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目 录





3.2.NOTICE 注意

3.3.HVAC SYSTEMS.暖通空调系统

3.4.背景音响及紧急广播系统 3.5.楼宇自控系统


3.7.局域网和 Internet宽带服务系统 3.8.有线电视和卫星电视服务系统 3.9.电话程控交换机系统 3.10.酒店计算机管理系统一、客房及其他公共区域

4.1.系统工程范围 4.2.资料要求 4.3.工程实施 4.4.工程验收 4.5.售后服务


In order to safeguard Hotel interests and the bodily safety of any “Would Be” guests, No guest “Sleeping in” the Hotel Rooms until the following testing has been carried out succefully.All tests are to be carried out at the convenience of, and to the satisfaction of, and witneed by our Hotel Management.That testing would include selected staff from Hotel Eng the Owners Engineers and the Suppliers Eng.Pls see as follows:

为了保障酒店的利益和客人的生命安全, 在以下系统没有测试成功,并且测试结果令人满意下不要接收酒店。所有系统在方便的时候进行测试,必须有酒店管理层员工做见证。测试应该由酒店总部工程师、酒店工程师、业主工程师、供应商工程师参加。具体如下:

1.All installed Fire equipment must be individually tested and its operation demonstrated to Hotel Security & Eng Staff.This includes(but is not limited to)all Detection equipment, Indicator Panels & Sub Panels and All control devices on water systems(Hoses, Sprinklers, Pumps etc)and Kitchen and Plant room fire protection systems.After their succeful testing an official fire equipment test certificate must be iued & signed by all parties.所有安装的消防设备必须分别测试并且有酒店保安部和工程部员工操作。这包括(不被限制)所有烟感、寻根系统、显示盘区、次级盘区和所有控制水系统(消防栓、喷淋, 泵),厨房和花房的消防系统。在成功测试后,一份正式消防设备测试证明必须由所有相关部门共同签署分发。

2.A “Succeful” full scale fire test with a complete Hotel staff evacuation to a nominated location, monitored and controlled by Hotel Management & Security staff must be carried out.This must include a succeful fire stairs and evacuation route inspection.This is to ensure there are no blocked or locked escape routes and to ensure all lighting of such routes is fully operational and served by Normal Power and Emergency power.一个“成功的全方位的消防测试“,还应包括酒店员工的撤离到一指定地点的逃生路线。它必须包括消防逃生楼梯和逃生路线图,确认逃生路线没有障碍物,照明灯完好正常工作,并有普通电源提供电和紧急电源提供电。

It goes without saying that ALL the Hotel water and drainage systems must be live and fully operational(with uninterrupted flow of hot water at the required temperature and preure at all user outlets).All services must be under the control of Hotel staff.Gas, Electric power(Normal & Emergency), water(quality and preure)...etc must all be to the satisfaction of the Hotel management.不言而明, 酒店所有的热水系统和排水系统必须正常运作(在所有餐厅有指定温度的不间断的热水)。所有服务必须是由酒店员工控制。煤气, 电力(正常状态和紧急状态), 水(质量和水压力)等等,必须全部达到酒店管理层的满意。


opening schedule:


1. In certain areas, After the equipment installation and the decoration had been completed, equipment system had been tested and got authority commiion/licenses so that can be used for actual operational test which all parties agree.Then Hotel carry Official inspection that will take 3-5days.,both side engineers should check the site together.该区域的设备安装调试、装潢已经完成 ,功能已完全具备.各种许可证件已经完成,通过相关权威部门验收后。在建设方和酒店方都同意的情况下进行的交接前检查 一般在完工后双方共同现场检查需要 3-5天进行。

2. All the defects identified should be rectified within a clear reasonable target date by Project.Normally 7-10days 发现的问题由建设方负责在商定的期限内整改.一般需要7-10天。

3. After rectified and equipment system can be used for further actual operation which all parties agree.Hotel can take Official handover(transfer)meanwhile Project arrange the general clean to make sure there will be no construction garbage in Hotel.That will take 1-3days.进行整改后的检查,其中如该区域的整改完成功能已完全具备在建设方和酒店方都同意的情况下进行的管理责任的交接并由业主方安排进行开荒清洁和大清洁。还有问题的区域需要进行下一次整改。一般需要 1-3天。

