十一届全国人大五次会议新闻发言人 李肇星:女士们、先生们,上午好。我们高兴地邀请到温家宝总理与中外记者见面,并回答大家提问。现在先请温总理讲话。
国务院总理 温家宝:记者朋友们,这是我在两会之后最后一次同大家见面了。我要感谢多年来记者朋友们对于中国改革和建设事业的关注。今年可能是最困难的一年,但也可能是最有希望的一年。人民需要政府的冷静、果敢和诚信;政府需要人民的信任、支持和帮助。面对国际金融危机和欧债危机的蔓延、发展,关键是把我们自己的事情办好。我将在最后一年守职而不废,处义而不回,永远和人民在一起。Wen Jiabao: Friends of the pre, this is the last time for me to meet you after the NPC and CPPCC seions.I'd like to thank you for your long term interest in China's reform and development.This year might be the most difficult yet probably the most promising year.People need their government to be calm, resolute and trustworthy and government needs people's trust, support and help.In the face of deepening international financial crisis and the European debt crisis, it most important that we run our own affairs well.In my last year of office, I will not waiver in carrying out my duties and will remain true to my conviction.I will always be with the people.我愿意回答大家的问题。
Now I'm ready to take your questions.新华社记者:总理,您好,我是新华社记者,也是中国新华新闻电视网的记者。今年是本届政府任期的最后一年,请问总理,您如何评价自己的工作?谢谢总理。
Xinhua News Agency: Mr.Premier, I'm from Xinhua News Agency and xinhuanet.com.This year is the last year of the term of this government.How do you evaluate your work? 温家宝:我担任总理已经9年了,这些年过得不易,也不平凡。但我总觉得还有许多工作没有做完,许多事情没有办好,有不少遗憾。我懂得政府的一切权力都是人民赋予的,我所做的工作都是应尽的责任。我为能做人民的公仆而为人民办些实事而感到欣慰。我真诚希望,我,连同我这一生,给人民做的有益的事情,人民都把他忘记,并随着我日后长眠地下而湮没无闻。
Wen: I have served as premier for nine years.They have been nine difficult but extraordinary years.I always feel that much work remains to be finished and many things to be properly addreed and that there are many regrets.I understand that all the power of the government comes from the people and every piece of work that I have done for the people during my term of office is only the fulfillment of my due responsibilities.I feel truly encouraged and happy that I have those opportunities to serve the people as a public servant.I sincerely hope that people will forget me and all the concrete things I have done for them will fall into oblivion as one day I will go to my eternal rest.由于能力所限,再加上体制等各方面的原因,我的工作还有许多不足。虽然没有因为不负责任而造成任何一件事情上的失误,但是作为国家最高行政机关的负责人,对于我在任职期间中国经济和社会所发生的问题,我都负有责任。为此,我感到歉疚。Due to incompetent abilities as well as institutional and other factors, there is still much room for improvement in my work.Although I have never committed any intentional mistake in my work caused by irresponsibility, as the head of the top executive body of the country, I should aume responsibility for the economic and social problems that have occurred during my term of office, for which I feel truly sorry.在最后一年,我将像一匹负轭的老马,不到最后一刻绝不松套。努力以新的成绩弥补我工作上的缺憾,以得到人民的谅解和宽恕。入则恳恳以尽忠,出则谦谦以自悔。我将坚守这个做人的原则,并把希望留给后人。我相信,他们一定会比我做得更好。
In my last year of office, I will be as committed as ever like an old skate and make my utmost efforts to serve the people, make up for the shortfall in my work with new achievements and win people's understanding and forgivene.When one is in office, he should discharge his duty conscientiously and when leaving office, he should conduct himself with humility and exercise self reflection.I will adhere to this principle to conduct myself and place hope on the next generation.I believe they will perform better than me.我秉承“苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之”的信念,为国家服务整整45年,我为国家、人民倾注了我全部的热情、心血和精力,没有谋过私利。我敢于面对人民、面对历史。知我罪我,其惟春秋。
I have devoted 45 years of my life to the service of this country and remain committed to the conviction that I shall dedicate myself to the interest of the country in life and death irrespective of personal weal and woe.I have always devoted myself to the country and the people with strong paion and energy and never pursued personal gains.I have the courage to face the people and the history.There are people who will appreciate what I have done, but there will also be people who criticize me.Ultimately, history will have the final say.美国全国广播公司记者:我是美国全国广播公司的记者。得益于较好的国际环境和贸易体系,过去的十年,是中国经济发展最快的十年。在您任期的最后一年,特别是考虑到不久前在波士顿的国际码头工人协会向您授予奖项,如果您只能做一件事来使中美经贸关系实现再平衡,为更多的美国工人创造就业机会,您将会做什么事? 有些批评人士表示中国扭曲了国际竞争,使贸易对自己有利,您是否会考虑改革中国的贸易体系?
NBC: Overall last ten years have seen China's fastest economic growth thanks in part to the benign international environment and trading system.With due respect, Premier Wen, in your last year of office, if you would have one thing that you are allowed to do to balance the US-China economic relationship that can create American jobs, for example considering the award bestowed to you recently in Boston by the International Longshoremen's Aociation, then what's it that you would like to do? Would you consider for example reforming China's trade regime that some American critiques say distorts global competition in China's favor? 温家宝:最近美国码头工人协会授予我一个“美国工人之友奖”,这个奖与其说是授予我的,不如说是中美经贸互利共赢的一个范例。
Wen: Recently, the International Longshoremen's Aociation in the US gave me the Award of Best Friend of the American Workers.Although I am the recipient of the award, I would rather see this award as a strong example showing that the busine relations between China and the US are mutually beneficial.记者先生提到,如果我做一件事能够缓解中美贸易的不平衡,那么我选择哪一件事情。其实这个问题我已经深思熟虑很久了,并且在2009年和2011年两次同奥巴马总统做了深谈。我以为解决中美贸易的不平衡,以及由此引起的各种困难和摩擦,还是要通过合作的办法。因此,我比较完整地提出了关于促进中美经贸、金融与投资合作的一揽子计划的建议。它包括:进一步发展中美之间的双向贸易。中国扩大美国产品的进口,美国要开放美国产品的出口,取消限制。其次,加强双向投资。两国应该为投资创造有利条件,并实行投资保护。第三,加强两国在新能源、新材料、节能环保、航天航空等高科技领域的合作,开辟新的合作领域。第四,加强基础设施建设的合作,并使这种合作与金融合作相联系。就是说中国将投资美国的基础设施建设,而扩大美国工人的就业。这是一举双得的事情。
If there was only one thing that I can do to ease the China-US trade imbalance, what will it be? In fact, I have been thinking about this question for a long period of time.In 2009 and 2011, I exchanged in-depth views with President Obama on this topic.To ease the bilateral trade imbalance and resolve the difficulties and frictions of the busine relations between the two countries, we should rely on cooperation.For that purpose, I have put forward a package of proposals on promoting the bilateral busine, financial and investment cooperation.The following are the main content of my proposals: first, further enhance the two-way trade between China and the US.China should import more from the US and the US needs to ease restrictions on exports to China.Second, increase mutual investment.The two countries should create favorable conditions for investment and agree on investment protection.Third, reinforce cooperation in high-tech fields, including new energy, new materials, energy conservation, environmental protection and aviation so as to expand areas of cooperation.Fourth, step up cooperation on infrastructure construction and link such cooperation with financial cooperation.It means that China will invest in infrastructure construction in the US, which will create job opportunities for local American workers.It is a win-win outcome.奥巴马总统非常重视我的建议,双方已经就此进行研究。我相信合作比对抗好,只要循着这条正确的路子走下去,中美经贸关系会走上一条健康、持久发展的道路。
