英语酒文化:Comparison of Wine Culture between China and the Western World Different Origins of Wine Liquor occupies an important position in people’s life from its appearance.After a long period of history, liquor has become an indispensable part of culture.About the origin of wine, Chinese claims that wine is brewed by many kinds of technology by people, while the westerners think wine is originally created by god.Du Kang is considered the forefather of wine-making in China.In the West people is generally agreed that wine is created by Dionysus, the son of Zeus and Semele.Different Preferences of Wine In Chinese traditional views, people prefer to choose food as raw material to make white and yellow wine as drinks in formal occasions.The Western wine is made from grape.The difference is caused by different geographical conditions between China and the Western world.China has fertile plains, and agriculture is the main mode of production.In the Western world, especially in Europe, most regions are mountain.The climate and topography are very suitable for grape growing.In recent years, beer is more and more important in the Chinese market, and people always choose beer to adjust atmosphere in the parties.Differences of Drinking Veels Whatever in China or the West, people takes drinking veels seriously.The elegant and suitable extant of drinking veels are related to people’s degree of attention.The drinking veels’ culture as an important part of wine culture also has a long history.Ancient Chinese wine veels are known as bronze(青铜器), lacquer(漆器)and porcelain(瓷器).But now most families use western wine veels.Western wine veels are mostly made of gla so it is easy for people to distinguish the grade level of wine.Westerners focus on using different wine veel to drink different wine.Different Drinking Etiquette Urging others to drink as a special way to toast is a kind of Chinese custom that formed in the thousands of years.The custom is one kind of Chinese traditional culture which cannot see in the western countries and can not be understood in the west.They drink and meal all by free and independent.In China, after toast, the host should also give the guests full of wine but cannot overflow, the full, the better.For westerners, they would not to show their humility.So when they see the Chinese behavior that doesn’t let their cup higher than others, they feel surprise and cannot understand.Different Drinking Purposes Since Chinese has a long history of drinking, we have many purposes for drinking.Like Worship(祭祀), Ceremony, Busine.In the eyes of the Chinese people, wine is a tool for communication.Westerners pay more attention on the wine-tasting when they are drinking.Conclusion Chinese wine culture is influenced by the Confucianism.The culture shows not only the hospitality of Chinese people, but also the Chinese groupthink.Western culture emphasizes individualism and self-development.Westerners care more about themselves.In China, drinking is an ancillary behavior to expre their feelings, and for westerners, wine is a substance made personal senses more cheerful.By comparing the differences between Chinese and western culture of wine, we find that although Chinese and western have their own distinguishing feature in the wine culture, people’s love to wine are the same.In addition, it helps people understand different cultures deeply so that we can have a better intercultural communication.