4. After transfer, if more defects are found due to installation quality, decoration quality or product quality, Project side will still take charge of the rectification.Then Hotel carry the deep clean, setup, operation, service Simulation.That will take 5-7days.酒店接收后,若发现施工质量,安装质量及产品质量问题,仍由建设方负责整改员工需要对酒店进行深度清洁,布置酒店用品,员工进行熟悉操作酒店设施,由员工扮演客人进行服务模拟,一般需要 5-7天。

5. Then Hotel can soft open and arrange grand open.So after construction completed, Hotel still need at least 30days to prepare soft opening.然后酒店可以进行试营业,并安排时间准备正式开业。总之酒店全部完工后还需 要至少30天来准备酒店经营开业。


#5.Mark up drawings to indicate preferred measuring points.在图纸上标注最佳测量点

#6.Ensure acce to areas is correct.确保区域的通道正确

#7.Identify poible areas where imbalances may occur.确定可能出现不平衡的区域

#8.Ensure correct test equipment is calibrated.核定正确的测试设备及设备的准确性

#9.Ensure all test forms – reports are ready.确定所有测试报告用表格已准备就绪

#10.Ensure all temperature controls are checked and operable to maximum requirement.检查所有的温控开关并可达到操作要求的最大极限值

#11.Ensure the following are all available: 确认符合下列项目

All return ducts / plenums are clean / clear.所有回风管/蝶形阀清洁干净

Electric Power fully available.电能充足

All windows and doors are shut.所有门窗关闭

Stand by Load.备用载荷

#12.Ensure all filters are clean.确保所有过滤器的清洁 INSPECTION.检查

(a)Confirm that all checks have been carried out.确定所有检查项已施行

(b)Confirm all Data iued is according to nameplates.(Motors,Pumps, Fans.)确保所有数据与铭牌相符(发动机 ,泵,风机)

(c)Confirm all Motor rotation to be correct.确保所有发动机运转正确

(d)Confirm all instrument calibration correct.确保所有仪器校准准确

(e)Confirm system ready for test / adjustment / balancing.确保系统就绪测试 /调整/校零

(f)Confirm all safety guards in place.确保所有安全人员到位

(g)Confirm all Fans,Pumps, Motors, are lubricated.确保所有风扇 ,泵,发动机已润滑油

(h)Confirm all drive belts are tensioned correctly.确保所有的驱动传送带延伸正确

(i)Confirm all shaft pulley alignments are correct and secured.确保所有的传动滑动校准精确

(j)Confirm all mounting are correct and secured.确保所有的固定件安装正确

(k)Confirm all filters are correct and in place.确保所有的过滤器安装到位

(l)Confirm all vibration dampers are correct.确保所有风量调节阀正确

(m)Confirm all electrical terminations are tight / secure.确保所有的电路终端紧密安全

(n)Confirm all voltages are correct 确保所有电压正确

(o)Confirm all drains are clear.确保所有排水口的清洁

(p)Ensure sump pumps are ready on stand by.(In case of flooding)确保潜水泵处于工作状态(预防泛滥:暴雨或水灾)(q)Ensure portable fire extinguishers are on hand.确保必备的便携式灭火器

(r)Ensure all indication lamps are operable.确保所有的指示灯正常

(s)Ensure Air supply / Return is clear.确保所有的送风 /回风路径清洁

(t)Confirm all ducts / pipes are adequately insulated.确定所有的风 /水管有必要的保温

(u)Confirm all pipe work connections are correct.确定所有的管线连接正确

(v)Confirm all Motor over-loads are correct and not on Auto Reset.确认所有的电动机储备载荷 ,未处于自动复原状态

(w)Confirm all Pump Strainers are clean.确定所有泵的滤网清洁

(x)Confirm Emergency STOP SWITCHES are deactivated.确定紧急制动开关处于正确位置

(y)Confirm correct temperature and preure settings.确定正确的温度和压力设置

(z)Check all above once more.再次复查以上各项


(a)Ensure total system has been correctly flushed and dosed.确保整个系统水洗及加药正确

(b)Ensure Complete water-side has been treated and vented.确保水系统完成处理并排放

(c)Ensure Fuel is correctly/safely connected and water free.确保燃料正确 ,连接安全且无水

(d)Ensure all safety devices have been checked.确保所有安全装置已检查

(e)Ensure all steam – side isolation valves are correct.确保所有蒸气隔热阀正确

(f)Ensure all pipework connections / packings have been checked.确保所有管道工程连接及密封已检查过(g)Ensure all gauge glaes are intact.确保所有的计量表完整