President Obama took my proposals very seriously and competent authorities of the two sides are making relevant studies.I believe that cooperation is always better than confrontation.So long as we move in the right direction, the busine relations between china and the US will enjoy sustained and sound growth.至于你说到美国关心中国贸易体系改革的问题,如果讲得明确一点,主要指三个问题:第一,就是进出口的基本平衡。我可以明确地告诉你,在2011年中国经常性账户占GDP的比重已经达到2.8%,小于3%的国际公认标准。也就是说在国际收支和货物贸易上,中国已经实现了基本平衡。第二,汇率,这是美国关注的。从2005年汇改以来,中国实际有效汇率已经提高30%。请记者先生注意一种现象:从去年9月份开始,在香港市场无本金远期交割,也就是所谓NDF,开始双向波动。这就告诉我们,中国的人民币汇率有可能已经接近均衡水平。我们将继续加大汇改的力度,特别是较大幅度地实行双向的波动。第三,我们将坚持多哈回合的原则,主张自由贸易、反对保护主义。谢谢。
As to your question concerning the reform of China's trading system, I would like to elaborate on three iues.First, basic balance of import and export.I would like to tell you clearly that in 2011 China's current account surplus to GDP dropped below 2.8%, lower than 3% which is the internationally accepted reasonable level.That is to say, China has achieved a basic balance of international balance of payments and trade in goods.Second, exchange rate about which the US is concerned.Since we launched the reform of exchange rate formation mechanism in 2005, the real effective exchange rate of the Chinese currency has appreciated by 30%.I would like to draw your attention to a phenomenon.Since September last year, the RMB exchange rate has started two-way fluctuations on the Hong Kong NDF market.It shows that the RMB exchange rate might have reached an equilibrium level.We will pre ahead with the RMB exchange rate reform, and in particular will promote two-way fluctuations.Third, we will adhere to the purpose of the Doha round of talks, support free trade and oppose protectionism.外交部译员 张璐
Taiwan China Times: Over the past 4 years, the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have achieved three direct links and direct flight and their busine exchanges and people-to-people contacts have reached a historical high.The Taiwan media believe that the past 4 years probably witneed the most stable and peaceful development of relations acro the Taiwan Straits of the past 60 years.Such development opportunities will poibly continue in the next four years.In your last year of office, how do you see the prospects of the cro-Straits cultural exchanges? When you mentioned the exhibition of the Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains in Taiwan June last year, how did you feel at that moment? We are very interested to know whether you plan to travel to Taiwan after you retire in March next year.温家宝:我已经连续10年在这个场合谈台湾问题了,每一次心情都很不平静。我很高兴地看到,去年两岸同胞交往更频繁,感情更融洽,关系更紧密。“九二共识”和两岸关系的政治、经济、文化和民意基础更牢固。如果说在本届政府最后一年,在促进两岸关系和平发展,特别是在加强经贸关系方面再做一点什么实事。我首先考虑的是,要加快ECFA的后续谈判。在加强两岸经贸交往当中特别要照顾台湾中小企业、弱势产业和基层群众的利益,尤其是中南部群众的利益。两岸的金融合作会有进一步的发展,包括推进银行结算体系的合作,鼓励两岸银行相互参股,为支持经贸合作发挥金融的作用。对于台资在大陆的企业,我们要给予特别的关心,创造条件帮助他们转型升级、扩大内销市场。
Wen: It is the tenth year in a row that I addre the Taiwan question on this occasion and each time I am filled with strong emotions.I am glad to see that last year the two sides of Taiwan Straits enhanced exchanges and compatriots acro the Straits became closer to each other.The political, economic and cultural foundation and the popular support for the 1992 consensus and the cro-Straits relations have been strengthened.To take concrete measures to promote the peaceful development of cro-Straits relations and especially enhance the bilateral busine relations in the last year of my term of office, I would like first of all to accelerate the ECFA follow-up negotiations.When strengthening the cro-Straits busine ties, we will pay special attention to the interests of small and medium-sized businees, industries in a disadvantaged position and the graroots people in Taiwan, particularly the interest of people in central and southern Taiwan.We will further promote the cro-Straits financial cooperation.Measures will include boosting the cooperation of banks' currency settlement system and encourage banks of the two sides acro the Straits to hold equity in each other so that banks can play their role in supporting busine cooperation.We will pay particular attention to the Taiwan-invested companies on the mainland and create conditions for them to transform and upgrade themselves and expand the domestic market.我2010年在这里讲了《富春山居图》的故事,精诚所致,金石为开。我高兴地得知,这幅分离很久的《富春山居图》终于在台北合璧展出,这反映出中华文化具有强大的向心力和震撼力。我虽不能至,但心向往之。我常想,难道几千年的文化恩泽就不能消弭几十年的政治恩怨?我真诚希望两岸进一步加强文化交流和人员往来。
In 2010, I told the story of the Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains.I believe that with utmost sincerity no difficulty is insurmountable.I'm glad to learn that the two pieces of the painting which have been separated for so long are finally put together on display in Taipei.It shows that the Chinese culture has strong cohesivene and inspiration.I wish I could have been able to go and watch the display.I cannot help but ask why the several thousands of years of cultural bond cannot resolve the political grudges which have lasted for several decades.I sincerely hope that the two sides acro the Straits will work together to promote cultural exchanges and people-to-people contacts.至于我在退休以后能不能到台湾去自由行,坦诚地讲,我愿意去,但是还得看条件。不过请你转达对台湾人民的问候。我想起了台湾割让以后,台中有一位诗人叫林朝崧,他曾经写过一句诗,叫“情天再补虽无术,缺月重圆会有时”。我相信,只要全体中华儿女共同努力,祖国统一和民族振兴的大业一定能够实现,这是整个中国人的骄傲。谢谢。
As to whether I will travel to Taiwan after my retirement, to be honest, I'm willing to go if the conditions permit.I would like to ask you to convey my greetings to the Taiwan compatriots.I remember there was a poem written by a poet in central Taiwan named Lin Chaosong after Taiwan was ceded saying that “there's no way to heal the wound in my heart, but there's one day when the half moon becomes full again.” I believe that with the joint efforts of all compatriots of the Chinese nation we will achieve the reunification and revitalization of the country, for that the entire Chinese nation will feel proud.新加坡《联合早报》记者:温总理您好。新加坡《联合早报》记者。很高兴能在您最后一次的两会后记者会上提问。我的问题是,最近几年您多次在不同场合提到了政治体制改革,引起了很大的关注。请问您多次反复提到政治体制改革的原因在哪里?中国推进政治体制改革的难度又在什么地方?谢谢。Lianhe Zaobao: in recent years, you have addreed the topic of political structural reform on many occasions, which has drawn wide attention.What is the reason that you addre the topic repeatedly? What is the difficulty for China to advance political structural reform? 温家宝:是的,这些年我多次谈到政治体制改革,应该说已经比较全面和具体了。如果问我为什么关注这件事情,我出于责任感。粉碎“四人帮”以后,我们党虽然作出了若干历史问题的决议,实行了改革开放。但是“*”的错误和封建的影响,并没有完全清除。随着经济的发展,又产生了分配不公、诚信缺失、贪污腐败等问题。我深知解决这些问题,不仅要进行经济体制改革,而且要进行政治体制改革,特别是党和国家领导制度的改革。
Wen: Yes, I have talked about political structural reform on many occasions in recent years.It should be said that I have elaborated my views on this topic comprehensively and in great details.If you ask why I'm so concerned about this topic, I would like to say it is because of my sense of responsibility.After the crackdown of the Gang of Four, our Party adopted the resolution on the several historical iues since the founding of New China and launched reform and opening up.However, the mistake of the Cultural Revolution and the impact of feudalism have yet to be fully eliminated.As the economy grows, such new problems as unfair distribution, lack of credibility and corruption have emerged.I am fully aware that to resolve these iues we must conduct not only economic structural reform but also political structural reform, especially reform of the leadership system of the Party and the state.现在改革到了攻坚阶段,没有政治体制改革的成功,经济体制改革不可能进行到底,已经取得的成果还有可能得而复失,社会上新产生的问题,也不能从根本上得到解决,文化大革命这样的历史悲剧还有可能重新发生。每个有责任的党员和领导干部都应该有紧迫感。
