PPT: King Huiwen’s court
人物: 赵惠文王(牛琪雯),太监(段修松),大臣数人(剩下人)、廉颇(杨擎钥),缪贤(张旭)
旁白:LP was an able general of zhao.In the sixteen year of king Huiwen, he commanded the Zhao army against Qi and defeated its troops, taking the city of Yanjin.Then he was made a chief minister and was known for his prowne to all the states.LXR, a man of Zhao, was the steward of Mu Xian the chief eunuch.旁白:King Huiwen had come into poeion of the jade of Pian He, a man of Chu.When King Zhao of Qin knew this, he sent an envoy with a letter to the king of Zhao, offering fifteen cities in exchange for the jade.[赵王在书桌前办理公事]
太监:your Majesty.[赵王接过文书,见是秦王书,皱眉深思,打开文书]
赵王:(叹气)King of Qin learnt about my poeion of jade of He.He offered fifteen cities in exchange for the jade.(抚摸面前的和氏璧,哭)
赵王:my ministers, you all know a lot about the origin of this pricele jade.A man in favor of jade like me, can never loose the poeion of this value!
廉颇:your Majesty, can I state my humble opinion?
赵王:go ahead, my General.廉颇:men as great as your Majesty are always in taste of precious jade, since their equivalent virtues are prefects delivered.However, compared to fifteen cities, the value of the jade could be for another thought.I worry that if the jade were sent to Qin, we might be cheated and get no cities in return, yet if we refused, the soldiers of Qin might attack.[众人点头]
赵王:that is indeed what I’m concerned with!
缪贤:my majesty!
缪贤:my majesty, here I have my humble opinions: if there is nobody take the task, let me recommend my steward LXR , who would be a good envoy.赵王点头,并不完全信任
旁白:the king thereupon summoned LXR.[赵王坐于桌前]
赵王:should I accept the king if Qin’s offer to fifteen cities in exchange for my jade?
LXR: Qin is strong, we are weak.We cannot refuse.赵王:what if he takes my jade but will not give me the cities?
LXR: if we refuse Qin’s offer of cities in exchange for the jade, that put us in the wrong;but if we give up the jade and get no cities that puts Qin in the wrong.Of these two courses, the better one is to agree and put Qin in the wrong.赵王:who can be our envoy?
LXR: if your Majesty has no one else, I will gladly take the jade and go on this miion.If the cities are given to Zhao, the jade will remain in Qin.If no cities are given, I shall bring the jade back unscathed.旁白:so the king of Zhao sent LXR with the jade west to Qin.Scene
人物:蔺相如(廖惠林),秦王(邓小军),秦王侍者(刘文静),美人1(周萌),2(章琪)3(赵成丽)PPT: King Zhao of Qin
旁白: The king of Qin sat in his pleasure pavilion to receive LXR.[LXR入,手持璧,呈侍者]
秦王:(大喜,笑)oh, look!What a beautiful pattern, what brilliant color!I shall tell all of you, my ministers that I like the jade very much!"
美人1:it is magnificent!Everyone in the world should admire the exquisite pattern and the beautiful colors!
美人2:No precious in the earth can ever be compared to this jade!
美人3:Oh, it is very pretty, exceedingly beautiful!
秦王(举酒杯):my ministers, let us toast for this bleed jade!
旁白: seeing that the king had no intention of giving any cities to Zhao, LXR stepped forward and said---
LXR: there is a flaw on the jade.Let me show you, sir.[秦侍者将玉递给蔺相如]
LXR:(瞪眼,但神情稍缓和)when our sovereign summoned his ministers to discu the letter, our concern was whether we two fellows in homespun could trust each other, and we hold your great country.The King of Zhao, sent me to you, to show respect and awe to you.But you treated me with contempt.I can see you have no intention of giving Zhao those cities;I'll take back the jade.If you use the force against me, I will smash my head and the jade against this pillar!
秦王:(惊恐状)Oh, Minister Lin.It is not what I mean!I beg you know that!Here, here, I’ll Gove you the cities.Officer!Fetch my map, I’ll point out fifteen good cities to Zhao!