(h)Ensure all preure gauges are in place and operable.确保所有的压力仪表正确并开启

(i)Ensure all Heat Exchangers are correctly connected.确保所有的热交换器正确连接

(j)Ensure Smoke Stack is clear of any obstruction.确保烟囱清洁无阻塞

(k)Ensure all pipe work is adequately supported.确保所有管道安装有必要的支撑

(l)Ensure all pipe work is correctly insulated.确保所有的管道已进行有效的保温

(m)Ensure all valves are correctly identified.确保所有阀门标识正确

(n)Ensure all Steam SAFETY VENTS are vented outside above 3 meter high.确保所有的蒸气安全通风口在户外 3米以上高度

(o)Ensure all Indicator lamps are operable.确保所有的指示灯正常运行

(p)Ensure all Electrical terminations are safe and correct.确保所有的电路终端连接安全正确

(q)Ensure Condensate system has been fully checked.确保冷凝系统经过全面检查

(r)Ensure all Chemical auto-dosing systems on line.确保所有的自动化学加药系统已接入

(s)Ensure all drains are clear.确保所有的排水口清洁

(t)Ensure all Heat Recovery systems have been checked.确保已全面检查所有的热补偿系统

(u)Ensure BOILER REFRACTORY has not been damaged in transit.确保运输中锅炉耐火材料未受损

(v)Ensure BOILER BURNER air intakes are clear.确保锅炉燃烧空气进风口清洁

(w)Ensure all BOILER WATER LEVELS are correct and safe.确保所有的锅炉水位正确安全(x)Ensure adequate LIGHTING and VENTILATION.确保足够的照明和通风充分

(y)Ensure all Nameplate Information is verified.确保所有的铭牌信息已核实

(z)Ensure all LOGBOOKS and REPORT sheets are ready.确保已备好所有的工作记录册和报告表格


(a)Confirm all NAMEPLATE info is correct on compreor / crankcase.确认压缩机和发动机箱上的所有铭牌信息准确

(b)Confirm test report forms comply.确认测试报告表格的一致性

(c)Confirm all crankcase heaters are in operation.(24 hours min.before start up.)确认发动机箱加热器正常运行(至少在启动前 24小时)

(d)Confirm all preure settings and low oil level cut/outs in operation.确认所有的压力设置及低油位显示处于工作状态

(e)Confirm oil level is correct.确认油位正确

(f)Check all mountings and vibration dampers.检查所有的风量调节阀

(g)Check all tubing connections / leak test.检查所有管道连接 /滴漏测试

(h)Check all insulation is correct.Check Thermostat settings / Capillary tubes.检查所有的保温层正确.检查温控装置 /毛细管

(i)Check door anti freeze is operable.检查冷库门防凝结处于工作状态

(j)Confirm correct refrigerant gas/ dryers/liquid indicators in place.确认正确的冷媒 /干燥剂/流量指示仪正确到位

(k)Check all safety controls.检查所有的安全控制设施

(l)Ensure all test equipment has been calibrated.确保所有试验设备已校准

(m)Ensure acce for testing 确保测试附件(n)Confirm provision for temperature, preure, and flow measurements.确认温度 ,压力,流量测定的设施准备

(o)SPECIAL NOTE : 特别注意

Refrigerant systems and circuits shall be tested with Nitrogen Gas to the test preures on table below.制冷系统和回路还应使用氮气按以下表格进行压力测试

-Preure Test: 压力试验

Refrigerant HP side LP side 制冷系统的高低压侧 R22 2965kpa 1790kpa R11 240kp-a 125kpa R113 75kpa 5kpa R114 580kpa 330kpa


After preure testing the system will be evacuated to the satisfaction of the Engineer before charging with refrigerant.压力试验后在充填制冷剂之前系统应该排空

Contractor equipment should consist of : 测试仪器应包括 : High capacity compreor to evacuate system down to 95kpa absolute.大功率压缩机排空系统在 95kpa以下

High vacuum pump to further evacuate to 340kpa absolute.Accurate gauges are eential.大功率真空泵进一步排空系统至 340kpa,配备流量计