Now the reform has come to a critical stage.Without a succeful political structural reform, it is impoible for us to completely carry out the economic structural reform, the achievements of reform and development we have gained might be lost, the new problems faced by the Chinese society might not be fundamentally resolved and such historical tragedy as the Cultural Revolution might happen again.All the Party members and government leaders with a sense of responsibility should fully recognize this urgent task.当然,我深知改革的难度,主要是任何一项改革必须有人民的觉醒、人民的支持、人民的积极性和创造精神。在中国这样有13亿人口的大国,又必须从国情出发,循序渐进地建立社会主义民主政治。这不是一件轻而易举的事情,但是改革只能前进,不能停滞,更不能倒退,停滞和倒退都没有出路。Of course, I'm fully aware of the difficulty of the reform.Without the consciousne, support, enthusiasm and creativity of the people, no reform can succeed.In such a big country with a population of 1.3 billion as China, we must build socialist democracy step by step bearing in mind China's national conditions.It will not be an easy proce.But the reform can only move forward.It cannot stagnate or even retrogre because stagnation or retrogreion offers no way out.我知道,人们不仅看我说什么、我的理想和信念,更看我通过自己的努力能够实现什么样的目标。我可以对大家讲,为了中国的改革开放事业,只要还有一口气,我就奋斗一天。谢谢!
I know that people are interested in not only what I say and what my ideal and belief is but more in what results my efforts can achieve.I would like to tell you that I will dedicate myself fully to China's cause of reform and opening up so long as I have breath.《人民日报》记者:总理您好,人民日报社记者提问。最近一轮房地产市场调控,大家都非常关注,中央的决心很大,力度也很大,一些城市的房价已经开始回落。请问总理,住房价格回落到什么程度才算是达到了调控目标?另外,面对经济增速放缓和地方财政压力,楼市调控会不会半途而废?谢谢。People's Daily: The recent round of housing market regulation has drawn wide attention.The central authorities have shown strong resolve and adopted tough measures.Housing price in some cities has started falling.My question is how much the housing price should drop to be considered as reaching the regulation target.In addition, with slowdown of economic growth and preure on local finance, will this round of regulation be abandoned halfway? 温家宝:我最近出于一种责任感,把从2003年开始的房地产调控认真地回顾了一下。其实我们在2003年已经提出了6条调控措施,2005年又制定了国八条,2006年又制定了国六条。但是,为什么调控不见成效?群众也在责怪我们,说房价越调越高,政策不出中南海。我听到了感到十分痛心。我觉得房地产市场关系到财政、金融、土地、企业等各项政策,涉及到中央和地方的利益关系,特别是地方从土地出让中获取大量的收入。涉及到金融企业和房地产企业的利益,改革的阻力相当之大。
Wen: Called by a sense of responsibility, I recently reviewed carefully the housing market regulatory measures which had been launched since 2003.In fact, we have released six regulatory measures in 2003, formulated eight measures in 2005 and adopted another six measures in 2006.However, why those measures have not made any difference? People are blaming us, saying that the more regulatory measures there are, the higher housing price will be and that our regulatory policy cannot make its way out of Zhongnanhai.I feel deeply depreed by such remarks.I know that the housing market is influenced by the fiscal, financial and land policies and involves the interests of the central and local governments and the interests of financial institutions and real estate companies.Our regulation has encountered maive resistance.为什么这两年房地产调控在艰难中看到一点曙光?有所进展。首先是我们调控的决心坚定而不动摇;其次,我们抓住了一个抑制投机和投资性需求的要害问题,采取了有针对性的政策措施。Why only in the past two years we have seen a glimmer of hope and some progre of housing market regulation? It is because first we have very firm resolve and second we have identified the crucial iue of curbing speculative and investment-driven demand and adopted targeted policy measures.对于房地产市场,我有个基本看法,那就是中国有13亿多人口,又处在工业化和城镇化阶段,对住房的需求是刚性的,而且将会是持续的。当然,我们说住有其居,并不意味着住者有其屋。从方向上看,应该鼓励更多的人租房。
I have a basic view about the housing market, which is that China has a population of 1.3 billion and is in a stage of rapid industrialization and urbanization and therefore the demand for housing is firm and will always exist.Of course, we have been trying to provide adequate housing for all the people, but it does not mean that everyone should own their home.Our direction should be to encourage more people to rent.关于房地产市场发展,我有几个观点:第一,要保持房地产长期平稳和健康发展。如果盲目发展,出现经济泡沫,一旦破灭,不仅影响房地产市场,而且会拖累整个经济。第二,什么叫房价合理回归?我以为合理的房价,应该是使房价与居民的收入相适应,房价与投入和合理的利润相匹配。现在我可以明确地告诉大家,房价还远远没有回到合理价位。因此,调控不能放松。如果放松,将前功尽弃,而且会造成房地产市场的混乱,不利于房地产长期健康和稳定发展。第三,房地产的发展,毫无疑问要充分发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用,就是说要充分利用市场这只手。但是政府这只手也不可以缺少,因为它更具有稳定性和促进公平。谢谢。
With regard to the development of housing market, I have several opinions: first, we should maintain the long-term, stable and healthy growth of the real estate industry.If we allow it to develop blindly, there will emerge bubble in the housing sector.Once the bubble bursts, it will not only impact the real estate market but also drag down the entire economy.Second, what does bringing the housing price to a reasonable level mean? I think that a reasonable housing price should match people's income, the construction cost and reasonable profit.Now, I'd like to tell you clearly that in some places the housing price is still far from falling to a reasonable level.Therefore, we shall not loosen the regulation.Otherwise, our previous efforts will be wasted and the housing market will plunge into chaos, which will undermine the long-term, healthy and stable development of the housing market.Third, when developing the housing market, we should undoubtedly make best use of the fundamental role of market in allocating resources, or use the hand of the market.However, the hand of the government is also indispensable because it can ensure stability and promote equality.香港无线电视记者:总理您好,我来自香港无线电视。总理您2003年曾经访问过香港,九年过去了,香港也发生了很多的变化,而我们也将迎来新的变化。对于现在进行的香港特首选举,请问总理您有什么看法?另外除了政府换届和欧债危机等挑战外,您认为香港还面临着哪些深层次的问题有待解决?最后对于香港未来的发展您有什么祝愿?谢谢。
Hong Kong TVB: Mr.Premier, you visited Hong Kong in 2003.Nine years have paed and Hong Kong has experienced many changes since your last visit.We will embrace new changes in the future as well.What is your view about the ongoing election of Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government? Except the challenges brought by the change of government and the European debt crisis, what are the other underlying iues you think Hong Kong needs to addre? How do you see the future development of Hong Kong? 温家宝:我是爱香港的。2003年我曾经去过一次香港,我在那里用了黄遵宪先生的一句诗来形容:寸寸河山寸寸金。香港回归15年了,15年香港发展的变化证明了“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治具有强大的生命力。