世界各地的酒文化:正如我们找到了世界各地许多不同的传统和文化,我们发现酒文化也是随着传统和世界的区域而不同的。
在许多欧洲国家,啤酒已经成为了酒文化的一个大部分。这种趋势在年轻人中特别多,因为啤酒已经变得越来越便宜越来越容易得到。随着喝酒的人数被年轻人完成了,因此现在获得了“binge drinking”的术语!我们发现有人酗酒是不需要日期、时间和原因的,通常每次都是以很大的数量。
在英语里,“酒”统称为alcohol或是liquor(即为酒精的意思),而酒类专卖店的英文说法是liquor store。纯酒精也许多不同种类。我在下面列出了在西方大家熟悉的几种alcohol。有些alcohol的名字由于是从法语或是意大利语等非英语演绎而来,因此发音规则很不同于正常的英语发音。我给大家在这些词旁边提供了正确发音(你只需点击一下小喇叭的符号)。以下我将介绍的酒种因为自身品质口味的不同,有的可以直接饮用,而有的则需与其他alcohol和/或者其他果汁,牛奶等等相搭配才可以:
vodka(伏特加酒),也称Ruian Vodka(俄国伏特加)。这种无色的伏特加酒既可以被单独品尝,也可以和其他成分的果汁混在一起做成鸡尾酒(cocktail,我在后面的文章中会继续解释)。vodka是一种在美国非常流行的相对低酒精浓度的酒(light liquor)。伏特加酒一般是粮食做成的。
Wiskey(威士忌酒)也称Scotch Wiskey(苏格兰威士忌)。它是由谷物做成的。
但是你可别上来就跟侍应生说:“我要一杯鸡尾酒”。那会让人笑掉大牙的。Cocktail是mixed drinks(混合饮品)的总称。顺便说一下,在酒吧里,如果你听到别人说“on the rocks ”,他的意思是说“with ice(加冰)”,而“straight up”的意思是“不加冰”。下面我就来给大家介绍一些比较受欢迎而且好喝的cocktail:
Black Ruian(黑俄国人): 由伏特加和kahlua(咖啡口味的酒)混合在一起调成的。
White Ruian:(白俄国人):由伏特加和kahlua还有牛奶混合调成的。(因为加上了牛奶,“黑俄国人”一下就变成了“白俄国人”。这是我特别喜欢喝的,因为感觉就像在喝巧克力奶。)下面这幅图片就是 White Ruian。
Greyhound: vodka + grapefruit juice(西柚汁)。
Long Island Iced Tea(长岛冰茶):gin + rum + tequila + vodka +triple sec(尝起来像橙汁味道的果汁)+ sour mix(柠檬汁加糖浆混合而成的)。这个cocktail可是应有尽有了。美国大学生和刚刚入门者都比较喜欢这种鸡尾酒调法。
Madras: 伏特加 + cranberry juice(由一种很小的酸酸的红色水果制成的果汁。这种水果我在国内好像没有见过,但在美国非常常见)+ orange juice(橙汁)。
Mai Tai : 黑色朗姆酒+菠萝汁(pineapple juice)。(在美国,什么东西里有菠萝汁的成分,立刻这个东西就可以被冠名为tropical(具热带风情的)。那么那些带有菠萝汁成分的饮料既是热带饮品了。)我喝到过的最好喝的Mai Tai是在泰国。不仅好喝,而且好看,因为我的 “Mai Tai”被装在了一个被掏空的菠萝里面。
Margarita: 特奎拉酒+sour mix +鲜柠檬汁。酒杯周围有时会有盐粒。这种酒在墨西哥餐厅会非常受欢迎而且非常普遍。
Rum and Coke: 顾名思义,朗姆酒加可乐,就是带酒精的可乐。
Screwdriver: 伏特加+橙汁。没什么创意的鸡尾酒。说白了,就是带酒精的橙汁。
Seabreeze: 伏特加+cranberry juice +西柚汁。
Sex on the beach: 入门人士经常点的。我就是其中之一。它由伏特加,cranberry 汁,菠萝汁等调制而成。有个好玩的故事。我曾经和一个好朋友去酒吧。她叫了一杯“sex on the beach”。她说:“I’d like to have sex…”她一时喉咙干,讲到sex那个词时停了一下,只见那个招呼她的侍应生两眼一亮,以为他们之间肯定有下文。但是我的朋友清了清嗓子,接着把“on the beach”说完了。那个服务生眼中的光芒顿时全消。所以下次大家在叫这个酒时,千万要一口气把名字说全了。
【英文摘要】 China and the West have obviously different wine culture.As far as the used material and category for wine-making are concerned, the most characteristic and notable wine in China is made from corn, while in the West it is the wine made from grape.As to wine-making proce, China adopts solid-state and duplex zymotechnics, paying attention to the unity of material, water and distiller's yeast, while the West adopts liquid-state and simplex zymotechnics, taking material as the core of the wine-making proce...
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史前时期酒具:彩陶双联壶规格: 口径6.5厘米、高20厘米 Mouth Dia.6.5cm·Height 20cm 出处: 唇边的微笑:酒具 年代: 新石器时代仰韶文化 Yangshao Culture of the Neolithic......
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