First evacuation for 4 hours.Evac.break by dry Nitrogen.第一次排空 4小时

Second evacuation for3 hours.Evac break by dry Nitrogen 第二次排空 3小时

Compreor recharged with clean dry oil.压缩机使用清洁的干燥油

Change all drier materials / cartriges.替换所有干的材料

Third evacuation 2 hours / recharge dry refrigerant.第三次排空 2小时,再加入干燥冷媒 COOLING TOWERS / CONDENSORS.冷却塔/冷凝装置

(a)Verify Nameplate Data.核实铭牌数据

(b)Confirm pipe size for Flow required.确认管径尺寸符合流量要求

(c)Check Cooling Tower sump level / make up valve.检查冷却塔集水坑水位 /补水阀

(d)Check correct rotation of fan motors.检查风扇发动机运转正常

(e)Ensure air path free of any obstacles.确定通风路径无阻塞

(f)Check water dispersion / droplet size for max.surface cooling.检查水滴的散布情况以达到最大的冷却面积

(g)Confirm control dampers / head preure controls operable.确认控制阀 /压力控制总阀处于工作状态

(h)Confirm pipe work has provision for preure / temperature measurement.确认管道工程的温度和压力已做好测试准备

(i)Confirm Chemical Dosing points / bleed off provision.确认化学加药点 排放已准备充分

(j)Ensure min.6m clearance / free space around cooling towers.确保冷却塔周围至少 6米范围净空


(a)Ensure system has been flushed, free of leaks, hydrostatically tested, and vented.确保系统已进行冲洗 ,无泄漏,已经过水压测试 ,已排空

(b)Ensure all strainers have been cleaned.确保所有的滤网清洁

(c)Check preure reducing valves are all operational.检查减压阀处于工作状态

(d)Confirm location and settings of all safety / relief valves.确认所有安全 /溢流阀的安装及就位正确

(e)Ensure all auto / manual valves in open position.确认所有的自动 /手动阀门已处于开启状态(f)Verify all water levels are correct.校核水位正确

(g)Ensure all testing measuring points are acceible.确保所有的测试点适当可行

(h)Confirm provision for measuring temperatures and preures ,flow rates.确认已做好测试所需的温度 ,压力及流速准备


General Air.(a)Confirm all air systems are in order for testing, ie.All ceilings in place, all doors / windows shut.确认测试时间内所有的空气系统已准备 ,吊顶封闭 ,所有门窗关闭

(b)Ensure all Auto systems in OFF position 确认所有的自动系统在关闭状态

(c)Set up system for MAXIMUM Air Flow Load Condition.设置系统在空气流量最大值时的状态

(d)Ensure all dampers in open position, supply return, exhaust, and sequentially start system fans.确保所有的风阀处于开启状态 ,送回风 ,排风和足够的系统启动风扇

(e)Check all fan speeds and ampere readings, correct any anomaly immediately.检查所有风机速度和安培表读数 ,及时纠正任何异常

(f)Confirm all fans in system are running, previous tests will confirm air supply / exhaust.确认系统中所有的风扇运行 ,前面的测试结果将确保送风和排风

(g)Confirm readings for positive / negative preure.(POSITIVE PRESSURE REQUIRED)确认读数,正压/负压(要求是正压)

(h)Ensure supply / return system is fully operational.(Supply---Return Path)确保送风和排风系统完全处于正常运行状态(送风/回风路径)

(i)Ensure design air volume is achieved by fan motors.(PITOT TUBE—ANEMOMETER)确保风扇运行能够达到设计要求的风量(皮托管式风力计)

(j)Should reading fall below 10% of design, recheck system and correct.读数低于设计量的 10%,重新检查系统并核对

(k)Check air volume(cfm)drawn out by exhaust fan.检查排风扇的排风量

(l)Should readings be to design specifications, record all rpm,amps,suction static preure,fan discharge static preure.分类记录所有数据 :转数,电流,吸入压力及风压等(m)Survey system to ensure exhaust does not restrict supply and circulation is correct.测量系统是否能够确保进风时不受排风影响且循环正确

(n)Should restriction exist, exhaust must be balanced prior to balance to supply system.The system is balanced when supply/exhaust value of air quantity of every inlet/outlet is measured and found to be within 10% of design specifications.一旦出现影响因素 ,排风一定要优于进风系统保证平衡;每个进出口测得的送排风量均在设计要求的 10% 以内,视为系统平衡