Wen: I have deep love for Hong Kong.When I visited Hong Kong in 2003, I quoted a line from Mr.Huang Zongxian's poem to describe my feeling about Hong Kong.It reads “every inch of mountain and river on this land is as precious as gold”.Hong Kong has been back to the motherland for 15 years.Changes in Hong Kong over the past 15 years show that the principles of “one country, two systems”, “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong” and a high degree of autonomy have strong vitality.在这15年当中,香港走过的路也不平常,遇到了两次金融危机。但是在特区政府领导下,港人共同努力战胜了金融危机,香港至今仍保持着国际金融的地位和高度的自由经济。2011年香港的人均GDP达到3.42万美金,是历史上最高,就业也处于较好的水平。但是香港现在是困难与机遇同在,一方面金融危机和欧债危机的影响和压力还存在;另一方面,香港还面临着经济下行和通胀的双重压力。在这种情况下,香港必须努力发展经济、改善民生、推进民主、保持社会和谐,而且重点解决好社会公平、物价高涨、居民住房和教育与医疗等重大问题。
Over the past 15 years, Hong Kong has experienced twists and turns and encountered two financial crises.However, under the leadership of the SAR government and with the joint efforts of the Hong Kong compatriots, Hong Kong has succefully overcome the financial crises and maintained its status of international financial center and a high degree of free market economy.In 2011, the per capita GDP of Hong Kong reached a historical high of US$34,200 and employment was in a good condition.Hong Kong now faces both difficulties and opportunities.On the one hand, the financial crisis and the European debt crisis still exert impact and on the other hand, Hong Kong faces dual preure of economic downturn and inflation.Under such circumstances, Hong Kong must work hard to develop the economy, improve people's livelihood, advance democracy and maintain social harmony.Particular efforts should be made to solve such major iues as social justice, price stability, housing, education and medical care of the people.现在香港正在进行第四届特首的选举,我相信只要坚持公开、公正、公平的原则,并且严格依照法律程序办事,香港一定能够选出一个为多数港人所拥护的特首。
Currently, the election of the fourth Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR government is underway.I believe that the Hong Kong compatriots will elect a chief executive who enjoys the support of the majority of Hong Kong people as long as the principle of openne, justice and fairne is observed and relevant legal procedures are strictly followed.目前香港确实有困难,但是我想起邓小平先生的一句话:港人是能够治理好香港的,要有这个自信心。At present, Hong Kong does face some difficulties, but I would like to quote Mr.Deng Xiaoping that “we should have confidence that Hong Kong people are able to run Hong Kong well”.我真想再去一次香港,到淘大花园看看那里的居民,到港大同学生们进行交流。请记者转达我对香港同胞的问候。谢谢。
I truly hope that I will have another opportunity to go to Hong Kong, to visit the residents of Amoy Garden and to talk to the students of the University of Hong Kong.I would like to ask the journalist from Hong Kong to convey my greetings to the Hong Kong compatriots.《华盛顿邮报》记者:总理您好,我是《华盛顿邮报》的记者。一年以前,我的一个记者同事曾经向您问到一个关于在中国进行直选的问题,当时您表示这个进程应该是循序渐进的,首先中国老百姓应该证明他们有能力来管好一个村的事务,然后他们逐渐可以管好一个乡、一个县的事务。今年,在世界许多国家老百姓都将会通过直接选举选出自己的领导人,人们不禁要问,什么时候在中国的老百姓才能够通过这种竞争性、直接性的选举选出他们的领导人呢?
Washington Post: one year ago, you were asked by one of my colleagues about the poibility of elections in China.You said it had to come gradually step by step.The Chinese should first show that they can run a village and then a township.This year, people all over the world are electing their leaders in direct elections.That has had many people wondering and asking the question exactly when Chinese citizens will enjoy the same right to elect their leaders in a competitive and direct election.温家宝:是的。我曾经不仅一次地提出过,要坚定不移地实行村民自治,并且保护村民直选的合法权利。现在农村村委会许多实践证明,农民通过直选村委会是成功的。他们不仅有高度的热情,而且按照村民自治法制定了严格的选举办法。我至今还是这样认为,群众能够管好一个村,就能够管好一个乡的事情;能够管好一个乡,就能够管好一个县的事情。我们应该按照这条道路鼓励群众大胆实践,并且在实践中使他们受到锻炼。我相信,中国的民主制度会依照中国的国情循序渐进地得到发展。这也是任何力量所阻挡不住的。谢谢。
Wen: I have said on several occasions that we must adhere to the practice of self-governance by villagers and the villagers' lawful right to directly elect the village committee must be protected.Many practices have proved that the direct election of village committee is succeful.The villagers have not only shown strong enthusiasm but also formulated strict procedures of election according to the Villagers' Committee Organization Law.I still believe that if the people are able to run a village they will be able to run a township and then a county.We should continue to encourage the people to make pioneering explorations in this direction which will enhance their capabilities.I believe that democracy in China will be developed gradually in line with China's national conditions.No force can hold this proce back.《财经》杂志记者:总理您好,我是《财经》杂志的记者,我的提问是,今年的经济增速调低为7.5%,这是暂时性的减速,还是会变成常态性?中国经济是否已经告别了高增长的阶段?国际社会上在某种程度将度过经济危机的希望寄于中国经济的高速增长,现在中国调低了增速会对国际经济复苏产生哪些影响?谢谢。
Caijing: The GDP growth target for this year has been lowered to 7.5%.Is it just a temporary cut in the growth speed or is it more of a permanent one? Does it mean that this will be the end of China's high economic growth period? Secondly, the international community has, to some extent, placed the hope of tiding over the economic crisis on China's strong economic growth.How will China's downward adjustment of its economic growth target affect the global economic recovery? 温家宝:政府工作报告作了以后,世界上各种媒体反响最大的,就是关于中国经济增长的速度。我以为他们抓住了一个要害问题。这次我们将多年来8%以上的中国经济增速调低到7.5%,其主要目的就是要真正使经济增长转移到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质上来,真正实现高质量的增长,真正有利于经济结构调整和发展方式的转变,真正使中国经济的发展摆脱过度依赖资源消耗和污染环境,走上一条节约资源能耗,保护生态环境的正确道路上来,真正使中国经济的发展能最终惠及百姓的民生。
Wen: After I delivered the government work report, the highest attention from media organizations acro the world has been paid to the annual growth target of China.I believe they have put their interest on a very important iue.For years, we have set the average annual growth target of the Chinese economy at around 8%, but this year we have set the target at 7.5%.This is because we want to shift China's economic growth towards the progre in science and technology and the higher educational level of the Chinese labor force.We hope that China's economy will achieve a high-quality growth and our economic development will serve the primary goals of making structural adjustments to our economy and transforming our development model.We hope that China's economic development will no longer come at the costs of resource consumption and environmental pollution.Rather, we hope that we will be able to put China's economic growth on a path that is conducive to energy conservation and the protection of the eco environment.We hope that the growth of China's economy will deliver greater benefit to the Chinese people.这个决心是在制定“十二五”规划时就下了的。我们“十二五”规划设定的目标是7%,今年确定经济增长7.5%,是为了与“十二五”规划的要求相衔接。同时,我也必须说明,这是我们主动调控的结果。应该承认,由于欧债危机、外部市场萎缩,中国经济有下行的压力。但是在这种情况下,我们调低速度主要是为了结构调整。
We have already made this decision in the formulation of the 12th Five-Year Plan.We have set the average annual GDP growth during the 12th Five-Year Plan period at 7%.By setting this year's growth target at 7.5%, we want to bring it in line with the requirements set out in the 12th Five-Year Plan for China's economic growth.At the same time, I'd like to point out that the economic slowdown in China is mainly the result of our proactive macro control.One should recognize that China's economy is under downward preure due to the contraction of the external market caused by the European debt crisis.Under such circumstances, we have taken the decision to adjust downward China's GDP growth target, mainly because we want to continue to pre ahead with our economic structural adjustment.我想说明的一点是,当我们宣布这个指标以后,许多国家的经济界、专家学者、新闻媒体都认为,从本质上看这是一个利好消息。因为中国经济能够克服不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题,真正走上一条注重质量的发展道路,从根本上有利于世界经济的发展。
