒下,而是变得更团结,坚信能经受住一切挑战,使我们的祖国更繁荣昌盛。
This year, we, Chinese people, really have suffered a lot, from snowstorm to Tibet Riot, from Torch Relay Event to Wenchuan Earthquake, however, we have not been defeated, instead, we've become more united and show great resolution to overcome all kinds of challenges to make our country more thriving and prosperous.今年,我们中国人民真的承受了太多:从雪灾到西藏*,从火炬事件到汶川地震,可我们从没倒下,而是变得更团结,坚信能经受住一切挑战,使我们的祖国更繁荣昌盛。
Rescuers were frantically searching for more survivors.救援小组竭尽所能地寻找生还者。
2008-05-215.12四川汶川地震一年祭 让我们一同悼念祈福
This earthquake startled all over the world.这次地震震惊全世界。
──May all the victims rest in peace!Don't be afraid.We'll light the candle to bright your way to heaven, where there will be no more darkne, sorrow, pain and tears.Farewell, my dear compatriots...──May all the survivors walk out of this tragedy stonger.Remember, you're all not alone.We're always behind you.We are family!──We are Chinese!We can overcome whatever disaster with our great national unity!Go, Sichuan!Go China!We will be with you forever.──愿逝者安息!不要害怕。我们会帮你点亮蜡烛来照亮去天堂的路,在那里不再有黑灯黑暗,不再有悲痛,不再有痛苦,不再有眼泪。一路走好,我亲爱的同胞。。──愿幸存者坚强地从这悲剧恢复过来!记得,你们不会是孤单的。我们会一直支持你们。我们是一家人!──我们都是中国人。只要我们团结,我们能够征服任何灾难!加油,四川!加油!中国!我们永远与你同在。There is no love in disaster, but we have love in humans heart.灾难无情,人有情。
Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal.千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊.That city was razed to the ground by an earthquake.那座城市被地震夷为平地。
I feel very sad to heard about earthquake what has happened in Sichuan province of China!听到四川发生地震我感到很难过!
This earthquake give us very strong convulsion,let us feel that the life is so chickenshit and valued.Natural affection and good-fellowship is so costful,reputation and benefit is so low-down.I wish every friends safe.这次地震给我们带来很大的震撼.让我们感觉到:生命如此渺小,亲情和友情的珍贵,名和利的卑微.祝愿每个朋友平安!
Did you experience an earthquake?
The earthquake stopped all the clocks.地震使所有的钟都停了。
I have been so impreed by the people and the manner in which they have handled it.我为广大人民和他们的举动深深感动了。
As long as there is even a little hope, we will redouble our efforts100times and will never relax our efforts.只要有一点希望,我们都会尽百倍的努力,绝不放弃。
We had a weak earthquake yesterday.我们昨天有一轻微的地震。
Our firm bestowed many beneficences.我们公司捐赠了许多救济品.China recently has witneed a series of disasters such as a heavy sownfall at the beginning of Chinese New Year, a sabatage of Olymplic Game Relaying by Tibetan separists, and a unprecedentally devastating natural calamity in Sichuan province.After a 8.0 magnitude earquake rocked in wenchuan county of Sichuan province on the very day that is on May 12th, hunderds of people died and got injured in that severe disaster.Also countle after shocks happened again every now and then..It must be pointed out that we Chinese become only too strong to face up to the difficulties ahead of them!I’m so proud to be a Chinese!最近,中国经历了一系列的灾难,比如说在新年之际,就遭受了严重的雪灾,藏独分子对奥运火炬传递的蓄意破坏以及四川发生的史无前例的巨大的自然灾害。就在5月12日那天,四川发生了8级地震,数以万计的人在那次灾难中遇险或是严重受伤。此后无数的余震不时地发生。必须指出的是,我们中国人很坚强,能勇敢地面对前方的困难。我作为一个中国人真的很自豪!
论玉树地震谈中国心爱是什么? 爱是我们美好生活中一个美丽的音符, 爱是历史长河中荡涤起的朵朵浪花,爱是幸福的源泉。世界因为有爱,才使得人们的生活变得五彩缤纷,才使得人们沐浴......
发布:佚名时间:2010-6-1 10:09:00来源:京翰教育中心录入:杨人气:503 【文字:大 小】青海玉树地震作文 向逝者致哀 向生者致敬这是一个悲伤的时刻。悲伤像雪一样飘洒在那片高......
玉树地震,千人罹难。西南旱灾,万人干涸。中国,请不要为灾难哭泣;让玉树载入史册的;不是眼泪,而是中华民族的坚强。 中国,请不要为灾难哭泣;让我们一起努力,把干旱的土地洒满了水滴。......