(a)With PITOT TUBES carry out traverses on all main branch ducts to confirm design air distribution.Correct any anomalies found.用皮托管测量所有主要风管的截面风量以确保设计风量分布 ,如发现异常应及时纠正

(b)Adjust dampers in main ducts to approx.values required.调整主要风管风阀以达到设计风量

(c)Measure and record readings of air flow at all terminals.测试并记录所有终端的风速读数

(d)Correct any imbalance found.Sequencially check branch volume dampers.及时纠正发现的不平衡项 ,检查支管的风阀

(e)Commence all balancing from furthest point to main branch / duct.检查从起始点到总管的平衡

(f)Repeat the above procedure until balance is correct.重复以上操作直到所有项平衡

(g)Record all readings and final checks on motor rpm and amps.记录所有的读数并最后检查电机的 rpm,amps

(h)Verify operation of all dampers and controls on full load condition.确保所有风阀和控制可在满负荷状态下操作

(i)Record readings and settings and prepare final report.记录读数和设置 ,准备结论报告


Same procedure as Supply AIR System.与送风系统程序相同


(a)Ensure all required electrical,temperature control systems ,piping systems, duct systems are operable.确保所有的电源 ,温度控制,管道系统可运行

(b)Ensure all pipe systems have been flushed and strainers cleaned,and vented.确保所有管道被冲洗 ,过滤器清洁 ,通畅

(c)Ensure all valves are in open / normal position.确保所有的阀门开合在正确的位置

(d)Check all Auto valves will not affect balancing of system.检查所有自动阀不会影响系统的平衡

(e)Check system static preure.(PUMPS OFF)检查系统的静压(水泵关闭状态)

(f)Activate all system pumps and allow time to stabilize.所有泵系统灵活且稳定

(g)Check and record all pump preures and amperes.检查记录所有泵的压力及安培

(h)Check all motors for over-heating/loading.检查所有电动机的耐热及负荷

(i)Record all motor speeds.记录所有电动机的速率

(j)Slowly close balance valve in pump discharge and record suction/discharge preure at pump.在泵出水时慢慢闭合平衡阀 ,记录水泵进水及出水的压力

--From above determine pump curve and compare with data.根据以上操作绘制曲线 ,与原有的数据对比

--Proceed if test curve follows design.If not plot parallel curve from 0 to max.如测试与设计相符继续测试 ,如不符则分别绘制从 0到最大值的相应曲线

(k)Open the discharge-balancing valve slowly to full open.慢慢的充分打开控制平衡阀

--Record suction and discharge preures and total head preure.记录进出水的压力及关键点位压力

--Check system pump water flow curve.检查水泵的流程曲线

--NOTE.If total head is higher than design, then flow will be lower than design and vice/versa.注意如果关键点位压力高过设计要求 ,则流程低于设计要求并且整体恶劣

Close off valve to achieve 110% of design flow required.关闭阀门到设计标准流程的 110%--Record preures and water flow.记录压力及水的流程

--Check rpm, amperes to comply with motor data plate.根据电动机标刻数据要求检查每分钟转数安培

(l)Start all secondary pump systems.Adjust for ventury / orifice plates to >10% of design value.开始验收所有二级水泵系统.调整气孔到 >10%标准要求

(m)Ensure Systems are fully vented.确保系统通风充分

(n)Record all preures and flow rates and mark balancing valve settings.记录所有压力和流程速率并标识平衡阀的设置

(o)Recheck all systems and confirm readings.复查所有系统并确定读数

(p)If 3 way Auto valves are used, set all bypa valves to 90%of maximum demand of heat exchangers.如果 3通的自动阀被使用 ,应设置所有旁通阀到热转换最大限的 90%

(q)Ensure all Auto shut down of water flow system is operable.确保所有水流程系统的自动控制正常

(r)Prepare all logs and readings for report.准备所有记录和读数的报告



The Contractor shall perform all tests to demonstrate the proper correct function of all aociated systems, as described in manner of operation.Contractor shall provide all materials fuel and labour to succefully test and commiion the Generator Sets and aociated systems, Defective equipment,materials,and workmanship shall be replaced ,retested and redemonstrated for proper and correct operation

施工方应该测试所有的相关系统 ,对系统的操作性能进行演示;施工方还应提供燃料和人力以供发电机及相关系统测试所需 ,对于设备,材料以及工艺的缺陷应进行重设 ,检测及演示直到操作完全正常