I also want to point out that when we announced the growth target for this year, it is the consensus among the economists, experts, scholars, and the media organizations from many countries around the world that this is actually a piece of good news for the world because if we in China can truly overcome the problem of lack of adequate balance, coordination and sustainability in our economic growth and get Chinese economic growth on the path of quality development, this, in a fundamental way, is good news for the global economy.现在,对于我们来说,还是要把握好保持经济平稳较快发展、结构调整、管好通胀预期三者的关系。中国的经济总量已经达到47万亿元人民币,在这个基础上,增长7.5%并不算低。如果一直保持这个速度,在经济总量不断增长的情况下,更不算低。而且我们要想方设法使同样的经济总量能够换取更大的经济效益,能够使百姓得到更多的实惠。我们一定能够做到这一点,这是我们的目标。谢谢。
Now, we must continue to strike a balance among maintaining steady and robust economic development, making economic structural adjustment and managing inflationary expectations.China's economic aggregates now total RMB47 trillion.On top of such a large base figure, 7.5% GDP growth target is not a low target.If we can maintain such a growth rate while our economic aggregates continue to rise, this target cannot be considered low at all.Moreover, we need to work even harder to enhance our economic growth efficiency so that more benefits will be extended to the Chinese people.We have confidence that we will be able to do that.中央电视台记者:总理您好,我是中央电视台和中国网络电视台的记者。我想问您的问题是,近年来您已经有很多次提起要促进社会的公平正义,但是现在社会上一些不公平的现象仍然是老百姓关注的焦点。请问您在任期之内还会做哪些工作进一步促进社会的公平正义?另外,我们知道您常常会上网,在网络上您可以看到网民对政府工作、对您本人的肯定和赞扬,但是也会有“拍砖”的,您怎么看待这些批评的声音?谢谢。
CCTV: You have said on many occasions that you must work hard to promote social equity and justice, but the Chinese people still feel that there are still many problems that involve lack of equity and justice in the Chinese society, I want to ask you what steps you will take during the remainder of your term of office to promote social fairne and justice.Secondly, we know that you often log onto the Internet, there are a lot of comments by the netizens of China on the work of your government and you yourself.There are both positive ones and critical ones.How do you see the criticism about you and your work on the Internet? 温家宝:我曾经说过,公平正义比太阳还光辉。公平正义是社会主义的本质特征。实事求是地讲,9年来,我们为实现社会的公平正义做了大量不可磨灭的工作。首先,在法律上,我们通过修改宪法,将尊重和保障人权写入宪法。我们制定了物权法,使合法的私有财产得到法律保护。我们修改了选举法,使城乡选民具有平等的权利。我们废除了收容遣送条例,使农民自由进城务工。在短短的几年,中国城市化率超过50%。其次,在农村,我们坚决地取消了农业税,减轻了农民的不合理负担。第三,在教育上,我们实行了九年免费义务制教育,对农村的孩子上职业学校实行免费,同时对大学和农村高中阶段的教育实行奖助学金制度,对困难地区农村寄宿制学校给予补贴。第四,我们建立和完善了包括养老、失业、医疗、低保在内的社会保障体系。企业职工医疗保险、城市居民医疗保险和新农合已经覆盖13亿人口。这些都是我们社会朝着公平正义迈出了具有制度性的一步。当然,我深知,社会分配不公以及司法不公还引起群众的不满。我们必须继续推进促进社会公平的各项工作。
Wen: I have said before that equity and justice shine more brightly than the sun.Equity and justice are the defining nature of socialism.As a matter of fact, over the past 9 years, the government has put in a large amount of efforts in promoting social equity and justice.I believe that these efforts should be widely recognized.On the legal front, we have amended the Chinese Constitution and we have incorporated respecting and protecting human rights into the Chinese Constitution.We have formulated the Property Law to protect, on the basis of law, the legal private aets of the Chinese people.We have amended the Election Law to ensure equal rights of election of urban and rural residents.We have abolished the regulations that put restrictions on the freedom of mobility of rural residents into the cities.In a short span of these years, China's urbanization rate has exceeded 50%.Secondly, in the rural areas, we have abolished the agricultural tax so as to ease the unreasonable burden of Chinese farmers.Thirdly, as far as education is concerned, we have basically made the free 9-year compulsory education universally available.We have exempted the tuition fees for the students from rural areas who are engaged in the vocational education.We have provided scholarships and financial aid for students from rural areas during their senior high school and college education.We have provided subsidies for students from poor families who are engaged in the rural boarding school education.Fourthly, we have established and improved the social security system that covers old-age support, unemployment insurance, medical insurance and subsistence allowance.The program of medical insurance for both working and non-working urban residents and the program of the rural cooperative medical care now cover 1.3 billion people in China.All these are institutional arrangements we have made to promote social equity and justice.But I'm fully aware that the people are still complaining about income disparities, judicial injustice and some other problems.We must continue to do a conscientious job in promoting social equity and justice.在我任职的最后一年,我们政府将做几件困难的事情,一定要做,努力做好,而不留给后人。第一件事情,就是要制定收入分配体制改革的总体方案。第二件事情,就是要制定并出台农村集体土地征收补偿条例,真正保障农民承包地的财产权。第三件事情,实现城乡养老保险的全覆盖。第四件事情,按照新的标准全面推进集中连片的贫困地区的扶贫工作。第五件事情,我们已经将教育经费占GDP的4%列入预算,我们一定要通过努力实现这个目标,并使经费合理使用。谢谢你。
In the last year in office, this government plans to take on some tough tasks.We are determined to accomplish these tasks rather than pa the problems to the next government.First, we will develop the overall plan for the reform of income distribution system in China.Second, we will formulate and introduce a regulation on the expropriation and compensation of the collectively-owned rural land so as to ensure farmers' property right to the land they have contracted.Third, we will extend the coverage of old-age insurance programs to the entire Chinese population.Fourth, on the basis of the newly-set poverty standard, we are going to pre ahead with the work of poverty elimination.Fifth, we have arranged the budget for meeting the targets of raising our educational expenditure to 4% of the GDP.We must make full efforts to meet these targets and ensure the wise use of every piece of the expenditure.政府的一切权力都是人民赋予的,我们应该创造条件让人民提出意见批评政府。因此,在网上听到有“拍砖”的声音,我并不感到奇怪,我以为这是正常的事情。群众许多批评的意见值得我们深思,而政府重视和决定的许多重大问题,经常是从群众“拍砖”里头得到的。我甚至考虑,把一些经常批评政府的代表人士请到中南海,面对面地听取他们意见。如果你们注意的话,在今年政府工作报告听取意见的安排中,我们已经尝试做了,但还很不够。