旁白:LXR, thinking this was a subterfuge and that Zhao would never really get the cities, declared---
LXR: the jade of Pian He is a treasure known throughout the world, it is only right, fo you to fast for five days and the prepare a grand court reception.旁白:since he could nto seise the jade by force, the king agreed to fast for five days, during which time LXR should be lodged in the GuangCheng Hostle.However,LXR suspected that the king would not keep the promise.He made one of his followers dreed in rags, concealing the jade and hurry back to Zhao by paths.Scene
旁白:when the king of Qin fasted for five days, he prepared a grand reception for Zhao’s envot.Lin xiangru, arriving , announced to the king---
LXR:I have already sent the jade back to Zhao.I know I desere death for deceiving you and be to be boiled in the cauldron, great king!
秦王:killing him now will not get us back the jade but would spoil relation with zhao.Better trat hik kandsomely and send him back.The kin gof zhao dare not resk offending qin for the sake os a piece of jade.旁白:thereupon he entertained LXR in his court, dismiing him when the ceremony was over.The king of zhao was so pleased with the skill with which LXR had saved the state and gave him a high coulncillor on his return.Scene
PPT: Meeting at Minchi
旁白:then the king of Qin sent an envoy to the king of Zhao, proposing a friendly meeting in Minchi.The king hesitated to go, for fear of Qin.However, LXR persuaded him to the king of Qin’s court, even at the risk of death.The king of Qin, merry after drinking, said---
秦王:(坏笑,举杯向赵王)I have heard that the king of Zhao is a good musician.Will you play the cithem for me? 赵王(环顾左右,面色尴尬,点头):alright, I’ll play it.秦御史(书写状):on such-and-such a day, the king of Qin drank with the king of Zhao and orders the king of Zhao to play the cithem.LXR:(起身,躬身面向秦王)the king of Zhao has heard that the king of Qin is a good hand at Qin music.Will you entertain us with a tune on the pither?
秦王:that’s enough of your insolence, Minister Lin!
LXR:(大声)I am only five steps from you.I can bespatter you, great king, with the blood from your throat!
赵御史: on such-and-such a date, the king of Qin played the pither for the king of Zhao.秦臣:(愤怒,争相)we hope Zhao will present fifteen cities to the king of Qin.LXR: we hope Qin will present Xiangyang to the king of Zhao!
旁白:upon their return to Zhao after this meeting, LXR was appointed a chief minister for his outstanding service, taking precedence over Lian Po, who got quite furious and swore to humiliate LXR.Scene 6
PPT: Lian Po’s House
LP:(拔剑)as a general of Zhaoi have served the state well in the field and stormed amany cities.All LXR can sdoi id wag his tongue, yet now he is above me.I’d shame to work under sucj a base-born fellow.When I meet LXR, I’KK HUMILIATE him!
PPT: Lin Xiangru’s study
舍人1:my lord, you are absent from court again.舍人2:you cannot pretend to be sick everytime on grounds of illne.You take the precedence od LP!.舍人3:we left our kinsmen to serve you because we admired your lofty character, sir.Now you have the same rank as LP, but when he insults you in public you try to avoid him and look abjectly afraid.We must beg to resign.LXR:(拂袖,示意打断)is General LP as powerful as in you eyes as the king of Qin?
舍人1:of course not.LXR: if I lash out at king of Qin, why should I be afraid of General LP? When two tigers fight, one must perish.I behave as I do because I put out country’s fate before private feuds.Scene 6
旁白:when word of this reached LP, he bared his shoulders, fastened a switch of thors to his back and had a protégé conduct him to LXR’s gate.He apologized---
廉颇:(入,负荆)boor I am, I could not understand your magnanimity, sir!
LXR:(扶起廉颇)I admire you the General for your serving the state well in the field and stormed the cities.It will be my honor to be the fellow of yours!
旁白:they became close friends, ready to die for each other.THE END
《廉颇蔺相如》列传一,1一词多义 ,解释。⑴负①秦贪,负其强②臣诚恐见欺于王而负赵③相如度秦王虽斋,决负约不偿城④均之二策,宁许以负秦曲⑤谦颇闻之,肉袒负荆 ⑵使①秦昭王闻之,......
廉颇蔺相如列传1.下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是(3分)....A.绯闻/扉页憎恨/增长蜕皮/兑现稗官/睥睨 ........B.蹩进/瞥见愧怍/咋舌胚芽/泥坯缱绻/疲倦 ........C.吝啬/稼穑抛锚/瞄准国粹/......
廉颇蔺相如列传主讲:周广忠 教学目的1.认识蔺相如机智勇敢、不畏强暴和顾全大局的精神;认识廉颇公忠体国和勇于改过的精神。2.了解史传作品在选材和布局上的特点。 教学过程:一......