On Site Test and Acceptance 现场测试和验收

For the purpose of testing and commiioning, consumables for about 5 days, including fuel lubricating oil need to be readily available 准备 5天的消耗材料用量 ,包括润滑油 ,用于调试验收

Test should include but not be limited to the following 测试至少包括以下内容-Insulation level 绝缘-Sequence 顺序

-Protection Devices 保护设施 /措施-Operation 操作

-Sound Preure measurement 声压测试

-60% of full load for 4 Hours 4小时 60%满负荷

-100% of full load for 24 Hours(Record all readings hourly)24小时 100%满负荷(每小时记录)


Panels 面板

-Insulation level 绝缘-Sequence 顺序

-Interlocks 安全开关

-Protection devices 保护设施/措施-Operation操作


-Check FACTORY TEST RESULTS certificates 核对厂商测试结果证明书

-Resistance measurement of windings 线阻测试

-Polarity of windings 线极测试

-Phases relationship 相位

-Ratio of windings 线圈比

-Measurement of full load loes 满荷载损失的测定

-Measurement of short circuit loes 短路损失测定

-Measurement of no load loes 无荷载损失的测定

-Measurement of no load current 无荷载测定

-Test results of H/V dielectric @50HZ 高压介电(绝缘)性能试验

-Rise in temperature of windings at specific loads 设计荷载下升高线圈温度-Noise levels 噪声

-Impulse Voltage 脉冲电压


-Check all cables per schedule 按要求检查所有电缆

-Record each cable resistance(Phase/Phase/Earth)记录每一根电缆的电阻

-All terminations to be tested and checked to be secure 检测所有的电缆端头确保安全

-All cable terminations clearly identified 所有电缆端头标识明确-All cables securely supported 所有电缆均有安全支撑


When all systems test results are satisfactory in all respects to relevant codes and standards laid down in the overall specification for the total Electrical Installation, the Installation shall be energized in accordance with the following 当所有系统的测试结果在各方面均能达到整体电器安装技术规范要求时 ,则需进行通电测试

Before Energizing 通电前

Check 检查

-Tightne and security of all Busbar Chambers, Switch connections,Isolators,Fuse carries 所有母线箱 ,开关连接,绝缘等安全紧固

-All EARTHING CONNECTIONS to compartments, Switch gear and electrodes and earth straps/mats 所有接地分区 ,开关及电级接地绝缘

-Phase Sequence/ Polarity of all relevant equipment 相位顺序/所有相关设备的极性

-Clearances of all LIVE PARTS-ph/ph/earth 检查所有带电部件-Standby battery power for shunt tripping equipment 准备电池电源

-Protection equipment settings 保护设备设置

-Ensure all parts /panels are dry and dust free.确保所有的部件 /线板干燥无尘

-All test equipment /danger notices are in good order 所有测试设备 /安全注意事项均已做好

Energizing sequence 通电顺序

Should any delay occur in exce of two hours all of the above should be rechecked before re-start 一旦延误超过 2小时,上述所有项目在重新启动前需再次检查

-With ALL switches in the OFF position , switch on main ACB 所有开关处于关闭位置 ,打到总 ACB上

-Sequentially switch on all other ACBs 所有其他开关处于 ACB

-Closely observe protection over current/earth fault for disc rotation 仔细检查保护装置

-Ensure close vigilance is kept during all energizing operations 在整个通电过程中 ,要保持高度的警惕

-System should now remain permanently manned 系统从现在开始就要有人管理



Others equipment : Lifts, Kitchens, LEV,CCTV,Fire Life Safety System, TV, Lighting, Switch, Landscaping etc.must be tested and commiion according to up principle.其中需要权威部门验收的设备,必须由建设方通过验收,并必须取得相应得许可证。Some special equipment that need Authority com


1、电力变压器安装工程的交接验收1.1变压器的起动试运行,是指变压器开始带电并带一定负荷即可能的最大负荷运行24小时所经历的过程。1.2 变压器在试运行前,应进行全面检查,确认......




铁路基本建设工程竣工验收交接暂行办法 1984年1月8日,铁道部 铁路基本建设工程的竣工验收,是检验基本建设工程质量的最后程序。做好竣工验收工作,对促进建设工程及时投产,发挥投......