All the power of the government comes from the people.We should create conditions for the people to criticize the government's work.I don't feel surprised at all that there have been some critical comments on the Internet about the performance of the government.I think that it is only natural for that to happen.I sincerely believe that the government should seriously reflect on the critical views people have made.As a matter of fact, the government has often found fruitful thoughts from those comments and views made by the public while making decisions on many major iues.I have often thought about inviting some representatives of those who regularly make critical comments on the work of the government to Zhongnanhai so that we can have a face-to-face discuion about the iues they are interested in.If you have followed the news coverage of my work of soliciting views on the report of the work of the government, you may have found out that such a practice has been tried, but I don't think it's sufficient yet.在我担任总理期间,确实谣诼不断,我虽然不为所动,但是心里也不免感到有些痛苦。这种痛苦不是信而见疑、忠而被谤的痛苦,而是我独立的人格不为人们所理解,我对社会感到有点忧虑。我将坚持人言不足恤的勇气,义无反顾地继续奋斗。
During my term of office as the premier, there have been some slanders about me.I have not allowed myself to be disturbed by those slanders.But still, they have caused some pain, not the pain because a man of integrity and loyalty has been questioned and wronged, but because my independent character has not won people's understanding.That has made me feel a little worried about this society.I'll continue to pre ahead with my work and to uphold my ideals without hesitation and misgivings and with the courage that one should not fear the rumors and slanders from others.半岛电视台记者:总理好,我是半岛电视台的记者。众所周知,中国与阿拉伯国家和中东地区的友好关系是由来已久的,中国也一直致力于与国际社会一道解决问题。而在中东问题,尤其是在叙利亚问题上,中国的立场与其他很多国家存在很大的分歧。那么中方解决叙利亚问题的立场以及出发点是什么?另外,中国如何看待阿拉伯人民追求民主的诉求?中方是否担心与阿拉伯人民的关系受到影响?谢谢。
Al Jazeera: It is well known that the friendly relations between China and Arab countries and the entire Middle-East region have had a long history.China has been committed to working with the rest of the international community to help find solutions to related problems.But on the iue of Middle-East, in particular the iue Syria, it seems that China's position varies greatly from the positions of many other countries.What is the exact position of China on the Iue of Syria and what is China's consideration behind all these efforts surrounding the Syrian iue? How does China see the Arab people's demands for democracy? Is China concerned that its relationship with the Arab people will be affected? 温家宝:在叙利亚问题上,中国没有私利,不会偏袒任何一方,包括叙利亚政府。我们将根据是非曲直来做出自己正确的判断,并决定立场。中国在叙利亚问题上的立场可以概括为四点:第一,要保障平民的生命安全。叙利亚各方都要立即停止对无辜平民的杀戮。第二,中国尊重叙利亚人民要求变革和维护自身利益的合理诉求。第三,中国支持联合国和阿盟特使对叙利亚问题的政治斡旋。第四,对叙利亚人民现在遭受的人道主义苦难,我们深表同情,已经并将继续参与国际人道主义援助。中国也在用自己的方式加紧做叙利亚各方的工作,开启政治对话的进程。阿拉伯人民追求民主的诉求,必须得到尊重和切实的回应,而且我以为,这种民主的趋势是任何力量不可阻挡的。
Wen: On the iue of Syria, China has no personal interests and China does not seek to protect any party including the Syrian government.We make our own right judgment and determine our own position on this iue on the basis of actual facts.The position of the Chinese government on the Syrian iue is four-fold: first, the lives of civilians must be protected and the killing of civilians must be immediately stopped by all relevant parties in Syria;second, China respects the legitimate aspirations for change and for the pursuits of their own interests of the Syrian people;third, China supports the special envoy jointly appointed by the UN and the Arab League in his mediation efforts;and fourth, China has deep sympathies for the humanitarian plight of the Syrian people.We have participated in the relevant international humanitarian aid and we will continue to do so.At the same time, China has, through its own ways, worked intensively on relevant parties for the early launch of a political dialogue proce.We believe that the demand for democracy by the Arab people must be respected and truly responded to.I believe that this trend towards democracy cannot be held back by any force.中国同阿拉伯有着上千年的交往史,尊重伊斯兰文明、支持阿拉伯的正义事业,是我们一贯的立场。我们已经在各领域开展了富有成效的合作。前不久,我访问了沙特、阿联酋和卡塔尔。我总的感觉,中国与阿拉伯国家、与海湾国家有着共识,合作是主流。在阿拉伯世界的变革中,中国的立场将会为阿拉伯各国所理解,并且赢得信任,最终会增进中国与阿拉伯的关系。谢谢你。
There have been friendly exchanges between China and Arab countries stretching up to 1,000 years.It has been China's consistent position to respect the Islam civilization and support the just cause of Arab countries.The two sides have engaged in productive cooperation in a wide range of areas.Not long ago, I visited Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar.I feel that there is consensus between China and Arab countries, including the Gulf countries that cooperation has been the mainstay of the relations between the two sides.As the Arab world undergoes changes, I believe that the position of the Chinese side will win the understanding and trust of the Arab countries and eventually the relations and exchanges between China and Arab countries will strengthen.中央人民广播电台记者:总理您好,我是中央人民广播电台和中国广播网的记者。最近,社会上非常关注一个案件,就是浙江吴英案,您个人觉得吴英到底该不该被判死刑?同时,您怎么看当前民间资本投融资难的问题?谢谢。China National Radio: People have paid very close attention to the Wuying case of Zhejiang Province.Do you personally think that Wuying should be sentenced to death? How do you think the difficulties confronted by private capitals in investing and financing? 温家宝:我注意到,一段时间以来社会十分关注吴英案。我想这件事情给我们的启示是:第一,对于民间借贷的法律关系和处置原则应该做深入的研究,使民间借贷有明确的法律保障。第二,对于案件的处理,一定要坚持实事求是。我注意到,最高人民法院下发了关于慎重处理民间借贷纠纷案件的通知,并且对吴英案采取了十分审慎的态度。第三,这件事情反映了民间金融的发展与我们经济社会发展的需求还不适应。现在的问题是,一方面企业,特别是小型微型企业需要大量资金,而银行又不能满足,民间又存有不少的资金。我们应该引导,允许民间资本进入金融领域,使其规范化、公开化,既鼓励发展,又加强监管。我可以告诉大家,中国人民银行和中国银监会正在积极考虑将温州的民间金融作为综合改革的试点之一。谢谢。
Wen: I have noticed that there has been much public attention paid to the Wuying case.One this matter, I want to make the following points.First, a thorough study must be conducted concerning the legal aspects of private lending and the principles that should be observed in handling this matter so that there will be clearly defined legal safeguards for private lending.Second, the Wuying case must be handled on the basis of real facts and in accordance with the laws.I have noticed that the People's Supreme Court has iued a circular requiring that all cases involving the disputes over private lending must be carefully handled and the People's Supreme Court has taken a cautious attitude toward the Wuying case.Third, the case shows that the development of private finance is not in line with the requirements of social and economic development in China.The problem we face now is that the Chinese companies especially small-and micro-enterprises need to acce a large amount of funds.The banks have yet to be able to meet the needs of those companies and there is a maive amount of idle private capitals.We should channel and allow non-governmental investment into finance.We need to bring those private financial activities into an open and standardized environment.We should encourage their development and at the same time put them under strict oversight and supervision.I can tell you here that the People's Bank of China and China Banking Regulatory Commiion(CRBC)are now actively considering launching an overall reform in this particular field with Wenzhou as one of the places to try the reform in private finance.法新社记者:总理您好,我是法新社记者。自去年以来,我们看到在中国藏区出现了一系列藏人自焚的现象。我想问您本人是否对这一现象深感关切?您认为您领导的政府将采用什么样的方式才能最好地应对这个局面?
AFP: Over the last year, there have been a series of self-demolitions in the Tibetan area of China.Is this a matter of great concern to you personally? What can your government do? What's the best way for your government to addre this situation? 温家宝:最近一段时间,在藏区发生了一些僧人自焚的现象。我们不赞成用这种极端的行动来干扰、破坏社会的和谐。年轻的僧人是无辜的,我们对他们这种行为感到十分沉痛。应该明确的是,西藏和四省藏区都是中国领土不可分割的部分。在印度达兰萨拉设立的所谓的“西藏流亡政府”,不管是*喇嘛直接操控还是间接影响,都是政教合一的,其目的就是要把西藏和藏区从祖国分离出去。在这个问题上,我们的立场和原则是坚定的。
Wen: In the past weeks and months, there have been several instances of self-demolition on the part of monks in the Tibetan-inhabited areas of China.We are opposed to taking such radical moves, which disturb and undermine social harmony.The young Tibetans are innocent.We feel deeply distreed by their behaviors.At the same time, I must point out that all should recognize that Tibet and the Tibetan-inhabited areas of four provinces are inseparable parts of China's territory.The so-called Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharamsala in India is in nature a theocratic one both under the direct control of the Dalai Lama and under his indirect influence.Its purpose is to separate Tibet and the Tibetan-inhabited areas of four provinces from the motherland.We have a firm position and principle on this matter.在西藏,我们实行民族区域自治制度。虽然西藏这些年经济社会有了很大的发展,但是毋庸讳言,西藏同内地相比较还是落后的。因此,中央已经采取了积极的措施,包括制定和落实加快西藏发展的新规划。这些政策措施的主要目的,在于提高农牧民的生活。西藏经济要发展,但同时要注意保护西藏的生态环境和文化传统。我们尊重西藏同胞的宗教信仰自由,他们的信仰是受到法律保护的。我们对藏族同胞要采取平等和尊重的态度,并且不断地改善我们的工作。谢谢。
Tibet practices regional ethnic autonomy system.Over the past years, Tibet has made significant progre in economic and social development, but we also recognize that Tibet is behind the central and eastern part of China in terms of economic and social progre.The Chinese government has taken strong measures to accelerate the economic and social development in Tibet, including the formulation and execution of a new plan for that purpose in the hope that we would be able to further lift the living standards of the farmers and herdsmen in Tibet.Tibet needs to develop its economy on a sustained basis and at the same time we must pay close attention to conservation of eco environment and preservation of cultural heritages in Tibet.We respect the freedom of religious belief of Tibetan compatriots and their religious belief is protected by the law.We must treat all our Tibetan compatriots as equals and with respect and make continuous improvement in our work in this area.如果不累的话,我们再提两个问题。
If you are not too tired, I would like to take two more questions? 中国新闻社记者:总理您好,我是中国新闻社和中国新闻网的记者。我们知道,中国经济多年来强劲增长,但贫富差距问题也日益突出。您在最近几年的政府工作报告中多次提到要努力扭转收入分配差距扩大的趋势。请问中国政府将采取哪些措施来解决这个问题?让更多的人民分享改革和发展的成果。谢谢。China News Service: The Chinese economy has sustained a robust growth over the recent years, however, the problem of widening income gap has become more acute.In your government reports in recent years, you have said several times that the government wants to reverse the trend of the widening wealth gap in China.What step will the government take to resolve this problem so that more Chinese people will be truly sharing the fruits of China's reform and development? 温家宝:关于缓解收入分配差距的问题,我想着重从四个方面入手:第一,提高城乡居民的收入,提高最低工资水平,使城乡居民的收入能与经济增长和劳动生产率的提高相适应。第二,调节收入分配。要限制高收入者的收入,特别是国有企业和国有金融企业高管人员的收入,要增加中等收入的比重。第三,建立健全社会保障制度。第四,保护合法收入和取缔非法收入。
Wen: To ease the problem of income distribution gap, I believe that it is important to take steps in the following four areas.First, we will continue to increase the income of urban and rural residents and raise the level of minimum wage so that people's income would be able to rise in tandem with economic growth and the increase in productivity.Second, we will make adjustments to income distribution.We will further regulate the income of high-income groups, in particular the income of senior executives of state-owned enterprises and state-owned financial institutions.We will increase the proportion of middle-income groups.Third, we will further improve the social security system.Fourth, we will protect lawful incomes and resolutely ban illegal incomes.我以为在收入分配当中,特别应该把握好三点:首先,就是要为所有的人创造一个学习、就业和创业的均等条件,让他们在同一起跑线上起跑。其次,要关心弱势群体的生活。一个国家如果弱势群体生活状况得以改善,那么整个国家群众生活的状况也会得以改善。第三,要重视财政和收入分配制度的改革,使共同富裕建立在制度的基础之上。谢谢。
To promote the equal distribution of income, I think that the following three points are very important: first, the government must create equal conditions for all in terms of education, employment and starting one's own businees so that all people will get started from the same starting line;second, we must pay close attention to the wellbeing of the vulnerable groups in the society.I believe that if the living conditions of the venerable groups can be improved, in eence there will be a sweeping improvement of the living standards of all the people in the society;and third, we must continue to promote the reform of the fiscal system and income distribution system so as to put in place the institutional arrangements for us to achieve the goal of common prosperity.路透社记者:总理您好,我是路透社的记者。最后两个问题,第一个问题是关于您在政府工作报告中提到的地方债务的问题,您是怎么看待这个问题?到现在为止全国各地方政府的债务已经形成什么样的规模?在处理这个问题的过程中,你有什么想法呢?到底有多少债务会进行重组,还款的期限是否会延期?在应对这个问题过程中还有什么新的政策会出台? 第二个问题是关于大家很关心的重庆市发生的所谓“王立军事件”。王立军进入美国领事馆以后,中央的有关部门已经进行调查。您本人是怎么看待这个事件的?您觉得这一事件会不会影响中央政府对重庆市政府和市委领导的信任?谢谢。
Reuters: I have two questions.You referred to the problem of local government debt in your government work report.I would like to get your personal perspective on this matter.How big exactly is the local government debt at the moment? What are your thoughts about addreing this problem? Will you consider reorganizing or reshuffling the local government debt? Will the central government consider extending the repayment maturity for the local government debt? Will the government consider iuing new policies in the proce of handling this iue? The second question is about the Wang Lijun incident, which has occurred in Chongqing.I have noticed that the relevant governmental departments of China have conducted investigation into this matter after Wang Lijun entered the U.S.Consulate.How do you see this matter? Will this matter affect the trust or confidence of the central government in the leaderships of Chongqing municipal government and CPC Chongqing municipal committee? 温家宝:关于地方政府债务问题,我想明确地告诉你以下几点:第一,中国政府债务的负担率和赤字率目前处于较低的水平,低于许多发达国家和新兴经济体。第二,政府性债务的水平是可控的、安全的。2010年,我们主动审计了地方债务,总规模为10.7万亿。2011年,新增债务仅有3亿,其中新举债21536亿,偿债21533亿。第三,对于地方债务的处置,我们将妥善处理存量,严格控制增量。对存量,主要是通过分类管理、区别对待、逐步化解的原则加以处置;对于增量,今后所有的地方债务,都必须列入财政预算和决算,接受同级人民代表大会的监督。第四,在处理地方债务上,因为大量的债务形成的还是优质资产,有现金流和收益。对于这样的企业,我们将通过它的收益来进行偿还。对于公益性项目,要通过政府,包括中央政府和地方政府负责偿还。我可以负责地告诉你,我们去年已经成功地偿还了所有义务教育阶段学校的债务。当然,在偿还地方债务中,我们也会采取市场化的办法。比如资产处置、项目转让和股权出售。总之,我们会认真对待地方债务,绝不会让它干扰中国的建设。谢谢。
Wen: On local government debt, I would like to make the following points: first, the debt-to-GDP and budget-deficit-to-GDP ratios in China are at a fairly low level.They are both lower than those of many developed countries and emerging market economies;second, the government debt level in China is at a controllable and safe level.In 2010, we audited local government debts, which stood at RMB10.7 trillion.By the end of 2011, the volume of local government debt only increased by RMB300 million.In 2011, a total of RMB2,153.6 billion of new loans were made and a total of RMB2,153.3 billion of debt was repaid;third, in the handling of the local government debt, we will properly handle the debt stock and strictly control the increase of government debt.We will properly handle the outstanding local government debt in a step-by-step manner by claifying the debt into different categories and managing them accordingly.For any incremental debt, all the local government debt must be incorporated into the local government budget and final accounts subject to the supervision of people's congrees at the same level;fourth, the majority of local government debt is in the form of high-quality aets with stable cash flows and promising returns.The debt of such projects can be repaid by the returns made from those projects.For public welfare projects, both the central and local governments will find ways for repayment.I can tell you responsibly that last year we have been able to pay off the debts of the schools engaging in compulsory education.At the same time, we will let the market play a role in handling the local government debt through such ways as aets disposal, project transfer and equity sales.In a word, we will take the matter of local government debt very seriously and we will not allow it to adversely affect China's development.王立军事件发生以后,引起社会的高度关注,国际社会也十分关注。我可以告诉大家,中央高度重视,立即责成有关部门进行专门调查。目前调查已经取得进展,我们将以事实为依据,以法律为准则,严格依法办理。调查和处理的结果一定会给人民以回答,并且经受住法律和历史的检验。
The Wang Lijun incident has received high attention from the people in China and from the international community.I would like to tell you that the central authorities have taken this matter very seriously.After the incident took place, the central authorities immediately instructed the related departments to launch an investigation into this matter.So far progre has been made in the investigation.We will handle this iue in strict accordance with the law and on the basis of actual facts.As far as the results of the investigation and how this matter is handled are concerned, an answer must be given to the people and the results of the investigation should be able to withstand the test of the law and the history.多年来,重庆市历届政府和广大人民群众,为改革建设事业付出了很大的努力,也取得了明显的成绩。但是,现任重庆市委和市政府必须反思,并认真从王立军事件中吸取教训。
Over the years, the succeive governments of Chongqing and the people in Chongqing have made tremendous efforts to promote reform and development in Chongqing and they have accomplished remarkable achievements in this regard.The current party committee and municipal government of Chongqing must seriously reflect on the Wang Lijun incident and draw leons from this incident.我在这里想讲一段话。建国以来,在党和政府的领导下,我国的现代化建设事业取得了巨大的成就,但是我们也走过弯路,有过教训。党的十一届三中全会,特别是中央作出关于正确处理若干历史问题的决议以来,确立了解放思想、实事求是的思想路线和党的基本路线,并且做出了改革开放这一决定中国命运和前途的重大抉择。历史告诉我们,一切符合人民利益的实践,都要认真吸取历史的经验教训,并且经受住历史和实践的考验。这个道理全国人民懂得。因此,我们对未来抱有信心。
I would also add some comments here.Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, under the leadership of our party and the government, we have made remarkable achievements in advancing our modernization drive, yet at the same time, we have taken some detours and learned hard leons.Since the 3rd plenary seion of the 11th CPC Central Committee, in particular, since the central authorities took the decision on correctly handling relevant historical iues, we have established the line of thinking that we should free our mind and seek truth from facts and we have formulated the basic guideline of our party, in particular we have taken the decision of conducting reform and opening-up in China, a decision crucial for China's destiny and future.What had happened shows that any practice we take must be based on the experiences and leons we have gained from history and must serve people's interest and that any practice we take must be able to withstand the test of history and the reality.I believe that the people fully recognize this point and I have full confidence in our future.我认真没有敷衍地回答了记者朋友的每一个问题,整整三个小时了。是不是可以结束了?
I have given serous answers to all the questions from the journalists and none of my answers is a perfunctory one.It's been three hours and I suppose we could call it the end of our pre conference.Thank you.李肇星:好,今天会议到此结束。感谢温总理,谢谢各位记者朋友。温家宝:谢谢大家,再见。
大会新闻发言人、本次记者会主持人 李肇星: 女士们、先生们,上午好。我们高兴地邀请到温家宝总理与中外记者见面,并回答大家的提问。现在请总理讲话。Ladies and Gentlemen,......
1.Host: Feng Qilin is one of the most talented students in our cla, she is a member of our Graduate Union and the secretary of the Party branch of our cla.Welco......
女士们先生们上午好,我们高兴的邀请到温家宝总理与中外记者见面并回答大家的提问。现在请总理讲话Ladies and Gentlemen: good morning, today we have the great pleasure t......